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English-German translation for: [Louis-Philippe]
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Dictionary English German: [Louis Philippe]

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hist. citizen king [also: Citizen King] [Louis-Philippe]Bürgerkönig {m}
Partial Matches
hist. Louis Philippe (I) [King of France, 1830-1848] [also: Louis-Philippe]Ludwig Philipp I. {m}
lit. autobiographical contract [Philippe Lejeune]autobiographischer Pakt {m}
film F Serial (Bad) Weddings [Philippe de Chauveron]Monsieur Claude und seine Töchter
film F Asterix and the Big FightAsterixOperation Hinkelstein [Philippe Grimond]
film F Cycling with Moliere [Philippe Le Guay]Molière auf dem Fahrrad
med. Hammond's sign [also: Hammond's crunch] [both rare for: Hamman's sign, Hamman's crunch named after Louis Hamman]Hamman-Zeichen {n} [benannt nach Louis Virgil Hamman, Internist]
geogr. Saint Louisan[Einwohner von Saint Louis]
film F The Raven [Louis Friedlander]Der Rabe
film F Goodbye, Children [Louis Malle]Auf Wiedersehen, Kinder
film F The Lovers [Louis Malle] [1958]Die Liebenden
lit. F Treasure Island [Robert Louis Stevenson]Die Schatzinsel
lit. F Prince Otto [Robert Louis Stevenson]Intrigen am Thron
lit. F Holes [Louis Sachar]Löcher. Die Geheimnisse von Green Lake
lit. F The Black Arrow [Robert Louis Stevenson]Der Schwarze Pfeil
lit. F Kidnapped [Robert Louis Stevenson]Entführt. Die Abenteuer des David Balfour
film lit. F War of the Buttons [novel: Louis Pergaud]Krieg der Knöpfe
hist. Anne of Austria [queen consort of Louis XIII]Anna {f} von Österreich
hist. Louis the Quarreler [Louis X King of France]Ludwig {m} der Zänker
lit. F To Tame a Land [Louis L'Amour]Das Gesetz der Wildnis
lit. F The Ebb Tide [Robert Louis Stevenson, co-written with Lloyd Osbourne]Ebbe
lit. F The Wrecker [Robert Louis Stevenson, co-written with Lloyd Osbourne]Der Ausschlachter
film lit. F Captain Corelli's Mandolin [novel: Louis de Bernières, film: John Madden]Corellis Mandoline
film F Clash of the Titans [Desmond Davis (1981); Louis Leterrier (2010)]Kampf der Titanen
lit. F The Wrong Box [Robert Louis Stevenson, co-written with Lloyd Osbourne]Die falsche Kiste
hist. I am the state. [Louis XIV - L'Etat c'est moi]Der Staat bin ich.
art F The Death of Marat [Jacques-Louis David]Der Tod des Marat
film F The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting [Louis Morneau]Hitcher Returns
lit. F Weir of Hermiston: An Unfinished Romance [Robert Louis Stevenson]Die Herren von Hermiston
hist. Louis the Stammerer [Louis II of France]Ludwig {m} der Stammler [Ludwig II. von Frankreich]
hist. Louis the Pious [Louis I, emperor of the Franks]Ludwig {m} der Fromme [Ludwig I., Kaiser des Frankenreiches]
hist. Louis the Blind [Louis III, Holy Roman Emperor]Ludwig {m} der Blinde [Ludwig III., Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs]
lit. F The Master of Ballantrae. A Winter's Tale [Robert Louis Stevenson]Der Erbe von Ballantrae [auch: Der Junker von Ballantrae]
grey <Gy> [WRONG for: gray] [das Gray (Einheitenzeichen Gy), benannt nach dem brit. Physiker/Radiobiologen Louis Harold Gray]
lit. F St. Ives: Being The Adventures of a French Prisoner in England [Robert Louis Stevenson (unfinished), completed by Arthur Quiller-Couch]Flucht ins Abenteuer / St. Ives
film F Atlantic City [Louis Malle]Atlantic City, USA
lit. mus. quote I'd like to carve it in the bark of every tree, ...Ich schnitt es gern in alle Rinden ein, ... [Wilhelm Müller, »Ungeduld«; vertont von Franz Schubert, Louis Spohr u. a.]
lit. F The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde [Robert Louis Stevenson]Der seltsame Fall des Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde
film F Pretty Baby [Louis Malle]Pretty Baby
film F Now You See Me [Louis Leterrier]Die UnfassbarenNow You See Me
hist. the man in the iron mask [often capitalized] [an unidentified prisoner arrested during the reign of French king Louis XIV and held in prison until his death]die Eiserne Maske {f} [kurz für: der Mann mit der eisernen Maske] [ein geheimnisvoller Staatsgefangener von Ludwig XIV., inhaftiert von 1669-1703]
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