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English-German translation for: [Italian]
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Dictionary English German: [Italian]

Translation 1 - 51 of 51

English German
mus. divisi {adj} [Italian] [musical direction esp. for orchestral string sections]geteilt
Stoogatz! [Italian-American sl.] [also: stoo gatz, stugatz, stugots, stugotz, etc.] [Forget it!]Scheiß drauf! [vulg.]
dago [pej.] [person of Italian birth or descent]
Spaghettifresser {m} [pej.] [ugs.]
hist. pol. blackshirt [esp. a member of the Italian Fascist party]
Faschist {m} [Schwarzhemd] [bes. Italien]
gastr. jobs barista [Italian: bartender in a coffee shop]
Barista {m}
wop [pej. for an Italian person]
Itaker {m} [pej.] [Italiener]
Guinea [Am.] [pej.] [Italian]
Spagettifresser {m} [Rsv.] [pej.]
greaseball [Am.] [pej.] [Italian]
Itaker {m} [pej.] [Italiener]
gastr. frittata [type of Italian omelette]
Frittata {f} [italienisches Omelett]
Eyetie [Br.] [pej.] [Italian]
Itaker {m} [pej.] [Italiener]
curr. lira [former Italian currency]
Lira {f} [ehem. italienische Währung]
wop [sl.] [Italian]
Katzelmacher {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [südd.] [österr.]
gastr. burrata [Italian fresh cheese]
Burrata {f} [italienischer Frischkäse]
duce [Italian for: leader]
Duce {m}
ginzo [pej.] [Italian]
Itaker {m} [pej.] [Italiener]
[German, Austrian and former Italian title, roughly translatable as 'Medical Consultant']Sanitätsrat {m}
gastr. amaretti {pl} [Italian almond-flavoured biscuits]Amaretti {pl} [selten im Singular: Amaretto {m}; Mandelgebäck]
games sports boccia [Italian game similar to bowls]Boccia {n} [auch {f}]
hist. pol. Carbonari [a 19th century Italian Unitarian secret society]Carbonari {pl} [auch: Karbonari] [italienischer, unitaristischer Geheimbund im 19. Jahrhundert]
gastr. grissini {pl} [Italian breadsticks]Grissini {pl}
Guinea [Am.] [pej.] [Italian]Spaghettifresser {m} [pej.]
IBM [sl.] [Am.] [short for: Italian businessman]Mafioso {m}
zool. T
gastr. limoncello [Italian lemon liqueur]Limoncello {m}
gastr. meloncello [Italian liqueur]Meloncello {m}
gastr. piada [piadina] [Italian flatbread]Piadina {f}
gastr. piadina [Italian flatbread]Piadina {f} [italienisches Fladenbrot]
gastr. semifreddo [semi-frozen Italian dessert]Semifreddo {n}
geogr. Trent [Italian city Trento]Trident {n} [Trient]
wop [pej.] [Italian]Tschingg {m} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [pej.] [Italiener]
2 Words: Others
mus. a ballata {adv} [Italian: in a dance or ballad style]tanzliedartig
geogr. North Italian {adj} [also: north Italian]norditalienisch
geogr. Northern Italian {adj} [also: northern Italian]norditalienisch
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Apennine Peninsula [Italian Peninsula]Italienische Halbinsel {f}
gastr. barley coffee [Italian: Caffè d'orzo ]Gerstenkaffee {m}
dolce vita [Italian for: life of luxury]Dolce Vita {f} {n}
geogr. Italic Peninsula [less frequent than: Italian Peninsula]Italienische Halbinsel {f}
FoodInd. gastr. mustard fruits [mostarda di Cremona, mostarda di frutta; Italian condiment made of candied fruit and a mustard-flavoured syrup]Senffrüchte {pl}
hist. Social War [91 BC - 88 BC] [Marsic War, Italian War, War of the Allies]Bundesgenossenkrieg {m} [Marsischer Krieg]
archi. art UWH Trevi Fountain [Italian: Fontana di Trevi]Trevi-Brunnen {m}
3 Words: Nouns
rail Ceneri Base Tunnel <CBT> [Italian: Galleria di base del Monte Ceneri]Ceneri-Basistunnel {m} <CBT>
dolce far niente [idiom] [Italian: pleasant idleness]das süße Nichtstun {n}
pol. Five Star Movement [Italian party]Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung {f} [italienische Partei] <M5S>
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. mil. 29th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Italian) [also known as Italian Legion or Italia, SS-formation of Italian volunteers]29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division {f} der SS (italienische Nr. 1) [auch bekannt als Italienische SS-Legion oder Division Italia, SS-Verband italienischer Freiwilliger]
archi. relig. Basilica of Maxentius (and Constantine) [Basilica Nova] [Italian: Basilica di Massenzio] [Roman basilica]Konstantinbasilika {f} [auch: Konstantinsbasilka] [ugs. für: Maxentiusbasilika]
archi. relig. Basilica of Maxentius (and Constantine) [Basilica Nova] [Italian: Basilica di Massenzio] [Roman basilica]Maxentiusbasilika {f} [Basilica Nova] [römische Basilika]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F [original Italian title aka Otto e mezzo] [Federico Fellini]Achteinhalb
film lit. F Christ stopped at Eboli [original Italian title: Cristo si è fermato a Eboli] [book: Carlo Levi, film: Francesco Rosi]Christus kam nur bis Eboli
film F Madly in Love [original Italian title: Innamorato pazzo] [Castellano & Pipolo]Gib dem Affen Zucker
film F The Canterbury Tales [Italian: I racconti di Canterbury] [Pier Paolo Pasolini]Pasolinis tolldreiste Geschichten
film F We Have a Pope [original Italian title: Habemus Papam] [Nanni Moretti]Habemus Papam - Ein Papst büxt aus
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