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English-German translation for: [Megalopa-Stadium]
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Dictionary English German: [Megalopa Stadium]

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» [MegalopaStadium]
Partial Matches
zool. megalopa stageMegalopastadium {n} [auch: Megalopa-Stadium]
archi. sports bowl [Am.] [stadium]Stadion {n}
stade [dated] [stadium]Stadion {n}
south stand [stadium]Südtribüne {f}
stage [period]Abschnitt {m} [Phase, Stadium]
sports terrace [Br.] [stadium]Tribüne {f} [Stadion]
evolutionary phase [stage]Entwicklungsabschnitt {m} [Stadium]
sports south bank [football stadium]Südtribüne {f}
archi. sports vomitory [stadium architecture]Mundloch {n} [Stadion-Architektur]
biol. blastoderm stageBlastodermstadium {n} [auch: Blastoderm-Stadium]
biol. blastula stageBlastulastadium {n} [auch: Blastula-Stadium]
biol. gastrula stageGastrulastadium {n} [auch: Gastrula-Stadium]
zool. glaucothoe stageGlaucothoestadium {n} [auch: Glaucothoe-Stadium]
zool. mysis stageMysisstadium {n} [auch: Mysis-Stadium]
zool. protozoea stageProtozoeastadium {n} [auch: Protozoea-Stadium]
archi. sports top tier [e.g. stadium]Oberrang {m}
archi. sports lower tier [e.g. football stadium]Unterrang {m}
archi. sports upper tier [e.g. football stadium]Oberrang {m}
zool. zoea stageZoeastadium {n} [auch: Zoea-Stadium, Zoëastadium]
at this stage {adv}auf dieser Stufe [Stadium]
sports football-specific venue [Br.] [stadium]reines Fußballstadion {n}
ground attendance [stadium event]Besucherzahl {f} [in einem Stadion]
journ. sports press stand [e.g. in a stadium]Pressetribüne {f}
sports supporters' section [in a stadium]Gästeblock {m} [im Stadion]
med. early latent syphilisFrühlatenz {f} [frühes Stadium der Syphilis]
archi. sports vomitories [stadium architecture; terraces / grandstands entrances]Mundlöcher {pl} [Stadion-Architektur]
perfectibility [a state of perfection] [rare][ein Stadium der Vervollkommnung]
sports sector [in the football / soccer stadium]Zuschauersektor {m} [Bereich im Stadion]
geol. zool. meraspid stage [in trilobites]Meraspisstadium {n} [auch: Meraspis-Stadium] [bei Trilobiten]
spectator capacity [stadium]Fassungsvermögen {n} [eines Stadions (max. Anzahl an Zuschauern)]
geol. zool. T
open seating [e.g. in a stadium]freie Platzwahl {f} [ohne Sitzplatznummern]
fish glass eel stage [also: glass-eel stage]Glasaalstadium {n} [auch: Glasaal-Stadium]
changing room [e.g. in a stadium]Kabine {f} [z. B. im Stadion]
sports tech. undersoil heating [also: under-soil heating] [of a stadium]Rasenheizung {f} [eines Stadions]
refusal of entry [e.g. stadium, concert hall] [denial of access]Zutrittsverwehrung {f}
filled to capacity {adj} [bus, room, stadium, etc.]bis auf den letzten Platz besetzt
terminal {adj} [e.g. stage, bud, device, moraine]End- [z. B. Stadium, Knospe, Gerät, Moräne]
sports terrace chants [sung in the stadium during a football match]Fußballlieder {pl} [Stadiongesänge, Fan-Gesänge]
geol. hist. Littorina SeaLitorinameer {n} [geologisches Stadium der Ostsee in der Litorinazeit]
fish T
Glasaal {m}
sports mixed zone [stadium]gemischte Zone {f} [Stadion]
archi. sports entrance [stadium architecture; opening in grandstands, terraces]Mundloch {n} [Durchbruch in den Tribünenstufen, Stadion-Architektur]
ecol. zool. nursery [place or natural habitat which breeds or supports animals]Kinderstube {f} [Aufwuchsort von Arten im juvenilen Stadium]
hist. Circus Maximus [ancient Roman chariot-racing stadium]Circus Maximus {m}
sports ghost game [coll.] [without supporters, i.e. in a completely empty stadium; as a sanction measure by the FIFA]Geisterspiel {n} [ugs.] [Fußballspiel mit Ausschluss von Zuschauern; FIFA-Strafmaßnahme]
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zool. T
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