| English | German | |
| hist. Thespian {adj} [related to the ancient Greek city of Thespiae] | 11 thespisch [bezogen auf die altgriechische Stadt Thespiai] | |
| ling. anarthrous {adj} [used without the article (esp. in Greek grammar)] | ohne Artikel gebraucht [bes. im Griechischen] | |
| ling. anarthrous {adj} [without article (esp. in Greek grammar)] | ohne Artikel [nachgestellt] [bes. im Griechischen] | |
| Unverified bubble [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang: bubble and squeak = Greek person] | [Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Grieche / Griechin] | |
| mixobarbaric {adj} [obs.] [also: mixo-barbaric] [both Greek and non-Greek] | halbbarbarisch [Griechisch und nicht-Griechisch] | |
Nouns |
| iota <Ι, ι> [Greek letter] | 84 Jota {n} <Ι, ι> [griechischer Buchstabe] | |
| delta <Δ, δ> [Greek letter] | 43 Delta {n} <Δ, δ> [griechischer Buchstabe] | |
| hist. law Draco [Greek lawgiver] | 21 Drakon {m} | |
| hist. mus. lit. paean [in ancient Greek poetry and music] | 16 Päan {m} [feierlicher altgriech. Gesang] | |
| lit. myth. Zephyr [also Zephyrus] [Greek god of the west wind] | 15 Zephir {m} [griech. Gott des Westwinds] | |
| archaeo. crater [ancient Greek jar] | 13 Krater {m} [altgriech. Krug] | |
| mus. theatre coryphaeus [leader of the chorus in the ancient Greek drama] | 12 Koryphäe {m} [Chorführer im altgriechischen Drama] | |
| archaeo. krater [ancient Greek jar] | 12 Krater {m} [altgriech. Krug] | |
| hist. lit. Homer [ancient Greek poet] | 9 Homer {m} [antiker griechischer Dichter] | |
| curr. drachma [Greek currency] | 7 Drachme {f} [griech. Währung] | |
| iota <Ι, ι> [Greek letter] | 7 Iota {n} <Ι, ι> [griechischer Buchstabe] | |
| hist. mus. lit. paean [in ancient Greek poetry and music] | 7 Paian {m} [feierlicher altgriech. Gesang] | |
| lit. myth. Zephyr [also Zephyrus] [Greek god of the west wind] | 7 Zephyr {m} [griech. Gott des Westwinds] | |
| art hist. coroplast [modeler of terracotta figurines in Greek antiquity] | 6 Koroplastiker {m} | |
| art hist. koroplast [modeler of terracotta figurines in Greek antiquity] | 6 Koroplastiker {m} | |
| anat. organon [Greek for: organ] | 6 Organ {n} | |
| geogr. Rhodes [Greek island] | 6 Rhodos {n} [griech. Insel] | |
| archaeo. krater [ancient Greek jar] | 5 Mischkrug {m} [Krater] | |
| hist. lit. Alcaeus [Greek poet] | Alkaios {m} | |
| alpha <Α, α> [Greek letter] | Alpha {n} <Α, α> [griechischer Buchstabe] | |
| myth. oenol. Ampelos [old Greek for "vine" personified as a beautiful satyr] | Ampelos {m} | |
| myth. Aphea [Greek goddess] | Aphaia {f} | |
| lit. arsis [Greek scansion] | unbetonte Silbe {f} | |
| hist. lit. Bacchylides [ancient Greek poet] | Bakchylides {m} | |
| beta <Β, β, ϐ> [Greek letter] | Beta {n} <Β, β, ϐ> [griechischer Buchstabe] | |
| lit. Callinus [Greek poet] | Kallinos {m} [griechischer Dichter] | |
| myth. Charon [Greek mythology: Χάρων] | Charon {m} | |
| mus. chelys [greek lyra, later also used for members of the viol family] | Chelys {f} [griech. Schildkrötenleier, später auch Bezeichnung für Gamben] | |
| chi <Χ, χ> [Greek letter] | Chi {n} <Χ, χ> [griechischer Buchstabe] | |
| hist. philos. Critias [ancient Greek statesman and philosopher] | Kritias {m} | |
| hist. Ctesias [Greek historian] | Ktesias {m} | |
| hist. Ctesibius [Greek inventor of the 3rd cent. B.C.] | Ktesibios {m} [griechischer Erfinder im 3. Jh. v. Chr.] | |
| ling. digamma [δίγαμμα] <Ϝ, ϝ> [archaic Greek letter] | Digamma {n} | |
| hist. dioptra [in Ancient Greek astronomy] | Dioptra {f} [geodätisches Instrument] | |
| myth. Echo [Greek mountain nymph] | Echo {f} [griechische Bergnymphe] | |
| epsilon <Ε, ε, ϵ> [Greek letter] | Epsilon {n} <Ε, ε, ϵ> [griechischer Buchstabe] | |
| myth. Ersa [Greek goddess] | Ersa {f} [griechische Göttin] | |
| eta <Η, η> [Greek letter] | Eta {n} <Η, η> [griechischer Buchstabe] | |
| mil. evzone [member of the Greek Presidential Guard] | Evzone {m} [Angehöriger der griechischen Präsidialgarde] | |
| gamma <Γ, γ> [Greek letter] | Gamma {n} <Γ, γ> [griechischer Buchstabe] | |
| hist. sports gymnast [teacher or gymnast in a Greek gymnasium] | Gymnast {m} [Lehrer oder Turner im griechischen Gymnasion] | |
| hist. lit. Hesiod [ancient Greek poet] | Hesiod {m} [antiker griechischer Dichter] | |
| myth. Hymen [Greek god of marriage ceremonies] | Hymen {m} [griechischer Gott der Hochzeit] | |
| myth. Hymen [Greek god of marriage] | Hymenaios {m} [griechischer Gott der Hochzeit] | |
| myth. Hymenaeus [Greek god of marriage] | Hymen {m} [griechischer Gott der Hochzeit] | |
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