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Partial Matches |
| Internet meta tag | Meta-Tag {n} {m} [ugs. und fachsprachlich für: Meta-Element] | |
| math. unity [element] | Einselement {n} [auch: Eins-Element] | |
| trial function [term used in finite element method] | Ansatzfunktion {f} [Begriff der Finite-Element-Methode] | |
| weapons hamon [aesthetic element on Japanese blades] | Hamon {f} [ästhetisches Element auf japanischen Klingen] | |
| radioelement [element whose all currently known isotopes are radioactive] | Radioelement {n} [Element, das nur radioaktive Isotope hat] | |
| The / A beginner's guide to ... [common element of book titles, also fig.] | ... für Anfänger [verbreitetes Element von Buchtiteln, auch fig.] | |
| comp. garbage collector [software element] | Müllsammler {m} [Software-Element] | |
| electr. Grove cell [Grove element] | Grove-Zelle {f} [Grove-Element] | |
| chem. hahnium <Ha> [obs.] [element 105] | Hahnium {n} <Ha> [veraltet] [Element 105] | |
| chem. nielsbohrium <Ns> [obs.] [element 105] | Nielsbohrium {n} <Ns> [veraltet] [Element 105] | |
| element | Moment {n} [Element] | |
| chem. obtained {adj} {past-p} | gewonnen [chemisches Element] | |
| archi. art corbeil | Blumenkorb {m} [gestalterisches Element] | |
| tech. dog [tension element] | Knagge {f} | |
| tech. preform | Vorform {f} [vorgeformtes Element] | |
| comp. slice [processor element] | Prozessorelement {n} | |
| stiffener [stiffening element] | Aussteifungselement {n} | |
| dent. attachment [retaining element] | Geschiebe {n} [Halteelement] | |
| stiffener [stiffening element] | Absteifungselement {n} [selten] | |
| constr. web | Schenkel {m} [tragendes Element, Träger] | |
| tech. automation component [element, module] | Automatisierungskomponente {f} | |
| balancing element | Ausgleichselement {n} [ausgleichendes Element] | |
| tech. brass shaft [machine element] | Messingwelle {f} | |
| compensating element | Ausgleichselement {n} [ausgleichendes Element] | |
| chem. prill | Granalie {f} [Element eines Granulats] [Metallurgie] | |
| geol. zool. conodont element | Conodontenelement {n} [auch: Conodonten-Element] | |
| deck element | Deckelement {n} [auch: Deck-Element] | |
| math. identity element | Einselement {n} [auch: Eins-Element] | |
| comp. interface element | Interfaceelement {n} [auch: Interface-Element] | |
| tech. seal element [also: sealing element] | Dichtungselement {n} | |
| engin. hist. [electrostatic element method] | Elektrostatik-Element-Methode {f} <ESEM> | |
| note [characteristic element] | Zeichen {n} [Hinweis auf etw.] | |
| engin. clamping bushing [shaft-hub joining element] | Spannbuchse {f} | |
| QM control plan <CP> | Produktionslenkungsplan {m} [Element der Produktqualitätsvorausplanung] | |
| chem. geol. mineral. ultratrace element [also: ultra-trace element] | Ultraspurenelement {n} | |
| radioactive element | radioaktiver Grundstoff {m} [selten neben: radioaktives Element] | |
| mil. parent unit [main force of a subordinate element] | Stammtruppenteil {m} | |
| mil. advance detail [forward element of a combat unit] | vorgeschobener Erkundungstrupp {m} | |
| electr. lumped component model [lumped element model] | Netzwerkmodell {n} mit konzentrierten Elementen | |
| electr. lumped parameter model [lumped element model] | Netzwerkmodell {n} mit konzentrierten Elementen | |
| journ. market. teaser | Anreißer {m} [Werbe-Element oder Zeitungsartikel, der besonders hohe Aufmerksamkeit erzielen soll] | |
| aviat. mil. two-ship formation [tactical element of two aircraft] | Rotte {f} [Formation aus zwei Luftfahrzeugen] [Luftwaffe] | |
| Yang | Yang {n} [männliches/aktives Element i. d. chin. Philosophie] | |
| Yin | Yin {n} [weibliches/passives Element i. d. chin. Philosophie] | |
| phys. acad. FE shell model [finite element shell model] | FE-Schalenmodell {n} | |
| mus. Scots snap [spv.] | Scotch Snap {m} [rhythm. Element] | |
| eye candy [coll.] [also pej.] | Augenschmaus {m} [hier: mit einem pej. Element von Oberflächlichkeit] | |
| eye candy [coll.] [also pej.] | Augenweide {f} [hier: mit einem pej. Element von Oberflächlichkeit] | |
| constr. king pile [load-bearing element in a combination wall] | Hauptpfahl {m} [Tragelement in einer Kombiwand] | |
| comp. ribbon [interface element] | Ribbon {n} | |
| mus. Scotch snap | Scotch Snap {m} [rhythm. Element] | |
| electr. first-order lag element <1st order lag element, P-T1 element> | Verzögerungsglied {n} erster Ordnung <Verzögerungsglied 1. Ordnung, P-T1-Glied> | |
| electr. second-order lag element <2nd order lag element, P-T2 element> | Verzögerungsglied {n} zweiter Ordnung <Verzögerungsglied 2. Ordnung, P-T2-Glied> | |
| geol. metasediments [meta-sediments] | Metasedimente {pl} | |
| hist. philos. metahistory [also: meta-history] | Metageschichte {f} | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| comp. Internet meta description | Metabeschreibung {f} [auch: Meta-Beschreibung] | |
| meta-process [also: meta process] | Metaprozess {m} | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| math. phys. path-ordering operator [path-ordering meta-operator] | Pfadordnungsoperator {m} | |
| math. phys. time-ordering operator [time-ordering meta-operator] | Zeitordnungsoperator {m} | |
| comp. meta data model [also: meta-data model] [spv.] | Metadatenmodell {n} | |
| chem. pharm. 3-hydroxycinnamic acid [C9H8O3] [also: meta-coumaric acid] | m-Cumarsäure {f} | |
| mineral. meta-chalcolite [Cu(UO2)2(PO4)2·8H2O] [also: meta-torbernite I] | Metatorbernit {m} | |
| chem. diethyltoluamide [C12H17NO] [diethyl toluamide, N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide, N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide, N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide] | Diethyltoluamid {n} [N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamid, N,N-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamid] | |
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