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Dictionary English German: [Latin ]

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argentum [from Latin]Silber {n}
viva voce {adj} {adv} [from Latin]mündlich
law assensio mentium [Latin: mutual consent]Willenseinigung {f}
ling. first conjugation [Latin]a-Konjugation {f} [Latein]
ling. first declension [Latin]a-Deklination {f} [Latein]
ling. fourth conjugation [Latin]i-Konjugation {f} [Latein]
ling. second conjugation [Latin]e-Konjugation {f} [Latein]
geogr. Anglia [medieval Latin name for England]England {n}
relig. Western Church [Latin Church]Westkirche {f} [Lateinische Kirche]
hist. Electorate of Mainz [Latin: Electoratus Moguntinus]Kurmainz {n}
law felo de se [legal Latin] [archaic]Selbstmord {m}
upidstay {adj} [Am.] [sl.] [stupid] [Pig Latin]dämlich [ugs.]
ex cathedra {adj} {adv} [legal latin]vom Stuhl Petri aus
ling. third conjugation [e-stems] [Latin]konsonantische Konjugation {f} [Latein]
ling. third conjugation [i-stems] [Latin]gemischte Konjugation {f} [Latein]
language of scholars [e.g. Latin, Sanskrit]Gelehrtensprache {f}
relig. leap of faith [Latin: saltus fidei]Glaubenssprung {m} [selten]
Amscray! [sl.] [Pig Latin for "Scram!"]Hau ab! [ugs.]
hist. med. pre- {prefix} [used especially in words regarded as Latin]prä-
to be in posse [Latin: in potential]möglich sein [potentiell]
hist. med. prae- {prefix} [Br.] [used especially in words regarded as Latin]prä-
ling. relig. sacred language [cultivated for religious reasons, like Latin, Arabic etc.]Sakralsprache {f}
med. nil by mouth {adj} <NPO, NBM> [NPO = nil per os (Latin)]nüchtern
law Agreements must be kept. [Latin: Pacta sunt servanda.]Verträge sind einzuhalten.
relig. milagro [Mexican, Latin American, etc. folk ex-voto]Votivgabe {f} [im lateinamerikanischen Raum]
vox dei [also: vox Dei] [Latin: the voice of God]Gottes Stimme {f}
vox dei [also: vox Dei] [Latin: the voice of God]Stimme {f} Gottes
to come hard to sb. [e.g. studying Latin]sich [Akk., auch Dat.] mit etw. schwertun [ugs.]
ling. third conjugation i-stems [Latin]kurzvokalische i-Konjugation {f} [Latein]
hist. Electorate of Mainz [Latin: Electoratus Moguntinus]Kurfürstentum {n} Mainz
relig. Latin rite [Western Church, Latin Church]Lateinische Kirche {f} [Westkirche, Römische Kirche]
hist. law donatio proper nuptias [Latin: a sort of counter-dowry, given by the groom or his family]Widerlage {f}
educ. He's having trouble with ... [e.g. Latin, mathematics]Er hängt in ... [ugs.] [z. B. Latein, Mathematik]
[children of immigrant families in Switzerland, originally those of Latin background]Secondos {pl} [schweiz.]
geogr. Worms [Latin: Wormatia, Borbetomagus or Civitas Vangionum] [Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany]Worms {n} [Rheinland-Pfalz]
pro bono publico {adv} [Latin for: for the public good]zum Wohle der Öffentlichkeit
chem. aurum <Au> [from Latin]Gold {n} <Au>
Aymara [ethnic group, Latin America]Aymara {pl}
weapons gladius [Latin: shortsword]Gladius {m} [römisches Kurzschwert]
Ecce homo! [Latin phrase] [Behold the man.]Sehet, welch ein Mensch! [Redewendung] [Ausruf des Pilatus: Ecce homo!, Joh. 19,5]
publ. editio princeps [Latin: first printed edition of the work, that previously had existed only in manuscripts]Erstausgabe {f} <EA> [Editio princeps]
proverb Every man is the artisan of his own fortune. [From Latin by Appius Claudius Caecus]Jeder ist seines Glückes (eigener) Schmied.
law lex lata [latin] [short for de lege lata] [the law as it exists]de lege lata [lateinisch] [nach geltendem Recht]
Unverified splendide mendax {adj} [Latin for: nobly false; untruthful for a good cause][auf vornehme Weise unehrlich; unaufrichtig für eine gute Sache]
requiescat in pace [abbreviation "R.I.P." more common] [Latin for "may he/she rest in peace"]Ruhe in Frieden
law brocard [legal principle often expressed in Latin]Brocardium {n} [selten] [Rechtsgrundsatz, oft in lateinischer Sprache, z. B. »Ignorantia legis / juris non excusat.«]
philos. ignoratio elenchi [from Latin/Greek for "ignorance of proof"]Ignoratio elenchi {n} [wörtlich: „das Ignorieren der Gegenbeweise“]
med. pharm. cave [Latin: caution] [commonly used to denote important information in patient's charts]cave / Cave [Beispiel: Kontraindikation - Cave Nierensteine]
relig. Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem <OESSH> [Latin: Ordo Equestris Sancti Sepulcri Hierosolymitani]Ritterorden {m} vom Heiligen Grab zu Jerusalem [Ordenskürzel: OESSH]
anat. biol. zool. rete mirabile [Latin for "wonderful net"] [complex of fine arteries]Rete mirabile {n} [lateinisch für „Wundernetz“] [Geflecht aus feinsten Arterien]
geogr. hist. Borussia [Latin name of Prussia]Borussia {n} [lateinischer Name Preußens]
med. spec. status praesens [Latin for: present state]Status praesens {m}
tu quoque [from Latin for "You, too" or "You, also] [argument]Tu quoque {n} [wörtl. "auch Du"] [Argument]
hist. ling. pol. Interpretatio graeca [Latin term for the common tendency of ancient Greek writers to equate foreign divinities to members of their own pantheon.]Interpretatio Graeca {f} [Gleichsetzung nichtgriechischer mit griechischen Göttern in der Antike]
in medias res [Latin]in medias res
law spec. Unverified actio libera in causa <a.l.i.c.> [Latin for: action free in its cause]actio {f} libera in causa <a. l. i. c.> [lat.: in der Ursache freie Handlung]
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