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English-German translation for: [Nazi]
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Dictionary English German: [Nazi]

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religious {adj} [without belonging to a church etc.]
gottgläubig [veraltet] [bes. Nazi-Ausdruck]
conformist {adj} [esp. during Nazi time]
anpasslerisch [ugs.] [pej.] [häufig auf die Nazizeit bezogen]
hist. pol. ["Hail (to) victory!" Nazi salute; highly offensive; illegal in some German-speaking countries]Sieg Heil! [anstößig u. in einigen deutschsprachigen Ländern strafbar]
[belonging to a foreign race] {adj}außenbürtig [selten] [Nazi-Begriff, neben "fremdrassig"] [vgl. echtbürtig]
[married to a Jew in Nazi terminology] {adj}jüdisch versippt [Nazi-Terminologie]
hist. [Nazi term for Austrian] {adj}ostmärkisch
[to live in hiding or with a false identity] [esp. of Jews in Nazi-Germany]als U-Boot leben [fig.]
[to survive by hiding or with a false identity] [esp. of Jews in Nazi-Germany]als U-Boot überleben [fig.]
hist. to Aryanize sth. [in the Nazi regime]etw.Akk. arisieren [in der NS-Zeit]
hist. to nordicize [Nazi ethnic cleansing]aufnorden
Hakenkreuz [a swastika, esp. that used as the emblem of the Nazi party and the Third Reich]
Hakenkreuz {n}
hist. cooptation
Gleichschaltung {f} [bes. von Gruppen und Institutionen] [auch: Nazi-Terminologie]
hist. miscegenation [marriage]
Mischehe {f} [bes. Nazi-Zeit]
hist. pol. [ethnic replacement]
Umvolkung {f} [Nazi- und rechtsradikaler Begriff]
hist. mil. Hilfswilliger [non-German volunteer in the Nazi forces at the Eastern front]
Hilfswilliger {m} <Hiwi, HiWi, HIWI>
hist. coordination [cf. forcible-coordination] [Nazi Germany]
Gleichschaltung {f} [Nazi-Terminologie]
foreigner [here: male person of foreign ethnicity]
Fremdstämmiger {m} [veraltet] [auch Nazi-Terminologie]
hist. [citizenship law in Nazi Germany]
Reichsbürgergesetz {n}
hist. law [person legally considered a Jew in Nazi Germany]
Geltungsjude {m}
alien [male person of foreign ethnicity]
Fremdstämmiger {m} [veraltet] [auch Nazi-Terminologie]
hist. pol. eradication [of mentally ill and other unwanted people]
Ausmerze {f} [Nazi-Begriff] [Ausmerzung]
hist. gleichschaltung
Gleichschaltung {f} [Nazi-Terminologie]
art Stolperstein [cobblestone-sized memorial for an individual victim of Nazism]
Stolperstein {m} [von Gunter Demnig gestaltete Gedenktafel für Nazi-Opfer]
hist. pol. ['Jewish fine, penance', a penalty tax levied after the November 1938 Pogrom by the Nazi government on Jews in Germany and the occupied territories]Judenbuße {f}
hist. pol. ["brown spots," i.e. hints of a Nazi past]braune Flecken {pl} [fig.]
hist. [a category of half-Jew acc. to the Nuremberg Laws] [Nazi term]jüdischer Mischling {m} ersten Grades [Nazi-Terminologie, sogenannter Halbjude]
pol. [a neo-Nazi party in Germany since 2012]die Rechte {f} [auch: DIE RECHTE]
mil. [derogatory acronym for "Greatest Field Commander of all Time", a title initially publicized by Nazi propaganda to refer to Adolf Hitler during the early years of WWII]GröFaZ {m} [ugs.] [auch: Gröfaz] [abfälliges Kürzel für "Größter Feldherr aller Zeiten", Nazi-Propaganda-Bezeichnung für Adolf Hitler aus den Anfangsjahren des 2. WK]
hist. [literally: perpetrator generation. Generation of Germans who theoretically was able to participate in Nazi crimes]Tätergeneration {f}
hist. hunting Unverified [mid-ranking officer in a Nazi-era German hunting society]Kreisjägermeister {m}
hist. [Nazi law precluding non-Aryans from becoming public servants]Arierparagraph {m}
hist. [Nazi mounted storm troopers]Reiter-Sturmabteilung {f} <Reiter-SA>
hist. [Nazi name for Austria]Ostmark {f}
hist. [Nazi term for Austrians]Ostmärker {pl}
hist. [Nazi terminology for a person with at least three Jewish grandparents]Volljude {m}
agr. hist. jobs [Nazi title for leader of German farmers. Literally: Reich Farmers Leader]Reichsbauernführer {m}
[pre-Nazi, German nationalist provision of club rules excluding Jews]Arierparagraph {m} [Geschichte des Deutschnationalismus]
hist. [regional task force] [esp. during the Nazi regime]Gaueinsatzstab {m}
admin. hist. [regular police force of Nazi Germany]Ordnungspolizei {f} <OrPo, Orpo>
hist. [regular police force of Nazi Germany]Grüne Polizei {f} [ugs.]
hist. pol. [section of Nazi Party for seamen]Gau {m} Seefahrt [NSDAP]
hist. [statutory corporation of farmers in Nazi Germany]Reichsnährstand {m} <RNS>
hist. [tenement building in which Jews had to move from 1939 onwards]Judenhaus {n} [Nazi-Begriff]
hist. law [the predecessor of the Central Register of Foreign Nationals which was established in 1938 by the Nazi government]Ausländerzentralkartei {f} [veraltet]
hist. pol. Anschluss [annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany in 1938]Anschluss {m} (Österreichs) [an das nationalsozialistische Deutsche Reich 1938]
hist. BrownshirtBraunhemd {n} [Nazi]
hist. coördination [spv.] [rare or dated] [cf. forcible-coordination] [Nazi Germany]Gleichschaltung {f} [Nazi-Terminologie]
hist. ethnologyVolkslehre {f} [Nazi-Terminologie]
Julleuchter [Yule lantern or Nazi SS award]Julleuchter {m}
hist. Ostarbeiters [eastern workers]Ostarbeiter {pl} [Nazi-Terminologie]
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