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| earliest {adj} [most ancient] | 613 älteste | |
| busiest {adj} [most traffic] | 317 verkehrsreichste | |
| main {adj} [attr.] [most important] | 207 wichtigste | |
| chief {adj} [attr.] [most important] | 137 wichtigste | |
| chief {adj} [attr.] [most important] | 129 bedeutendste | |
| primary {adj} [most important] | 73 wichtigste | |
| salient {adj} [most noticeable or important, e.g. feature, points of arguments] | 67 Haupt- [hervorstechend, z. B. Merkmal oder Eigenschaft, Punkte der Argumentation] | |
| purdy {adj} [regional] [not acceptable English in most settings] | 39 hübsch | |
| best {adj} [most favourable] | 9 günstigste | |
| fanciest {adj} [most fanciful] | 7 phantastischste | |
| yummiest {adj} [coll.] [most delicious] | 7 leckerste | |
| knottiest {adj} [fig.] [most puzzling] | 6 verwickeltste | |
| fairest {adj} [most just] | 5 gerechteste | |
| approachable {adj} [accessible to most people] | zum Anfassen [nachgestellt] [ugs.] | |
| commonest {adj} [also: most common] | am häufigsten | |
| constantest {adj} [rare] [archaic] [most constant] | beständigste | |
| fattest {adj} [most overweight] | dickste | |
| frilliest {adj} [most superfluously ornamental] | aufgeputzteste | |
| proudest {adj} [most protruding] | hervorstehendste | |
| rockiest {adj} [most unsteady] | wackeligste | |
| smuggest {adj} [most offensively self-complacent] | süffisanteste | |
| soberest {adj} [most objective or least drunk] | nüchternste | |
| soberest {adj} [most objective] | sachlichste | |
| woodiest {adj} [most forested] | waldigste | |
| yummiest {adj} [coll.] [most attractive] | schickste | |
Verbs |
| EU oenol. to enrich sth. [grape juice or must with sugar] [chaptalize] | etw. mit Zucker anreichern [Traubensaft, Most] [chaptalisieren] | |
| to front sth. [be the most prominent member in a group of people] | Frontmann von etw.Dat. sein | |
| to showcase sth. [make the most of] | etw.Akk. zur Geltung bringen [Redewendung] [zur Schau stellen, ins rechte Licht rücken] | |
Nouns |
| agr. corn [England: wheat (being the chief cereal crop of most districts)] | 35 Weizen {m} [hier: als Hauptgetreide einer Region] | |
| hist. relig. spec. [1165 oaths by Frederick Babarossa and most princes at Würzburg to support (anti-)Pope Paschal III against Alexander III] | Würzburger Eide {pl} | |
| [German police internet service in most states allowing reporting of petty crime, complaints or praise] | Internetwache {f} [der Polizei] | |
| archi. [most magnificent part of a boulevard] | Prachtmeile {f} | |
| neol. [most or very important person in one's life] | Lebensmensch {m} | |
| film hist. name [nickname for the film actress Kristina Söderbaum, translated e.g. as: the water corpse of the Reich, most prominent water corpse in the Reich, the National Drowned Corpse] | Reichswasserleiche {f} [Spottname für die Filmschauspielerin Kristina Söderbaum] | |
| hist. [various translations: vow of the loyal followers, vow of most faithful allegiance, proclamation of loyalty of German writers, promise of most loyal obedience] | Gelöbnis {n} treuester Gefolgschaft [Treuegelöbnis von 88 deutschen Schriftstellern und Dichtern für Adolf Hitler] | |
| dent. zool. diastema [in mammals most commonly between the incisors and molars] | Affenlücke {f} | |
| name pol. JFK [most prominent nickname of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy] | John F. Kennedy {m} <JFK> | |
| zool. T | | |
| queen [most outstanding woman in a group or sphere] | Queen {f} [ugs.] [im Mittelpunkt stehende weibliche Person oder führend auf einem bestimmten Gebiet] | |
| fin. hist. shinplaster [Am.] [Can.] [Aus.] [in most cases privately issued fractional paper currency] | Ersatzpapiergeld {n} [Notgeld von geringem Nennwert] | |
| the killer [Am.] [coll.] [most impressive thing] | die Krönung {f} [fig.] [Höhepunkt] | |
| travel unmissables [tourist attractions most worth seeing] | Topsehenswürdigkeiten {pl} [auch: Top-Sehenswürdigkeiten] | |
| esot. relig. Wicca [religion; most Wiccans in the USA] | Wicca {n} [Religion mit Schwerpunkt in den USA] | |
2 Words: Others |
| at best {adv} [at (the) most] | wenn es hoch kommt [ugs.] [im günstigsten Fall, höchstens] | |
| for one, ... {adv} [with a single given example, often the most obvious or important one] | vor allem ... | |
| med. high grade {adj} <G4> [stage 4 acc. to TNM classification of malignant tumours] [most of these tumors are inoperable] | niedrig differenziert <G4> [Grading (Angabe, wie differenziert das Tumorgewebe ist) nach TNM-Klassifikation; Tumore meistens inoperabel] | |
| most (highly) {adv} [e.g. most (highly) developed] | am höchsten [in höchstem Maße] [z. B. am höchsten entwickelt] | |
| hist. most illustrious {adj} [also: most high or most serene] [part of the salutory address of a majesty] | allerdurchlauchtig [Teil der Anrede einer Majestät] | |
| most popular {adj} [e.g. most in-demand language] | meistgefragt [z. B. Sprache] | |
| most prominent {adj} [most famous or important] | am prominentesten [nur prädikativ] | |
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