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English-German translation for: [Guest]
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Dictionary English German: [Guest]

Translation 1 - 27 of 27

English German
regular {adj} [attr.] [e.g. customer, guest, haunt, player]
Stamm- [z. B. Kunde, Gast, Lokal, Spieler]
to entertain sb. [receive sb. as a guest and provide them with food and drink]
jdn. verköstigen [(Gäste) bewirten]
denizen [regular guest, patron]
Stammgast {m}
sticker [guest]
Hocker {m} [Gast, der endlos sitzen bleibt]
internship [unpaid attendance as guest for a limited time]
Hospitanz {f} [unbezahlte Tätigkeit zum Kennenlernen eines Berufsfeldes]
comm. travel turnover [of guest rooms]
Bettenwechsel {m}
gastr. [discreet removal of a deceased hotel guest]kalte Abreise {f} [Jargon] [euph.] [(diskreter) Abtransport einer in einem Hotel verstorbenen Person]
[young girl, who in the company of other young girls, greets an important guest at a celebration]Ehrenjungfrau {f} [veraltet]
travel bed [for a paying guest]Fremdenbett {n} [für einen Hotelgast o. Ä. bereitstehendes Bett]
travel casita [small house, esp. guest house]Häuschen {n} [bes. Gästeunterkunft]
relig. xenodochium [rare] [guest-room for pilgrims]Gästezimmer {n} [für Pilger]
hist. relig. spec. xenodochium [rare] [guest-room for pilgrims]Xenodochium {n} [selten]
2 Words
to stay with sb. [as a guest or visitor]bei jdm. wohnen
to take sb. in [accommodate, receive as a guest]jdn. (bei sichDat.) aufnehmen
party-goer [also: partygoer] [guest at party]Partygast {m}
idiom plus one [partner or guest]Begleitung {f} [Partner oder Gast]
3 Words
idiom Knock yourself out! [Am.] [coll.] [be my guest]Tu dir keinen Zwang an! [oft zynisch] [ugs. für: Wenn du (unbedingt) willst, dann tu es doch!]
4 Words
average duration of stay [per guest]Durchschnittsaufenthaltsdauer {f} [pro Gast]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Casino Royale [Val Guest etc. 1967]Casino Royale
film F Hell is a City [Val Guest]Hetzjagd
film F Quatermass 2 [Val Guest]Feinde aus dem Nichts
film F The Abominable Snowman [Val Guest]Yeti, der Schneemensch
film F The Big Picture [Christopher Guest]The Big Picture
film F The Men of Sherwood Forest [Val Guest]Robin Hood, der rote Rächer
film F The Quatermass Xperiment [Val Guest]Schock
film F When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth [Val Guest]Als Dinosaurier die Erde beherrschten
film F Yesterday's Enemy [Val Guest]Feinde von gestern
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