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English-German translation for: [Museum]
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Dictionary English German: [Museum]

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brew brewery {adj} [attr.] [e.g. group, horse, museum, owner]
Brauerei- [z. B. Konzern, Gaul, Museum, Besitzer]
archaeo. archaeological {adj} [e.g. award, office, museum, park]Archäologie- [z. B. Preis, Büro, Museum, Park]
to close [bridge, museum, shop, etc.]
dichtmachen [ugs.]
tour [of a museum etc.]
Rundgang {m} [durch ein Museum etc.]
furn. showcase
Vitrine {f} [in einem Laden oder Museum]
jobs attendant [park, museum etc.]
Aufseher {m} [in Park, Museum etc.]
exhibit [object shown in a museum or art gallery]
Exponat {n}
travel TrVocab. tour [sightseeing tour, of a museum etc.]
Besichtigung {f} [Besichtigungstour, Rundgang]
art travel docent [person who acts as a guide, typically on a voluntary basis, e.g. museum guide]
Führer {m} [Person, z. B. (ehrenamtlicher) Museumsführer]
art libr. accession
Neuerwerbung {f} [Museum, Bibliothek]
deaccession [selling of objects from a museum collection]
Verscherbeln {n} [ugs.] [von Museumsgut]
law neol. Vorlass [literary, musical or artistic estate of a living person, already placed in a research library, scholarly archive or museum]
Vorlass {m}
archi. art (the) Kunstkamera [Russian: Кунсткамера] [Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, Saint Petersburg](die) Kunstkammer {f} [Museum in Sankt Petersburg]
[Swiss museum of transportation in Lucerne]Verkehrshaus {n} der Schweiz [Luzern]
deaccessionVerkauf {m} aus dem Bestand [Museum, Bibliothek]
archi. hist. psych. Narrenturm [early psychiatric hospital in Vienna, today a museum] [often glossed as "Fools' Tower"]Narrenturm {m}
regulars [of a theatre, museum etc.]regelmäßige Besucher {pl}
visitorship [e.g. of a museum]Besucherschaft {f}
2 Words: Verbs
to draw visitors [exhibition, event, museum, etc.]Besucher anziehen [Aussstellung, Veranstaltung, Museum etc.]
to look around [e.g. museum]besichtigen
2 Words: Nouns
accession numberInventarnummer {f} [Museum, Bibliothek]
accession numberZugangsnummer {f} [Museum, Bibliothek]
Africa collection [in a museum]Afrikasammlung {f}
castle museum [palace museum]Schlossmuseum {n}
collection policy [e.g. of a museum]Sammlungspolitik {f} [z. B. eines Museums]
display item [in museum]Anschauungsobjekt {n}
agr. travel farmers museum [also: farmers' museum]Bauernmuseum {n}
cloth. fashion collection [in a museum etc.]Modesammlung {f}
memorial room [e.g. in a museum]Gedenkraum {m}
permanent loan [e.g. to a museum]Dauerleihgabe {f}
pol. travel presidential wing [of White House, museum, hotel, etc.]Präsidentenflügel {m}
art print room [in a museum]grafische Sammlung {f}
art print room [in a museum]graphische Sammlung {f}
public collectionöffentliche Sammlung {f} [Ausstellung, Museum]
jobs ticket taker [in theatre, cinema, museum, etc.]Kartenabreißer {m}
art virtual museumdigitales Museum {n} [auch: virtuelles Museum]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. TrVocab. Checkpoint Charlie MuseumMauermuseum {n} [Mauermuseum  Museum Haus am Checkpoint Charlie]
coffee pot museum [also: coffeepot museum]Kaffeekannenmuseum {n}
art collection of miniatures [in a palace, museum etc.]Miniaturenkabinett {n}
archaeo. archi. art museum of antiquities [also: Museum of Antiquities]Altertumsmuseum {n}
art museum of artKunstgalerie {f} [Museum]
4 Words: Nouns
art mus. theatre a cathedral of art [e.g. a theatre, or museum]ein Tempel {m} der Kunst [z. B. ein Theater oder Museum]
art design of the exposition [e.g. of a museum]Ausstellungsmachart {f} [z. B. eines Museums]
ethn. Museum of Ethnology, ViennaWeltmuseum {n} Wien [früher: Museum für Völkerkunde]
5+ Words: Nouns
Museum for Oceanography and Fisheries, Aquarium [German Oceanographic Museum in Stralsund, Germany]Museum {n} für Meereskunde und Fischerei, Aquarium [Deutsches Meeresmuseum in Stralsund]
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