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Partial Matches |
| orn. mute swan pair | Höckerschwanenpaar {n} [auch: Höckerschwanen-Paar] | |
| math. unordered pair | Paarmenge {f} [ungeordnetes Paar] | |
| math. unordered pair | Zweiermenge {f} [ungeordnetes Paar] | |
| to break up | sich trennen [Paar] | |
| to form a pair | zusammengehören [als Paar] | |
| biochem. chlorophyll pair | Chlorophyllpaar {n} [auch: Chlorophyll-Paar] | |
| dual-income couple {sg} | Doppelverdiener {pl} [Paar] | |
| mus. pair of cymbals | Handzimbeln {pl} [ein Paar] | |
| biochem. nucleotide pair | Nukleotidpaar {n} [auch: Nukleotid-Paar] | |
| chem. redox pair | Redoxpaar {n} [auch: Redox-Paar] | |
| gay couple | Regenbogenpaar {n} [ugs.] [gleichgeschlechtliches Paar] | |
| mus. pair of cymbals | Tschinellen {pl} [ein Paar] | |
| married couple {sg} | Verheiratete {pl} [verheiratetes Paar] | |
| to break off [relationship] | sich trennen [Paar] | |
| orn. pair of albatross | Albatrospaar {n} [auch: Albatros-Paar] | |
| orn. pair of albatrosses | Albatrospaar {n} [auch: Albatros-Paar] | |
| orn. pair of macaws | Arapaar {n} [auch: Ara-Paar] | |
| orn. bearded vulture pair | Bartgeierpaar {n} [auch: Bartgeier-Paar] | |
| cloth. blue jeans {pl} [one pair] | Bluejeans {f} {pl} [ein Paar] | |
| orn. pair of chaffinches | Buchfinkenpaar {n} [auch: Buchfinken-Paar] | |
| orn. pair of jackdaws | Dohlenpaar {n} [auch: Dohlen-Paar] | |
| orn. mute swan pair | Höckerschwanpaar {n} [auch: Höckerschwan-Paar] | |
| cloth. hipster jeans {pl} [one pair] | Hüftjeans {f} {pl} [ein Paar] | |
| orn. pair of cormorants | Kormoranpaar {n} [auch: Kormoran-Paar] | |
| cloth. girls' jeans {pl} [one pair] | Mädchenjeans {f} {pl} [ein Paar] | |
| cloth. drainpipe jeans {pl} [one pair] | Röhrenjeans {f} {pl} [ein Paar] | |
| cloth. flared jeans {pl} [one pair] | Schlagjeans {f} {pl} [ein Paar] | |
| orn. pair of gadwalls | Schnatterentenpaar {n} [auch: Schnatterenten-Paar] | |
| orn. pair of sparrows | Spatzenpaar {n} [auch: Spatzen-Paar] | |
| orn. golden eagle pair | Steinadlerpaar {n} [auch: Steinadler-Paar] | |
| orn. pair of mallards | Stockentenpaar {n} [auch Stockenten-Paar] | |
| engaged couple {sg} | Brautleute {pl} [Paar vor der Hochzeit] | |
| orn. pair of goosanders [Br.] | Gänsesägerpaar {n} [auch: Gänsesäger-Paar] | |
| orn. pair of great bustards | Großtrappenpaar {n} [auch: Großtrappen-Paar] | |
| mus. pairs of cymbals | Handzimbeln {pl} [mehr als ein Paar] | |
| cloth. low-cut jeans {pl} [one pair] | Hüftjeans {f} {pl} [ein Paar] | |
| cloth. low-rise jeans {pl} [one pair] | Hüftjeans {f} {pl} [ein Paar] | |
| orn. pair of common ravens | Kolkrabenpaar {n} [auch: Kolkraben-Paar] | |
| cloth. favorite jeans {pl} [Am.] [one pair] | Lieblingsjeans {f} {pl} [ein Paar] | |
| cloth. favourite jeans {pl} [Br.] [one pair] | Lieblingsjeans {f} {pl} [ein Paar] | |
| cloth. (kick) flare jeans {pl} [one pair] | Schlagjeans {f} {pl} [ein Paar] | |
| orn. pair of (northern) pintails | Spießentenpaar {n} [auch: Spießenten-Paar] | |
| elopement | Weglaufen {n} [sich als Paar heimlich davonmachen, ausreißen] | |
| cloth. jazz pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.] | Jazzpants {f} [auch {pl}] [ein Paar] | |
