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 | supercalifragilisticexpialidocious {adj} | superkalifragilistisch-expealigorisch [erfundenes Wort aus dem Film "Mary Poppins"] |  |
Nouns |
 | esot. psych. relig. visitation [unexpected appearance of a ghost, a dead person, the Virgin Mary, etc.] | 19 Erscheinung {f} [unerwartetes Sehen eines Geistes, eines Verstorbenen, der Jungfrau Maria etc.] |  |
 | [Joseph and Mary asking for lodging, Christmas custom] | Herbergssuche {f} [Weihnachtsbrauch] |  |
 | relig. dormition [of Mary] | Entschlafen {n} [Mariä] |  |
 | name Mall [Scot.] [dim. of Mary] [npr.] | Mariechen {n} [Mieke] [Vorname] |  |
 | relig. spec. mediatrix [esp. Mary] | Mittlerin {f} [bes. Maria] |  |
 | name Mimi [familiar form of: Miriam, Mary] | Mimi {f} [Koseform von: Mirjam, Maria] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | relig. All-holy {adj} [representing Greek Panagia: the Virgin Mary] | Allheilig |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | cloth. bar shoe [doll shoe, Mary Jane shoe] | Riemchenschuh {m} |  |
 | cloth. bar shoe [doll shoe, Mary Jane shoe] | Ristschuh {m} [Riemchenschuh] |  |
 | cloth. bar shoe [Mary Jane shoe] | Spangenschuh {m} [hier: Mary-Jane-Schuhmodell] |  |
 | relig. Blessed Mother [Mary] | Gottesmutter {f} [Maria] |  |
 | hist. Bloody Mary [Mary I of England] | Maria {f} die Blutige |  |
 | cloth. doll shoe [Mary Jane shoe] | Spangenschuh {m} [hier: Mary-Jane-Schuhmodell] |  |
 | relig. God-bearer [Theotokos: the Virgin Mary] | Gottesgebärerin {f} [Theotokos: Jungfrau Maria] |  |
 | Holy Belt [Christian relic of the Virgin Mary] | heiliger Gürtel {m} [auch: Heiliger Gürtel] [Gürtel der Jungfrau Maria] |  |
 | Typhoid Mary [Mary Mallon, identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen associated with typhoid fever] | Typhus-Mary {f} [Dauerausscheiderin von Typhus-Erregern] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | sports Hail Mary pass [Am.] [in American football] [also: Hail Mary play, Hail Mary route] | [American Football: Der letzte Wurf aus großer Entfernung, um das Spiel noch zu gewinnen] |  |
 | sports Hail Mary shot [Am.] [in basketball] [also: Hail Mary throw] | [Basketball: Der letzte Wurf aus großer Entfernung, um das Spiel noch zu gewinnen] |  |
 | gastr. Mary Pickford (cocktail) | Mary Pickford {m} [auch: Mary-Pickford-Cocktail] |  |
 | relig. Mother of God [Mary] | Gottesmutter {f} [Maria] |  |
 | art relig. picture of grace [miraculous picture, esp. of the Virgin Mary] | Gnadenbild {n} |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | relig. Queen of the May [Virgin Mary] | Maikönigin {f} |  |
 | med. Sister Mary Joseph node [also: Sister Mary Joseph's node] | Sister-Mary-Joseph-Knoten {m} |  |
 | med. Sister Mary Joseph nodule [also: Sister Mary Joseph's nodule] | Sister-Mary-Joseph-Knoten {m} |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | quote Sandwich every bit of criticism between two layers of praise. [Mary Kay Ash] | Pack auch die leiseste Kritik zwischen zwei Scheiben Lob! |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | lit. F A Cry In The Night [Mary Higgins Clark] | Schrei in der Nacht |  |
 | mus. F A Spoonful of Sugar [Mary Poppins] | Ein Löffelchen voll Zucker |  |
 | lit. F A Stranger is Watching [Mary Higgins Clark] | Die Gnadenfrist |  |
 | film lit. F All around the Town [novel: Mary Higgins Clark, film: Paolo Barzman] | Dass du ewig denkst an mich |  |
 | lit. F All Through the Night [Mary Higgins Clark] | In einer Winternacht |  |
 | film lit. F American Psycho [novel: Bret Easton Ellis; film: Mary Harron] | American Psycho |  |
 | lit. F Before I Say Good-Bye [Mary Higgins Clark] | Vergiss die Toten nicht |  |
 | lit. F Beyond the Sunrise [Mary Balogh] | Sonne des Glücks |  |
 | lit. F Courting Julia [Mary Balogh] | Lady Wirbelwind |  |
 | lit. F Daddy's Little Girl [Mary Higgins Clark] | Denn vergeben wird dir nie |  |
 | lit. F Dancing with Clara [Mary Balogh] | Dir gehört mein erster Tanz |  |
 | lit. F Deck the Halls [Mary Higgins Clark, Carol Higgins Clark] | Gefährliche Überraschung |  |
 | lit. F Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus [Mary Shelley] | Frankenstein (oder Der moderne Prometheus) |  |
 | lit. F He Sees You, When You Are Sleeping [Mary Higgins Clark, Carol Higgins Clark] | Er sieht dich, wenn du schläfst |  |
 | lit. F I Am Hutterite - The fascinating true story of a young woman's journey to reclaim her heritage [Mary-Ann Kirby] | Ich bin eine Hutterin - Die faszinierende Geschichte meiner Herkunft |  |
 | lit. F I Heard that Song Before [Mary Higgins Clark] | Und hinter dir die Finsternis |  |
 | lit. F I'll Be Seeing You [Mary Higgins Clark] | Das fremde Gesicht |  |
 | lit. F In Love and War [Mary Nichols] | Irrwege einer großen Liebe |  |
 | lit. F Kitchen Privileges (Memoirs) [Mary Higgins Clark] | Denn bereuen sollst du nie (Mein Leben) |  |
 | lit. F Let Me Call You Sweetheart [Mary Higgins Clark] | Ein Gesicht so schön und kalt |  |
 | lit. F Longing [Mary Balogh] | Wege der Leidenschaft |  |
 | lit. F Lord Carew's Bride [Mary Balogh] | Samanthas süßer Sieg |  |
 | lit. F Loves Music, Loves to Dance [Mary Higgins Clark] | Schwesterlein komm tanz mit mir |  |
 | lit. F Moonlight Becomes You [Mary Higgins Clark] | Mondlicht steht Dir gut |  |
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