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English-German translation for: [Green]
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Dictionary English German: [Green]

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[pejorative adjective to describe followers of the leftwing and green political movements] {adj}linksgrünversifft [ugs.] [pej.] [auch: linksgrün-versifft, linksgrün versifft]
bleen {adj} [neol.] [rare] [portmanteau of blue and green]blün [Neol.] [selten] [Kofferwort aus blau und grün]
verdurous {adj} [colour] [lush green]saftig grün
verdurous {adj} [colour] [lush green]satt grün
verdurous {adj} [colour] [lush green]üppig grün
hort. to verticut sth. [a green]
etw. vertikutieren [Rasen mit einem Vertikalschnitt schneiden]
pol. [to form a coalition between the CDU, FDP and Green Party]schwampeln [ugs.] [eine Koalition aus CDU, FDP und den Grünen bilden]
FoodInd. freekeh [green spelt]
Grünkern {m}
greens [shades of green]
Grüns {pl}
pol. Green [female member of Green Party] [capitalization varies]
Grüne {f}
herald. vert [heraldic color green]
Grün {n}
orn. T
fern [attr.] [e.g. frond, green, species]
Farn- [Wedel, Grün, Art]
pol. Green [belonging to a Green Party] [capitalization varies]
Grüner {m}
sports bowler [at bowls, on a bowling green]
Bowlsspieler {m}
pol. [coalition between the CDU, FDP and Green Party]Schwampel-Koalition {f} [ugs.] [auch: Schwampelkoalition] [Zusammenziehung aus »Schwarz« und »Ampelkoalition«]
[village built around a village green]Angerdorf {n}
med. achloropsia [green-blindness]Achloropsie {f} [Grünblindheit]
bot. chlorosis [a deficiency of chlorophyll in green plants]Chlorophyllmangel {m} [Chlorose]
electr. tools Greenie [Am.] [coll.] [green handled Xcelite® slot screwdriver]Xcelite-Schraubendreher {m} [Xcelite®] [fachspr. nach DIN] [kleiner Schlitzschraubendreher]
gastr. greens {pl} [green vegetables]Gemüse {n} [Sammelbegriff] [Blattgemüse]
gastr. greenstuff [green vegetables]grünes Gemüse {n} [Sammelbegriff]
zool. T
zool. T
hort. parkland [green space with trees]Parkanlage {f}
geogr. Vermont <VT> [Green Mountain State]Vermont {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
hort. verticutting [a green]Vertikutieren {n} [Rasen mit Vertikalschnitt bearbeiten, vertikales Mähen]
2 Words: Others
tinged with sth. {adj} [postpos.] [e.g. yellow tinged with green]in etw.Akk. spielend [z. B. ein ins Grünliche spielendes Gelb]
2 Words: Nouns
ecol. brown energy [as opposed to green energy]fossile Energie {f}
chem. emerald green [Paris green]Pariser Grün {n} [Kupfer(II)-arsenitacetat]
art English green [Brunswick green]braunschweigisches Grün {n}
ind. jobs green jobs [green-collar jobs]grüne Arbeitsplätze {pl} [auch: Green Jobs]
traffic travel green light [green traffic light]grüne Ampel {f}
ecol. hort. urban green lung [idiom] [green spaces, parks etc. in urban regions]grüne Lunge {f} [Redewendung] [Grünflächen, Parks etc. in Großstädten]
pol. green party [also: Green party]Ökopartei {n}
tech. green sand [used in mold casting and not green in color]Nassgussformsand {m}
med. green-sickness [also: green sickness] [archaic] [hypochromic anemia]hypochrome Anämie {f}
math. Green's formulas [Green's identities]greensche Formeln {pl}
math. Green's theorem [also: theorem of Green]Satz {m} von Green [auch: Satz von Gauß-Green]
math. Green's theorems [also: theorems of Green, Green's identities]greensche Theoreme {pl}
chem. imperial green [Paris green]Schweinfurter Grün {n}
Irish green [shamrock green]Irischgrün {n}
pol. Jamaica coalition [coalition between the CDU, FDP and Green Party]Jamaika-Koalition {f}
FireResc med. minor care <T III> [color of triage: green]nicht dringliche Behandlung {f} <SK III, T3> [Kennfarbe grün]
chem. Mitis green [Paris green, Schweinfurt green]Mitisgrün {n} [Kupfer(II)-arsenitacetat]
chem. phthalo green [phthalocyanine green G]Phthalocyaningrün {n} [Pigment Grün 7]
ecol. refuse sack [Br.] [various colours: black, clear, white, red, green, blue, yellow, etc.]Müllsack {m}
chem. Vienna green [Paris green]Wiener Grün {n} [Kupfer(II)-arsenitacetat]
3 Words: Others
yellow / green striped {adj} [yellow-green / yellow/green striped]gelb-grün gestreift
3 Words: Nouns
art chem. (acidic) copper arsenite [Scheele's Green]Kupfer(II)-arsenit {n}
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