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| med. clubbing of fingers [Digiti hippocratici] [ICD-10] | Trommelschlegelfinger {pl} <TSF> [ICD-10] [alt] [Trommelschlägelfinger] | |
| med. pneumoconiosis due to dust-containing silica [ICD-10] | Pneumokoniose {f} durch Quarzstaub [ICD-10] | |
| med. pneumoconiosis due to talc dust [ICD-10] | Pneumokoniose {f} durch Talkum-Staub [ICD-10] | |
| med. wrist or foot drop (acquired) [ICD-10] | Fallhand oder Hängefuß (erworben) [ICD-10] | |
| med. residual haemorrhoidal skin tags [Br.] [ICD-10] | Marisken {pl} als Folgezustand von Hämorrhoiden [ICD-10] | |
| med. functional disorders of polymorphonuclear neutrophils [ICD-10] | funktionelle Störungen {pl} der neutrophilen Granulozyten [ICD-10] | |
| med. intestinal adhesions (bands) with obstruction [ICD-10] | intestinale Adhäsionen (Briden) {pl} mit Obstruktion [ICD-10] | |
| med. mild cognitive impairment <MCI> [ICD-10] | leichte kognitive Störung {f} <LKS> [ICD-10] | |
| med. seborrhoeic infantile dermatitis [Br.] [ICD-10] | seborrhoisches Ekzem {n} der Kinder [ICD-10] | |
| med. chronic passive congestion of (the) liver [ICD-10] | chronische Stauungsleber {f} [ICD-10] | |
| audio med. noise effects on inner ear [ICD-10] | Lärmschädigungen {pl} des Innenohres [ICD-10] | |
| med. unattended death [ICD-10] | Tod {m} ohne Anwesenheit anderer Personen [ICD-10] | |
| med. psych. acute stress reaction <ASR> [ICD-10] | akute Belastungsreaktion {f} <ABR> [ICD-10] | |
| med. listerial foodborne infection [ICD-10] | nahrungsmittelbedingte Infektion {f} durch Listerien [ICD-10] | |
| med. nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis] [ICD-10] | Nichtvereinigung {f} der Frakturenden [ICD-10] | |
| audio med. noise-induced hearing loss <NIHL> [ICD-10] | Lärmschwerhörigkeit {f} <LSH> [ICD-10] | |
| med. corneal ulcer [ICD-10] | Ulcus corneae {n} [ugs. auch {m}] [ICD-10] | |
| med. singer's nodes [Noduli vocales] [ICD-10] | Sängerknötchen {pl} [ICD-10] | |
| med. teacher's nodes [Noduli vocales] [ICD-10] | Lehrerknötchen {pl} [ICD-10] | |
| med. chronic heart failure <CHF> [ICD-10] | chronische Herzinsuffizienz {f} [ICD-10] | |
| med. clubbing of nails [Digiti hippocratici] [ICD-10] | Uhrglasnägel {pl} [ICD-10] | |
| med. allergic contact dermatitis due to plants, except food [ICD-10] | allergische Kontaktdermatitis {f} durch Pflanzen, ausgenommen Nahrungsmittel [ICD-10] | |
| audio med. congenital deafness [ICD-10] | angeborene Schwerhörigkeit / Taubheit {f} [ICD-10] | |
| med. cytomegaloviral disease [ICD-10] | Pneumonie {f} durch Zytomegalieviren [ICD-10] | |
| psych. dissociative disorder <DD> [ICD-10] | dissoziative Störung {f} [ICD-10] | |
| psych. dissociative disorders <DDs> [ICD-10] | dissoziative Störungen {pl} [ICD-10] | |
| med. heart failure <HF> [ICD-10] | Herzinsuffienz {f} <HI> [ICD-10] | |
| audio med. labyrinthine dysfunction [ICD-10] | Funktionsstörung {f} des Labyrinths [ICD-10] | |
| med. congestive heart failure <CHF> [ICD-10] | Herzinsuffizienz {f} [ICD-10] | |
| med. neonatal (disseminated) listeriosis [ICD-10] | Neugeborenenlisteriose {f} (disseminiert) [ICD-10] | |
| med. pneumoconiosis due to asbestos and other mineral fibres [Br.] [ICD-10] | Pneumokoniose {f} durch Asbest und sonstige anorganische Fasern [ICD-10] | |
| med. bunion [Hallux valgus] [ICD-10] | Fußballenentzündung {f} [ICD-10] | |
| med. descended testis [ICD-10] | deszendierter Hoden {m} [ICD-10] | |
| med. undescended testis [ICD-10] | dystoper Hoden {m} [ICD-10] | |
| med. perianal venous thrombosis [ICD-10] | Perianalvenenthrombose {f} [ICD-10] | |
| med. sinus, fistula and cyst of branchial cleft [ICD-10] | branchiogener Sinus, (branchiogene) Fistel und Zyste [ICD-10] | |
| med. listerial meningitis and meningoencephalitis [ICD-10] | Meningitis {f} und Meningoenzephalitis durch Listerien [ICD-10] | |
| med. abdominal rigidity [ICD-10] | Bauchdeckenspannung {f} [ICD-10] | |
| psych. attachment disorder [ICD-10] | Bindungsstörung {f} [ICD-10] | |
| med. cloacogenic zone [ICD-10] | Kloakenregion {f} [ICD-10] | |
| med. listerial sepsis [ICD-10] | Listeriensepsis {f} [ICD-10] | |
Partial Matches |
| psych. disinhibited attachment disorder of childhood <DAD> [ICD-10, F94.2] | Bindungsstörung {f} des Kindesalters mit Enthemmung [ICD-10, F94.2] | |
| med. spotted fever due to Rickettsia conorii [ICD-10] [Mediterranean spotted fever] | Zeckenbissfieber {n} durch Rickettsia conorii [ICD-10] [Mittelmeer-Zeckenbissfieber] | |
| med. maple-bark-stripper's lung [also: maple bark stripper's lung] [ICD-10, Version 2018] | Ahornrindenschäler-Lunge {f} [ICD-10, Version 2018] | |
| med. toxic effect of unspecified seafood [ICD-10, Version 2016] | toxische Wirkung {f} eines nicht näher bezeichneten essbaren Meerestieres [ICD-10, Version 2016] | |
| med. dissociative anaesthesia and sensory loss [Br.] [ICD-10, F44.6] | dissoziative Sensibilitäts- und Empfindungsstörungen {pl} [ICD-10, F44.6] | |
| psych. reactive attachment disorder of childhood <RAD> [ICD-10, F94.1] | reaktive Bindungsstörung {f} des Kindesalters [ICD-10, F94.1] | |
| med. syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone <SIADH> [ICD-10, Version 2015] | Syndrom {n} der inadäquaten Sekretion von Adiuretin [ICD-10, Version 2015] | |
| med. nodular tendinous disease [ICD-10, Version 2015] | Tendopathia nodosa {f} [fachspr. für: schnellender Finger] [ICD-10, Version 2015] | |
| med. spotted fever due to Rickettsia australis [ICD-10] [Australian tick typhus] | Zeckenbissfieber {n} durch Rickettsia australis [ICD-10] | |
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