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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: [Huston]
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Dictionary English German: [Huston]

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
film F Across the Pacific [John Huston, Vincent Sherman]Abenteuer in Panama
film F Beat the Devil [John Huston]Schach dem Teufel
film F Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison [John Huston]Der Seemann und die Nonne
film F In This Our Life [John Huston]Ich will mein Leben leben
film F Key Largo [John Huston]Gangster in Key Largo
film F Moulin Rouge [John Huston]Moulin Rouge
film F Prizzi's Honor [John Huston]Die Ehre der Prizzis
film F Sinful Davey [John Huston]DaveZuhaus in allen Betten
film lit. F The African Queen [novel: C. S. Forester, film: John Huston]African Queen
film F The Asphalt Jungle [John Huston]Asphalt-Dschungel
film F The Barbarian and the Geisha [John Huston]Der Barbar und die Geisha
film F The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean [John Huston]Das war Roy Bean
film F The List of Adrian Messenger [John Huston]Die Totenliste
film F The MacKintosh Man [John Huston]Der Mackintosh-Mann
film F The Maltese Falcon [John Huston]Die Spur des Falken / Der Malteser Falke
film F The Man Who Would Be King [John Huston]Der Mann, der König sein wollte
film F The Misfits [John Huston]MisfitsNicht gesellschaftsfähig
film theatre F The Night of the Iguana [play: Tennessee Williams, film: John Huston]Die Nacht des Leguan
film lit. F The Treasure of the Sierra Madre [novel: B. Traven, film: John Huston]Der Schatz der Sierra Madre [Roman: B. Traven]
film lit. F The Unforgiven [novel: Alan Le May, film: John Huston]Denen man nicht vergibt
film F Victory [Am.] / Escape to Victory [Br.] [John Huston]Flucht oder Sieg
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