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| hist. relig. theses on indulgences [esp. Luther] | Ablassthesen {pl} [bes. Luther] | |
| hist. relig. appeal to the German nobility | Adelsschrift {f} [Martin Luther] | |
| hist. relig. spiritual crises [esp. Luther] | Anfechtungen {pl} [bes. Luther] | |
| bibl. geogr. Bethel [Gen. 28:19] | Bethel {n} [Gen. 28,19; ev., z. B. Luther] | |
| hist. law Order for a Common Purse | Beutelordnung {f} [Luther] | |
| bibl. column of fire [Ex 13:21; New American Bible] | Feuersäule {f} [Ex 13,21; Luther 1984] | |
| bibl. pillar of fire [Ex 13:21; KJV] | Feuersäule {f} [Ex 13,21; Luther 1984] | |
| bibl. money changers [e.g. Mt 21:12; e.g. NAB] | Geldwechsler {pl} [z. B. Mt 21,12; z. B. Luther 1984] | |
| relig. spec. imputation [imputed righteousness] | Imputation {f} [bes. Luther] | |
| hist. relig. spec. Lenten sermons | Invocavitpredigten {pl} [Martin Luther] | |
| bibl. ark of the covenant | Lade {f} [Luther 1984] [viel häufiger als Bundeslade] | |
| hist. relig. spec. [K. von Miltitz's activity in the dispute between Luther and Rome] | Miltitziade {f} | |
| bibl. people of Cush | Mohren {pl} [bei Luther] | |
| hist. relig. Reformer | Reformator {m} [Begründer der Reformation, z. B. Luther, Calvin] | |
| bibl. relig. factious spirit | Rottegeist {m} [veraltet] [Haltung des Aufruhrs, Streit, Uneinigkeit] [Vokabular von Martin Luther] | |
| bibl. wicked servant [e.g. Mt 18:32; KJV] | Schalksknecht {m} [noch biblisch, sonst veraltet] [z. B. Mt 18,32; Luther 1912] | |
| bibl. publ. September Testament [Luther, 1522] | Septembertestament {n} | |
| bibl. column of cloud [Ex 13:21; New American Bible] | Wolkensäule {f} [Ex 13,21; Luther 1984] | |
| bibl. pillar of a cloud [Ex 13:21; KJV] | Wolkensäule {f} [Ex 13,21; Luther 1984] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| relig. joyous exchange | fröhlicher Tausch {m} [Luther] [admirabile commercium] | |
| hist. relig. spec. Junker Jörg [Martin's Luther's disguise at the Wartburg 1521-1522] | Junker Jörg {m} [Martin Luthers Deckname auf der Wartburg 1521-1522] | |
| bibl. wild animals / flies [4. Biblical Plague] | Ungeziefer {n} [Luther] / Stechfliegen {pl} [4. Landplage] | |
3 Words: Others |
| bibl. Fear not ... [King James Version] | Fürchtet euch nicht! [Luther] | |
| bibl. quote O ye of little faith! [Mt 6:30; KJV] | O ihr Kleingläubigen! [Mt 6,30; Luther 1912] | |
| relig. what promotes Christ | was Christum treibet [Luther] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| bibl. the Lord of hosts [Malachi 1:6; KJV] | der Herr {m} Zebaoth [Maleachi 1,6; Luther] | |
| relig. the bondage of the will | der unfreie Wille {m} [servum arbitrium: Luther] | |
| bibl. relig. the Great Tribulation | die Große Trübsal {f} [Luther] | |
| bibl. incurable boils [6. Biblical Plague] | Schwarze Blattern {pl} [Luther] / Geschwüre {pl} [6. Landplage] | |
4 Words: Others |
| bibl. Your accent gives you away. [Mt 26:73] [NIV] | Deine Sprache verrät dich. [Luther 1984] | |
| bibl. Thou shalt not commit adultery. [the seventh commandment from the King James Version] | Du sollst nicht ehebrechen. [das sechste Gebot nach Luther] | |
| bibl. Thou shalt not steal. [the eighth commandment from the King James Version] | Du sollst nicht stehlen. [das siebte Gebot nach Luther] | |
| bibl. Thou shalt not kill. [the sixth commandment from the King James Version] | Du sollst nicht töten. [das fünfte Gebot nach Luther] | |
| bibl. proverb Deep calls to deep. [also: Deep calls unto deep.] [Psalm 42:7, several transl.] | Tiefe ruft der Tiefe. [Psalm 42,7, mehrere Übers.] [sprichwörtlich auch: Eine Tiefe ruft die andere. Bei Luther als 42,8] | |
| bibl. quote Verily, I say unto thee ... [KJV] | Wahrlich, ich sage euch ... [Luther] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| bibl. (all the) starry hosts {pl} [New International Version] | (alles) Heer {n} des Himmels [Luther] | |
| bibl. the Lord who rules over all [for "Lord of hosts" in KJV] [Malachi 1:6; NIRV] | der Herr {m} der Heere [für "Herr Zebaoth" bei Luther] [Maleachi 1,6; Einheitsübersetzung] | |
| bibl. the Lord Almighty [for "Lord of hosts" in KJV] [Malachi 1:6; TNIV] | der Herr {m} der Heerscharen [für "Herr Zebaoth" bei Luther] [Maleachi 1,6; Elberfelder, Schlachter] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| bibl. ... that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. [Ephesians 3:19; KJV] | ... auf daß ihr erfüllet werdet mit allerlei Gottesfülle. [Epheser 3,19; Luther 1912] | |
| bibl. quote ... because there was no room for them in the inn. [King James Bible] | ... denn sie hatten sonst keinen Raum in der Herberge. [Luther] | |
| bibl. quote ... nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful [King James] | ... noch sitzt, da die Spötter sitzen [Luther] | |
| bibl. Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like ... [Galatians 5:20-21; KJV] | Abgötterei, Zauberei, Feindschaft, Hader, Neid, Zorn, Zank, Zwietracht, Rotten, Haß, Mord, Saufen, Fressen und dergleichen ... [Galater 5,20-21; Luther 1912] | |
| bibl. quote Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? [Mt 7:16; KJV] | An ihren Früchten sollt ihr sie erkennen. Kann man denn Trauben lesen von den Dornen oder Feigen von den Disteln? [Mt 7,16; Luther 1984] | |
| bibl. mus. quote Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord. [King James Bible] | Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr, zu dir. [Luther] | |
| bibl. quote Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. [Lk 24:29; King James Bible] | Bleibe bei uns; denn es will Abend werden, und der Tag hat sich geneiget. [Lk 24,29; Luther 1545] | |
| bibl. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. [Ephesians 4:25; KJV] | Darum leget die Lüge ab und redet die Wahrheit, ein jeglicher mit seinem Nächsten, sintemal wir untereinander Glieder sind. [Epheser 4,25; Luther 1912] | |
| bibl. The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving / restoring the soul. [Psalm 19; several translations] | Das Gesetz des Herrn ist ohne Wandel und erquicket die Seele. [Psalm 19; Luther] | |
| bibl. These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. [Revelation 3:7; NIV] | Das sagt der Heilige, der Wahrhaftige, der da hat den Schlüssel Davids, der auftut, und niemand schließt zu, der zuschließt, und niemand tut auf: [Offb. 3,7; Luther 1912] | |
| bibl. quote Unto the pure all things are pure. [Tit 1:15; KJV] | Den Reinen ist alles rein. [Tit 1,15; Luther 1984] [oft zit. als: Dem ...] | |
| bibl. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. [Luke 6:45, NIV] | Denn wes das Herz voll ist, des geht der Mund über. [Lk 6,45; Luther 2017] | |
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