| a couple of times {adv} | ein-, zweimal [ugs.] [ein paar Mal] | |
| electr. Sziklai pair [complementary Darlington] | Komplementär-Darlington-Schaltung {f} [auch: Sziklai-Paar] | |
| phys. hole-electron pair | Loch-Elektron-Paar {n} [selten] [Elektron-Loch-Paar] | |
| dinky [coll.] [double income, no kids yet] | [junges, wohlhabendes, kinderloses Paar] | |
| in the last (few) days {adv} | dieser Tage [in den letzten (paar) Tagen] | |
| in the next (few) days {adv} | dieser Tage [in den nächsten (paar) Tagen] | |
| agr. to unyoke sth. [esp. a pair of oxen] | etw. abspannen [bes. ein Paar Ochsen] | |
| cloth. trousers {pl} [one pair] | Hosen {pl} [auch {f}] [veraltend, noch regional für: eine Hose, ein Paar Hosen] | |
| art artist {adj} [attr.] [e.g. biography, colony, couple, group] | Künstler- [z. B. Biographie, Kolonie, Paar, Gruppe] | |
| educ. jobs teaching {adj} [attr.] [e.g. certificate, couple, position, profession] | Lehrer- [z. B. Diplom, Paar, Stelle, Beruf] | |
| bike pair of panniers [at a bicycle's rear or front wheel] | Fahrradtaschenpaar {n} [auch: Fahrradtaschen-Paar] | |
| parental {adj} [e.g. allowance, couple, duties, home, love] | Eltern- [z. B. Geld, Paar, Pflichten, Haus, Liebe] | |
| bike pair of paniers [spv.] [at a bicycle's rear or front wheel] | Fahrradtaschenpaar {n} [auch: Fahrradtaschen-Paar] | |
| over the next few days {adv} | die nächsten paar Tage über [ugs.] [während der nächsten paar Tage] | |
| cloth. flared jeans {pl} [one pair] | Jeans {f} {pl} mit Schlag [ein Paar] | |
| cloth. joggers {pl} [one pair of trousers] | Joggers {f} {pl} [ein Paar] | |
| cloth. cuffed jeans {pl} [one pair] | umgeschlagene Jeans {f} {pl} [ein Paar] | |
| cloth. jeggings™ {pl} [one pair] [less often also: jegging] | Jeggings {pl} [ein Paar] | |
| cloth. sagging pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.] | Saggy Pants {f} [auch {pl}] [ein Paar] | |
| cloth. jeans {pl} [one pair] | Jeans {f} [auch {pl}] [ein Paar] | |
| shower (party) [Am.] [for bride-to-be] | [Party, bei der jeder ein Geschenk für das zukünftige Paar mitbringt] | |
| cloth. pair {sg} of pants [Br.] [underpants] | Unterhosen {pl} [auch {f}] [veraltend, noch regional für: eine Unterhose, ein Paar Unterhosen] | |
| dyad [two units treated as one; a couple; a pair] | Gespann {n} [ein Paar] | |
| bridal {adj} [e.g. bouquet, carriage, couple, gown, magazine, suite] | Hochzeits- [Braut-] [z. B. Strauß, Kutsche, Paar, Kleid, Magazin, Suite] | |
| cloth. dhoti pants {pl} [also: Dhoti pants] [one pair] | Dhoti-Pants {f} [auch {pl}] [ein Paar] | |
| electr. pair in metal foil cable <PiMF cable> | PiMF-Kabel {n} [Paar in Metallfolie] | |
| pair [one member of a matching pair, esp. of shoes, gloves] | der Andere {m} [der zweite Teil von einem Paar Schuhe, Socken usw.] | |
| team [of animals in harness (to pull a vehicle); also fig.: two people working together] | Gespann {n} [vor eine Wagen gespannte Zugtiere; auch fig.: Paar] | |
| to ship sb. [esp. teenage sl.; originally gamer sl.] [going back to "relationship"] [e.g. "I ship them so much." (I wish they were together.)] | [sich wünschen, zwei Personen wären ein Paar] | |
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