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English-German translation for: [Jordan]
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Dictionary English German: [Jordan]

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geogr. hist. Transjordan [now Jordan]Transjordanien {n} [heute Jordanien]
2 Words
math. Jordan block [also: Jordan's block]Jordan-Block {m} [auch: Jordanblock]
math. Jordan's lemma [also: lemma of Jordan]Lemma {n} von Jordan
3 Words
math. Jordan curve theorem [also: Jordan's curve theorem, curve theorem of Jordan]Jordan-Kurvensatz {m}
math. Jordan curve theorem [also: Jordan's curve theorem, curve theorem of Jordan]jordanscher Kurvensatz {m}
math. Jordan-Hölder theorem [also: theorem of Jordan-Hölder, theorem of Jordan and Hölder]Satz {m} von Jordan-Hölder
4 Words
math. Jordan-Brouwer separation theoremTrennungssatz {m} von Jordan-Brouwer [Zerlegungssatz von Jordan-Brouwer-Alexander]
math. Jordan-von Neumann theoremSatz {m} von Jordan und von Neumann [auch: Satz von Jordan-von-Neumann]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F American Girl [Jordan Brady]American Girl
film F American Girl / Confessions of an American Girl [Jordan Brady]American Girl
film F Around the Bend [Jordan Roberts]SpurensucheUmwege zur Wahrheit
film F Breakfast on Pluto [novel: Patrick McCabe, film: Neil Jordan]Breakfast on Pluto
film F Buffalo Soldiers [Gregor Jordan]Army Go Home!
film F Confessions of an American Girl [USA video title] [Jordan Brady]American Girl
film F In Dreams [Neil Jordan]Jenseits der Träume
film F Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles [Neil Jordan]Interview mit einem Vampir
lit. F Kenton's Countess [Janeane Jordan]Der Spion des Königs
film F Ned Kelly [Gregor Jordan]GesetzlosDie Geschichte des Ned Kelly
film F The Buddy System [Glenn Jordan]Biete Muttersuche Vater
film F The Company of Wolves [Neil Jordan]Die Zeit der Wölfe
film lit. F The End of the Affair [novel: Graham Greene (1951); films: Edward Dmytryk (1955), Neil Jordan (1999)]Das Ende einer Affäre
film F The Good Thief [Neil Jordan]Der Dieb von Monte Carlo
lit. F The Raging Quiet [Sherryl Jordan]Flüsternde Hände
lit. F The Scheme of Things [Janeane Jordan]Saison in London
film F The Third Wheel [Jordan Brady]Hilfe, ich habe ein Date!
film F We're No Angels [Michael Curtiz, remake: Neil Jordan]Wir sind keine Engel
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