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| law dative {adj} [that may be given] | 24 vergebbar | |
| proverb [German pun, may be literally translated as: When flies fly behind flies, flies are flying after flies (to follow them).] | Wenn hinter Fliegen Fliegen fliegen, fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach. | |
| [late (deceased)] {adj} [attr.] [may in German be used colloquially hum. for things that do not exist any longer, besides the standard meaning for persons which is becoming old-fashioned] | seligen Angedenkens [nachgestellt] [ugs. hum.] [einstig, früher] [nicht Personen betreffend] | |
| [May there always be enough water beneath your keel.] | Immer eine Handbreit Wasser unterm Kiel! [fig.] | |
Nouns |
| educ. [comment on a school report indicating that the pupil may have to repeat a year] | Vorrücken {n} gefährdet [versetzungsgefährdet, Bemerkung im Zwischenschulzeugnis] | |
| pol. Unverified [if voters have more that one vote, they may accumulate them all or in part on one person on a party list] | jdn. kumulieren [ugs.] [bei Wahlen] [schweiz.] | |
| pol. publ. [May Day pamphlet] | Maifestschrift {f} | |
| [month of May] | Weidemonat {m} [veraltet] [Mai] | |
| [month of May] | Weidemond {m} [veraltet] [Mai] | |
| bot. [ornamental agriophyte, i.e. a plant that has been grown for decorative purposes, and may persist also in the natural vegetation] | Stinsenpflanze {f} | |
| bot. [ornamental agriophyte, i.e. a plant that has been grown for decorative purposes, and may persist also in the natural vegetation] | Stinzenpflanze {f} [seltener] [Stinsenpflanze] | |
| hist. spec. [the custom of auctioning off young women at a May festival] | Mailehen {n} | |
| bot. T | | |
| hunting jesses {pl} [one pair of short straps fastened around the legs of a hawk or other bird used in falconry, to which a leash may be fastened] | Geschüh {n} [meistens Lederbänder an den Füßen der Greifvögel] | |
| fish mayfly [also: May fly] [dun-colored artificial fly] | Angelfliege {f} [künstliche Maifliege] | |
2 Words: Others |
| relig. Thank you! [May God reward you for it.] | Vergelt's Gott [bes. südd. und österr.] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to add A to B [which may result in reduced quality of B] | BAkk. mit ADat. versetzen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| art comp. digital arts [may be treated as {sg} or {pl}] | Digitalkunst {f} | |
| meteo. ice saints [usually May 11 to May 13; St. Mamertus, St. Pancras, St. Servatius] | Eisheilige {pl} [11. bis 13. Mai bzw. 15. Mai (kalte Sophie eingeschlossen)] | |
| cloth. pant liner [also: pantliner] [also for men and the woman's version may be for slimming, not hygiene] | Slipeinlage {f} | |
| hist. pol. Pittsburgh Agreement [May 31st, 1918] | Pittsburgher Abkommen {n} [31. Mai 1918] | |
| hist. pol. Pittsburgh Agreement [May 31st, 1918] | Pittsburgher Vertrag {m} [31. Mai 1918] | |
| presidential elections [may refer to both a single vote and several votes] | Präsidentschaftswahlen {pl} [kann sowohl eine einzelne Wahl meinen als auch mehrere] | |
| time corridor [set of hours during which an activity may occur] | Zeitkorridor {m} | |
| hist. mil. VE Day [also: V-E Day] [Victory in Europe Day, 8 May 1945] | Tag {m} der Befreiung [Ende des 2. Weltkriegs in Europa, 8. Mai 1945] | |
3 Words: Others |
| requiescat in pace [abbreviation "R.I.P." more common] [Latin for "may he/she rest in peace"] | Ruhe in Frieden | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. mil. Day of Liberation [end of World War II on 8 May, or 9 May (the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries only)] | Tag {m} der Befreiung [8. Mai 1945] | |
| ethn. hist. Indian Removal Act [USA, May 28th, 1830] | Indianer-Umsiedlungsgesetz {n} | |
| hist. pol. Pact of Steel [Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, signed on May 22, 1939] | Stahlpakt {m} | |
| insur. med. upper income limit [above which people may take out private health insurance] | Versicherungspflichtgrenze {f} [Gehaltsobergrenze, bis zu der man pflichtversichert ist] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| idiom be that as it will [less frequent than: be that as it may] | sei es, wie es sei | |
| hist. May God punish England! May He punish it! [German WWI slogan] | Gott strafe England! Er strafe es! [deutscher Schlachtruf im Ersten Weltkrieg] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| hist. Battle of Điện Biên Phủ [13th March to 7th May 1954] [also: ... Dien Bien Phu] | Schlacht {f} um Điện Biên Phủ [13. März bis 8. Mai 1954] [auch: ... Dien Bien Phu] | |
| relig. May devotions {pl} (to the Blessed Virgin Mary) [also: May Devotions] | Maiandacht {f} | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film F Darkman II – The Return of Durant [Bradford May] | Darkman II – Durants Rückkehr | |
| film F Darkman III – Die Darkman Die [Bradford May] | Darkman III – Das Experiment | |
| lit. F Duel of Love [Helen May] | Duell aus Liebe | |
| film lit. F Forward, Gunner Asch! / Gunner Asch Goes to War | 08/15 im Krieg [Roman: Hans Hellmut Kirst; Film: Paul May] | |
| film F Go for It, Baby | Zur Sache, Schätzchen [May Spils] | |
| film F Ishtar [Elaine May] | Ishtar | |
| mus. F Let our mouth be full of laughter [also: May our mouth be full of laughter] | Unser Mund sei voll Lachens [J. S. Bach, BWV 110] | |
| film lit. F The Unforgiven [novel: Alan Le May, film: John Huston] | Denen man nicht vergibt | |
| lit. F Bear Killer [Karl May novels: Old Shatterhand's rifle] | Bärentöter {m} [Gewehr Old Shatterhands bei Karl May] | |
| lit. F Henry carbine [Karl May novels: Old Shatterhand's rifle] | Henrystutzen {m} [Gewehr Old Shatterhands bei Karl May] | |
| lit. F trapper [in the American Old West] | Westmann {m} [Karl May] | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| bot. T | | |
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