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| med. Grave's disease [WRONG for: Graves' disease, Graves disease] | [Morbus Basedow, basedowsche Krankheit] | |
| med. adolescent kyphosis [Osteochondrosis deformans juvenilis vertebralis dorsalis sive lumbalis, Kyphosis adolescentium] [Scheuermann's disease] | Adoleszentenkyphose {f} [Morbus Scheuermann] | |
| med. adolescent kyphosis [Osteochondrosis deformans juvenilis vertebralis dorsalis sive lumbalis, Kyphosis adolescentium] [Scheuermann's disease] | Adoleszenzkyphose {f} [Morbus Scheuermann] | |
| med. aspirin triad <AT> | Aspirintrias {f} [auch: Aspirin-Trias] [Samter-Trias, Morbus Widal] | |
| med. human brucellosis [caused by Brucella melitensis] | Brucellose {f} [Morbus Bang, bangsche Krankheit] | |
| med. globoid cell leukodystrophy <GCL> | Globoidzellleukodystrophie {f} [auch: Globoidzell-Leukodystrophie] [Morbus Krabbe] | |
| med. galactosylceramide lipidosis [Krabbe's disease] | Globoidzellleukodystrophie {f} [Morbus Krabbe] | |
| med. copper storage disease [Wilson's disease] | Kupferspeichererkrankung {f} [Morbus Wilson] | |
| med. copper storage disease [Wilson's disease] | Kupferspeicherkrankheit {f} [Morbus Wilson] | |
| med. panhypopituitarism | Panhypopituitarismus {m} [Morbus Simmonds] | |
| med. Parkinson disease <PD> [Paralysis agitans] | Schüttellähmung {f} [veraltend] [Morbus Parkinson] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| med. progressive pigmented purpuric dermatitis [Schamberg's disease] | Adalin-Purpura {f} [Morbus Schamberg, Schamberg-Krankheit] | |
| med. VetMed. Baastrup's syndrome [kissing spine, kissing spines, kissing-spine-disease] | Baastrup-Syndrom {n} [Morbus Baastrup] | |
| med. VetMed. Baastrup's sign [Baastrup syndrome] | Baastrup-Zeichen {n} [Morbus Baastrup] | |
| med. Basedow-Graves disease <BGD> | Basedow-Erkrankung {f} [Morbus Basedow] | |
| med. Behçet's disease [also: Behçet disease, Behcet disease, Morbus Adamantiades-Behçet] | Behçet-Krankheit {f} [auch: Morbus Behçet, Morbus Behcet] | |
| med. Dupuytren / Dupuytren's disease | Dupuytren-Krankheit {f} [Morbus Dupuytren] | |
| med. Graves ophthalmopathy [esp. Am.] [also: Graves' ophthalmopathy] | endokrine Ophthalmopathie {f} <EO> [Augenbeteiligung beim Morbus Basedow] | |
| med. Graves ophthalmopathy [esp. Am.] [also: Graves' ophthalmopathy] | endokrine Orbitopathie {f} <EO> [Augenbeteiligung beim Morbus Basedow] | |
| med. Farber syndrome | Farber-Syndrom {n} [Morbus Farber] | |
| med. Friedreich's ataxia <FA> | Friedreich-Ataxie {f} <FA> [Morbus Friedreich {m}] | |
| dent. med. Heck's disease [also: Heck disease] | hecksche Krankheit {f} [Morbus Heck] | |
| med. hepatolenticular degeneration <HLD> [Wilson's disease] | hepatolentikuläre Degeneration {f} <HLD> [Morbus Wilson] | |
| med. Hirschsprung disease [Morbus Hirschsprung] | Hirschsprung-Krankheit {f} | |
| med. Huntington's disease <HD> | huntingtonsche Erkrankung {f} [Morbus Huntington] | |
| med. intestinal lipodystrophy | intestinale Lipodystrophie {f} [Morbus Whipple] | |
| med. juvenile kyphosis [Osteochondrosis deformans juvenilis vertebralis dorsalis sive lumbalis, Kyphosis adolescentium] [Scheuermann's disease] | juvenile Kyphose {f} [Morbus Scheuermann] | |
| med. Ledderhose / Ledderhose's disease [Fasciitis plantaris] | Ledderhose-Krankheit {f} [Morbus Ledderhose] | |
| med. Meniere's disease [also: Menière's disease, Ménière's disease] | Menière'sche Erkrankung {f} [Menière-Krankheit, Morbus Menière] | |
