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English-German translation for: [Graham]
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Dictionary English German: [Graham]

Translation 1 - 49 of 49

English German
dance contraction [Martha Graham]
Anspannung {f}
gastr. s'more [traditional campfire treat; roasted marshmallow and chocolate sandwiched between two pieces of graham cracker]
S'more {n} [trad. Lagerfeuer-Snack (Kekssandwich mit Marshmallows und Schokoladestückchen)]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F A Burnt-Out Case [Graham Greene]Ein ausgebrannter Fall
lit. F A Gun for Sale / This Gun For Hire [Graham Greene]Das Attentat
lit. F A Sort of Life [Graham Greene]Eine Art Leben
lit. F Brighton Rock [Graham Greene]Am Abgrund des Lebens
film F Captain Clegg [Peter Graham Scott]Die Bande des Captain Clegg
lit. F Doctor Fischer of Geneva: or The Bomb Party [Graham Greene]Dr. Fischer aus Genf oder Die Bomben-Party
lit. F England Made Me [Graham Greene]Ein Sohn Englands
lit. F Ever After [Graham Swift]Von jenem Tage an
lit. F Getting to Know the General [Graham Greene]Mein Freund, der General
lit. F Here We Are [Graham Swift]Da sind wir
lit. F It's a Battlefield [Graham Greene]Das Schlachtfeld des Lebens
lit. F Journey without Maps [Graham Greene]Der Weg nach Afrika
lit. F Last Orders [Graham Swift]Letzte Runde
lit. F Lord Rochester's Monkey [Graham Greene]Lord Rochesters Affe
lit. F Loser Takes All [Graham Greene]Heirate nie in Monte Carlo
lit. F Monsignor Quixote [Graham Greene]Monsignore Quijote
lit. F Mothering Sunday [Graham Swift]Ein Festtag
film F Omen III: The Final Conflict [Graham Baker]Barbara's BabyOmen III
film lit. F Our Man in Havana [novel: Graham Greene, film: Carol Reed]Unser Mann in Havanna
film F Return to the Blue Lagoon [William A. Graham]Rückkehr zur blauen Lagune
lit. F Shuttlecock [Graham Swift]Alias Federball
lit. F Stamboul Train [Graham Greene] [Br.]Orient-Express
lit. F The Captain and the Enemy [Graham Greene]Ein Mann mit vielen Namen
lit. F The Comedians [novel: Graham Greene, film: Peter Glenville]Die Stunde der Komödianten
lit. F The Confidential Agent [Graham Greene]Jagd im Nebel
film lit. F The End of the Affair [novel: Graham Greene (1951); films: Edward Dmytryk (1955), Neil Jordan (1999)]Das Ende einer Affäre
lit. F The Heart of the Matter [Graham Greene]Das Herz aller Dinge
lit. F The Honorary Consul [Graham Greene]Der Honorarkonsul
film lit. F The Human Factor [novel: Graham Greene, film: Otto Preminger]Der menschliche Faktor
lit. F The Lawless Roads / Another Mexico [Graham Greene]Gesetzlose Straßen
lit. F The Light of Day [Graham Swift]Das helle Licht des Tages
lit. F The Man Within [Graham Greene]Zwiespalt der Seele
lit. F The Ministry of Fear [Graham Greene]Zentrum des Schreckens
lit. F The Orient Express [Graham Greene] [Am.]Orient-Express
film F The Passionate Adventure [Graham Cutts]Ehe in Gefahr
lit. F The Power and the Glory / The Labyrinthine Ways [Graham Greene]Die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit
film F The Prude's Fall [Graham Cutts]Seine zweite Frau
lit. F The Quiet American [Graham Greene]Der stille Amerikaner
lit. F The Sweet Shop Owner [Graham Swift]Ein ernstes Leben
lit. F The Tenth Man [Graham Greene]Der zehnte Mann
lit. F The Third Man [Graham Greene]Der dritte Mann
lit. F Tomorrow [Graham Swift]Im Labyrinth der Nacht
lit. F Travels With My Aunt [Graham Greene]Reisen mit meiner Tante
lit. F Waterland [Graham Swift]Wasserland
lit. F Wish You Were Here [Graham Swift]Wärst du doch hier
film F Woman to Woman [Graham Cutts]Weib gegen Weib
comics F Fred Basset [title character and name of comic strip by Alex Graham]Wurzel {m}
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