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English-German translation for: [Michael]
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Dictionary English German: [Michael]

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publ. relig. [Lutheran prayer book first edited by Michael Cubach in 1654]Cubach {m}
psych. angstlust [esp. Michael Balint] [pleasure in / of fear, anxiety pleasure]Angstlust {f} [bes. nach Michael Balint]
3 Words: Others
film lit. Unverified Jude the Obscure [novel: Thomas Hardy, film: Michael Winterbottom ]Juda der Unberühmte, Herzen in Aufruhr, Im Dunkeln
3 Words: Nouns
math. Morley's categoricity theoremSatz {m} von Morley [Satz über die Kategorizität von Theorien nach Michael Morley]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F 20,000 Years in Sing Sing [Michael Curtiz]20.000 Jahre in Sing Sing
film F 40 Days and 40 Nights [Michael Lehmann]40 Tage und 40 Nächte
lit. F 66º North [Michael Ridpath]Wut
film F A Chorus of Disapproval [Michael Winner]Alles nur Theater
lit. F A Darkness More Than Night [Michael Connelly]Dunkler als die Nacht
film F A Haunted House [Michael Tiddes]Ghost Movie
film F A Haunted House 2 [Michael Tiddes]Ghost Movie 2
lit. F A Landing on the Sun [Michael Frayn]Sonnenlandung
film F A Little Help [Michael J. Weithorn]A Little Help
film F A Matter of Life and Death [Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger]Irrtum im Jenseits
film F A Mighty Heart [Michael Winterbottom]Ein mutiger Weg
film F A Very Special Favor [Michael Gordon]Ein Appartement für drei
lit. F Against Entropy [US title] [Michael Frayn]Gegen Ende des Morgens
film F Airheads [Michael Lehmann]Airheads
film F Ali [Michael Mann]Ali
film F All the Right Moves [Michael Chapman]Der richtige Dreh [auch: Da fahr' ich voll drauf ab]
film F American Buffalo [Michael Corrente]American BuffaloDas Glück liegt auf der Straße
lit. F Angels Flight [Michael Connelly]Schwarze Engel
film F Angels with Dirty Faces [Michael Curtiz]Chikago / auch: Chicago - Engel mit schmutzigen Gesichtern
film F Appointment with Death [Michael Winner]Rendezvous mit einer Leiche
film F Armageddon [Michael Bay]ArmageddonDas jüngste Gericht
film F Around the World in Eighty / 80 Days [Michael Anderson (1956); Frank Coraci (2004)]In 80 Tagen um die Welt
film F Attack Force [Michael Keusch]Attack Force
film F Bad Boys [Michael Bay]Bad BoysHarte Jungs
film F Bed of Roses [Michael Goldenberg]Das Rosenbett
film F Beyond the Gates [US title] [Michael Caton-Jones]Shooting Dogs
mus. F Black or white [Michael Jackson]Black or white [Schwarz oder weiß]
lit. F Blood Work [Michael Connelly]Das zweite Herz
lit. F Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World [Michael Lewis]Boomerang: Europas harte Landung
film F Bowling for Columbine [Michael Moore]Bowling for Columbine
film RadioTV F Boys' Night Out [Michael Gordon]Sexy! (Männer gehören an die Leine) [Filmtitel nur: Sexy!]
film F British Agent [Michael Curtiz]British Agent
film F Bullseye [Michael Winner]Bullseye - Der wahnwitzige Diamanten Coup
lit. F By Nightfall [Michael Cunningham]In die Nacht hinein
film F Capitalism: A Love Story [Michael Moore]Kapitalismus: Eine Liebesgeschichte
film F Captain Blood [Michael Curtiz (1935 film)]Unter Piratenflagge
film F Captains of the Clouds [Michael Curtiz]Helden der Lüfte
film F Casablanca [Michael Curtiz]Casablanca
lit. F Chasing the Dime [Michael Connelly]Unbekannt verzogen
film F Chato's Land [Michael Winner]Chatos Land
lit. F City of Bones [Michael Connelly]Kein Engel so rein
film F Conduct Unbecoming [Michael Anderson]Die Schande des Regiments
lit. F Congo [Michael Crichton]Expedition Kongo
film F Connie and Carla [Michael Lembeck]Connie und Carla
film F Cops and Robbersons [Michael Ritchie]Cops & RobbersonsDas haut den stärksten Bullen um
lit. F Crime Beat: A Decade of Covering Cops and Killers [Michael Connelly]L.A. Crime Report
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