| med. Ahlbaeck's disease | Morbus Ahlbäck {m} [auch: Morbus Ahlbaeck] | |
| med. VetMed. kissing spine (disease) [Morbus Baastrup] | Morbus Baastrup {m} | |
| audio med. Ménière's disease <MD> [spv.] [Meniere's disease, Menière's disease] | Morbus Ménière {m} [Rsv.] [Morbus Menière] | |
| med. Charcot-Marie-Tooth neural muscular atrophy [HMSN type I] | neurale Muskelatrophie {f} [Morbus Charcot-Marie-Tooth] [HMSN Typ I] | |
| med. neurofibromatosis type I <NF-1> [formerly: von Recklinghausen disease] | Neurofibromatose {f} Recklinghausen [Morbus Recklinghausen] | |
| med. Osgood-Schlatter's disease | Osgood'sche Krankheit {f} [Morbus Osgood-Schlatter] | |
| med. Osgood disease [also: Osgood's disease, Osgood-Schlatter's disease] | osgoodsche Krankheit {f} [Morbus Osgood-Schlatter] | |
| med. rugby knee | Rugby-Knie {n} [Morbus Osgood-Schlatter] | |
| med. Samter's syndrome [Samter's disease, Widal's disease] | Samter-Syndrom {n} [Morbus Samter, Morbus Widal] | |
| med. Samter's triad <ST> | Samter-Trias {f} [Morbus Samter, Morbus Widal] | |
| med. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-exacerbated respiratory disease <N-ERD, NERD> | Samter-Trias {f} [Morbus Samter, Morbus Widal] | |
| med. Osgood-Schlatter's disease [also: Osgood-Schlatter disease] | Schlatter'sche Krankheit {f} [Morbus Osgood-Schlatter] | |
| med. Schlatter's disease [Osgood-Schlatter disease] | schlattersche Krankheit {f} [Morbus Osgood-Schlatter] | |
| VetMed. brucellosis in cattle [caused by Brucella abortus] | seuchenhaftes Verkalben {n} [Morbus Bang] | |
| med. Steinert disease [myotonic dystrophy type 1, DM1] | Steinert-Krankheit {f} [Morbus Curschmann-Steinert] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| VetMed. swine vesicular disease <SVD> [Morbus vesicularis suum] | Bläschenkrankheit {f} des Schweines | |
| med. blue baby syndrome [coll.] [Morbus caeruleus neonatorum] [cyanotic heart disease] | Blausucht {f} des Neugeborenen | |
| med. VetMed. kissing spines [Morbus Baastrup] | Kissing-Spines-Syndrom {n} | |
| med. Adamantiades syndrome [also: Behçet's syndrome, Morbus Behçet, Morbus Adamantiades-Behçet] | Morbus Adamantiades-Behçet {m} [Morbus Behçet] | |
| med. Hailey-Hailey disease <HHD> | Morbus Hailey-Hailey {m} <MHH> [auch Morbus Gougerot-Hailey-Hailey] | |
| med. Durand-Nicolas-Favre disease [Lymphogranuloma inguinale, Lymphogranuloma venereum] [venereal lymphogranuloma] | Morbus Nicolas-Favre {m} [auch: Morbus Durand-Nicolas-Favre] | |
| med. primary Raynaud's (syndrome) [Raynaud's disease] | primäres Raynaud-Syndrom {n} [Morbus Raynaud, Raynaud-Krankheit] | |
| med. (familial) cerebello-retinal angiomatosis [von Hippel-Lindau disease] | retino-zerebellare Angiomatose {f} [Morbus Hippel-Lindau] | |
| VetMed. zool. kissing spine / spines (syndrome) <KSS> [Morbus Baastrup, esp. with horses] | thorakales interspinales Syndrom {n} <TIS> [bes. bei Pferden] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| med. familial benign chronic pemphigus <FBCP> [Pemphigus chronicus benignus familiaris] | chronischer, gutartiger, familiärer Pemphigus {m} [Morbus Hailey-Hailey] | |
| med. Osler-Weber-Rendu disease <OWR disease> [hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia] | Morbus Osler-Weber-Rendu {m} [auch: Morbus Osler-Rendu-Weber] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| med. retinocerebellar angiomatosis [Angiomatosis retinae] | retino-cerebelläre / retino-zerebelläre Angiomatose {f} [Morbus Hippel-Lindau] | |
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