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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: [Hergé]
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Dictionary English German: [Hergé]

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

English German
comics quote Ten thousand thundering typhoons! [Captain Haddock] [Hergé]Hagel und Granaten! [Kapitän Haddock] [Tim und Struppi]
5+ Words: Others
comics quote Billions of blue blistering barnacles! [Captain Haddock] [Hergé]Hunderttausend heulende und jaulende Höllenhunde! [Kapitän Haddock]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Captain Haddock [Hergé]Kapitän Haddock
lit. F Cigars of the Pharaoh [Hergé]Die Zigarren des Pharaos
lit. F Destination Moon [Hergé]Reiseziel Mond
lit. F Explorers on the Moon [Hergé]Schritte auf dem Mond
lit. F Flight 714 [Hergé]Flug 714 nach Sydney
lit. F King Ottokar's Sceptre [Hergé]König Ottokars Zepter
lit. F Land of Black Gold [Hergé]Im Reiche des Schwarzen Goldes
lit. F Prisoners of the Sun [Hergé]Der Sonnentempel
lit. F Professor Calculus [Hergé]Professor Bienlein
comics lit. F Quick and Flupke [Hergé]Stups und Steppke
lit. F Red Rackham's Treasure [Hergé]Der Schatz Rackhams des Roten
lit. F Snowy [Hergé]Struppi
lit. F The Adventures of Tintin [Hergé]Tim und Struppi
comics F The Adventures of Totor [Hergé]Die Abenteuer von Totor
lit. F The Black Island [Hergé]Die Schwarze Insel
lit. F The Blue Lotus [Hergé]Der Blaue Lotos
lit. F The Broken Ear [Hergé]Der Arumbaya-Fetisch
lit. F The Calculus Affair [Hergé]Der Fall Bienlein
lit. F The Castafiore Emerald [Hergé]Die Juwelen der Sängerin
lit. F The Crab with the Golden Claws [Hergé]Die Krabbe mit den goldenen Scheren
lit. F The Red Sea Sharks [Hergé]Kohle an Bord
lit. F The Secret of the Unicorn [Hergé]Das Geheimnis der „Einhorn“
lit. F The Seven Crystal Balls [Hergé]Die sieben Kristallkugeln
lit. F The Shooting Star [Hergé]Der geheimnisvolle Stern
lit. F Thomson and Thompson [Hergé]Schulze und Schultze
lit. F Tintin [Hergé]Tim
comics lit. F Tintin and Alph-Art [Hergé]Tim und die Alpha-Kunst
lit. F Tintin and the Lake of Sharks [Hergé]Tim und der Haifischsee
lit. F Tintin and the Picaros [Hergé]Tim und die Picaros
lit. F Tintin in America [Hergé]Tim in Amerika
lit. F Tintin in the Congo [Hergé]Tim im Kongo
lit. F Tintin in the Land of the Soviets [Hergé]Tim im Lande der Sowjets
lit. F Tintin in Tibet [Hergé]Tim in Tibet
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