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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: [Indian]
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Dictionary English German: [Indian]

Translation 1 - 65 of 65

English German
proverb [German hum. proverb, meaning "One has to be brave." or "One mustn't be oversensitive to pain.", literally: "An Indian knows no pain."]Ein Indianer kennt keinen Schmerz. [hum.]
ecol. hist. reservation [reserve, preserve, Indian reservation]
Reservat {n}
gastr. ghee [Indian, Pakistani clarified butter]
Butterschmalz {n}
law award [Indian English]
Urteilsspruch {m}
papoose [dated or pej.] [American Indian baby]
Indianerbaby {n}
cloth. pantaloons {pl} [Indian or Turkish style]
Pluderhose {f}
gastr. chapatis [Indian flatbread]
Chapatis {pl} [indische Fladen]
stupidness {sg} [chiefly West Indian] [foolish behaviour]
Dummheiten {pl}
relig. Juggernaut [Indian deity Jagannath]
Jagannatha {m} [auch: Dschagganath]
sociol. Bania [also: Baniya] [Indian merchant caste]Bania {f} [Händler-Kaste in Indien]
mineral. catlinite [Indian pipestone](indianischer) Pfeifenstein {m}
chagul [also: chagal] [Indian term for leather waterbag of goatskin, esp. used in the Orient]Wassersack {m} aus Ziegenleder
Flatheads [Indian tribe]Flathead-Indianer {pl}
cloth. gansey [West Indian] [sweater or T-shirt]Pullover {m} [bes. Strickpullover]
gymkhana [Indian English](öffentliche) Sporteinrichtung {f}
jobs higgler [West Indian] [peddler]fahrender Händler {m}
mil. jawan [Ind.] [soldier (of low rank), infantryman, esp. in the Indian Army]Soldat {m} [von niedrigem Rang od. Infanterist, bes. in der indischen Armee]
weapons katar [Indian dagger]Katar {n} {m} [Dolch aus Indien]
weapons katar [Indian dagger]Bundi-Dolch {m} [Katar; auch: Coutar, Katah, Koutah, Kutah, Kutar]
weapons katara [Indian dagger]Katar {n} {m} [Dolch aus Indien]
ling. Mayan [a family of Central American Indian languages]Maya {n}
mehndi [Indian henna body painting]Mehndi {n} [indische Henna-Hautmalerei]
ethn. Navajo [or Navaho] [American Indian people]Navajo {pl} [auch Navaho]
games pachisi [traditional Indian board game][Variante von Mensch ärgere dich nicht]
pol. panchayat [Indian English]Dorfrat {m} [in Indien]
pol. panchayat [Indian village or town council]Gemeinderat {m} [eines indischen Dorfes]
ethn. relig. Parava [Indian Caste][Sammelbezeichnung für drei verwandte Kshatriya-Kasten in Südindien]
rajkumari [Indian](indische) Prinzessin {f}
gastr. samp [Am.] [S.Afr.] [coarsely ground Indian corn]Maisgrieß {m}
pol. swaraj [Indian home rule]Selbstregierung {f} Indiens
the untouchables [members of the lowest or no Indian caste]die Unberührbaren {pl}
gastr. tiffin [esp. Br. dated] [Indian](leichtes) Mittagessen {n}
astronau vyomanaut [an Indian astronaut]Vyomanaut {m} [auch: Wiomanaut]
ethn. warbonnet [a long feathered ceremonial American Indian headdress]Warbonnet {f} [Federhaube (Indianer)]
2 Words: Others
full-blood {adj} [Am.] [mostly dated] [esp. Indian, Native American, etc.]Vollblut-
2 Words: Nouns
Indian lodge [as a general term for Indian dwellings]Indianerhütte {f}
gastr. naan (bread) [Indian cuisine]indisches Fladenbrot {n}
gastr. naan bread [Indian cuisine]Naan {m}
gastr. naan bread [Indian cuisine]Naanbrot {n}
gastr. naan bread [Indian cuisine]Naan-Brot {n}
gastr. nan (bread) [Indian cuisine]indisches Fladenbrot {n}
ethn. relig. native religion [Am.] [in a North American context: American Indian, Native American]indianische Religion {f}
hist. native state [entity of the British Indian Empire](indischer) Fürstenstaat {m}
3 Words: Others
two-by-four {adj} [Am.] [West-Indian] [small, insignificant]winzig
3 Words: Nouns
Free Indian Legion [WWII, German Armed Forces] [also: Indian Legion, Infantry Regiment 950 or Azad Hind Legion]Legion Freies Indien {f} [2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht] [auch: Indische Legion, Infanterie-Regiment 950 oder Azad Hind Legion]
5+ Words: Others
quote The only good Indian is a dead Indian. [Gen. Sheridan]Nur ein toter Indianer ist ein guter Indianer.
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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orn. T
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bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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