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English-German translation for: [Lead.]
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Dictionary English German: [Lead]

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plumbeous {adj} [lead-coloured]
sb. plumbed [added lead]
jd. verbleite
pol. proverb Dirigo. [USA] [Maine state motto: I Lead.][Motto des US-Staates Maine: Ich führe. / Ich leite.]
lead {adj} [attr.] [made of lead]aus Blei [nachgestellt]
miniaceous {adj} [color of red lead]mennigrot
sb. plumbs [adds lead]jd. verbleit
to run sth. [manage, lead]
etw. leiten [Betrieb, Theater etc.]
to detect [lead, disease]
to tempt sb. [lead on to sth.]
jdn. verlocken
to bridge [lead to sth.]
to seal sth. [fix a seal to sth., give sth. a lead seal]
etw.Akk. verplomben [amtlich versiegeln]
relig. to daven [Yiddish] [lead prayers]
to delead sth. [remove lead]etw.Akk. entbleien
to imply sth. [lead to conclusion]auf etw. schließen lassen
to start [lead off]den Reigen eröffnen [Redewendung] [den Anfang machen]
lead [Br.] [dog lead]
Hundeleine {f}
[New Year's Eve custom of telling fortunes by the shapes made by molten lead dropped into cold water]
Bleigießen {n}
electr. pigtail [lead wire]
Drahtende {n} [Anschlussdraht]
[lead dancer in Rhenish carnival]Tanzmariechen {n} [Vortänzerin]
climbing leader [lead climber]Vorsteiger {m}
ind. pig [oblong mass of iron or lead from a smelting furnace]Massel {f} [Hüttenwesen]
med. saturnism [lead poisoning]Saturnialismus {m} [Bleivergiftung]
EU pol. Spitzenkandidat [lead candidate]Spitzenkandidat {m}
tip [hint, lead]Zund {m} [österr.] [bes. Wienerisch]
2 Words: Verbs
sports to break away [from the rest of the field, gaining the lead]ausreißen [Vorsprung gewinnen]
to go ahead [lead the way]vorangehen
to go ahead [proceed, act, lead the way]vorgehen [verfahren, vorfahren]
2 Words: Nouns
tech. babbitt metal [alloy of lead, tin, zinc etc.]Lagermetall {n} [Legierung von Blei, Zinn usw.]
dent. med. Burton line [also: Burton's line] [gingival lead line]Bleisaum {m} [bläulich-schwärzliche Ablagerung von Bleisulfid am Gingivarand]
dent. Burton's line [gingival lead line]Burton-Linie {f}
dent. med. Burtonian line [gingival lead line]Bleisaum {m}
games first option [lead in cards]Vorhand {f} [Kartenspiel]
electr. tech. flat plate [lead-acid battery]Gitterplatte {f} [Bleiakku]
hot metal [lead typesetting]Blei {n}
Krems white [white lead, Cremnitz white]Kremser Weiß {n} [Bleiweiß]
Kremser white [white lead, Cremnitz white]Kremser Weiß {n} [Bleiweiß]
mineral. lead glance [also: lead-glance]Bleiglanz {m}
tools lead knife [for cutting lead]Bleimesser {n}
chem. lead monoxide <PbO> [lead(II) oxide]Bleimonoxid {n} <PbO> [Blei(II)-oxid]
geogr. Lead State [nickname] [State of Missouri][Spitzname für Missouri, USA, wegen der Bleiminen, z. B. Old Lead Belt]
pharm. QM lead structure [lead substance] [risk assessment]Leitsubstanz {f} [Risikobewertung]
chem. lead(IV) oxide [PbO2] [lead dioxide]Blei(IV)-oxid {n} [Bleidioxid]
chem. red lead [Lead tetroxide]Mennige {f} [Bleimennige]
sports solo victory [victory by a commanding lead]Solosieg {m} [Sieg mit großem Vorsprung]
naut. sounding lead [also: sounding-lead]Lot {n} [Bleilot]
MedTech. star pattern [EUR 17538] [circular plate with lead/air line pairs]Sterntest {m} [EUR 17538] [Scheibe mit Blei-/Luft-Linienpaaren]
electr. tech. tubular plate [lead-acid battery]Röhrchenplatte {f} [Bleiakku]
electr. vent plug [on lead-acid battery]Verschlussstopfen {m}
3 Words: Verbs
sports to break away (from sb./sth.) [move into the lead]sich (von jdm./etw.) absetzen [in Führung gehen]
to bury the lede [Am.] [journalistic jargon for lead][den Hauptpunkt hinter einer Einleitung verbergen]
naut. to take the helm [also fig.: take the lead]das Ruder übernehmen [auch fig.: die Leitung übernehmen]
3 Words: Nouns
mineral. arsenate of lead [Pb5(AsO4)3Cl] [also: arseniate of lead]Mimetesit {m}
econ. quick response manufacturing <QRM> [a company-wide approach to reducing lead time]Quick Response Manufacturing {n} <QRM> [eine unternehmensweite Strategie zur Durchlaufzeitreduzierung]
chem. sugar of lead [lead acetate] [C4H6O4Pb, Pb(C2H3O2)2]Bleizucker {m} [Bleiacetat]
chem. sugar of lead [lead acetate] [C4H6O4Pb, Pb(C2H3O2)2]Erbschaftszucker {m} [selten] [Bleiacetat]
4 Words: Verbs
Unverified to be running point (on sth.) [fig.] [to lead, control sth.](bei etw.Dat.) das Kommando haben [ugs.] [etw. leiten, bestimmen]
Unverified to be running point (on sth.) [fig.] [to lead, control sth.](bei etw.Dat.) das Sagen haben [ugs.] [etw. leiten, bestimmen]
Unverified to be running point (on sth.) [fig.] [to lead, control sth.]sagen, wo es (bei etw.Dat.) lang geht [ugs.] [etw. leiten, bestimmen]
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