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| |
| hist. race defiler [Nazi term] | Rassenschänder {m} [Nazi-Terminus] | |
| hist. member of the [German] nation [esp. during Nazi time] | Volksgenosse {m} [Nazi-Terminus] | |
Partial Matches |
| hist. journ. publ. executive editor [female] | Hauptschriftleiterin {f} [bes. Nazi-Terminus] | |
| rail concourse [at a terminus] | Querbahnsteig {m} | |
| term of art | Fachausdruck {m} [Terminus] | |
| term of art | Fachbegriff {m} [Terminus] | |
| econ. QM acceptance test | Abnahmeprüfung {f} [Qualitätssicherung, QS-Terminus] | |
| econ. QM tech. partial acceptance test | Teilabnahmeprüfung {f} [Qualitätssicherung, QS-Terminus] | |
| sociol. migration stream [UN term] | Wanderungsstrom {m} [UNO-Terminus] [Migrationsstrom] | |
| hist. member of a foreign race | Fremdrassiger {m} [pejorativer Terminus, der besonders im 3. Reich geläufig war] | |
| hist. members of a foreign race | Fremdvölkische {pl} [pejorativer Terminus, der besonders im 3. Reich geläufig war] | |
| comp. to dispatch [SAP term] | einplanen [SAP-Terminus, Modul RM-PPS] | |
| comp. to schedule [SAP term] | einplanen [SAP-Terminus, Modul BS-DS] | |
| repeated sickness [SAP term] | Mehrfacherkrankung {f} [SAP-Terminus, Modul HR] | |
| comp. to dispatch [SAP term] | einlasten [SAP-Terminus, Modul PP] | |
| comp. number range maintenance [SAP term] | Nummernkreispflege {f} [SAP-Terminus] | |
| comp. transport request [SAP term] | Transportauftrag {m} [SAP-Terminus] | |
| law med. provable suffering | nachgewiesenes Leiden {n} [Terminus wurde geprägt im Zusammenhang mit der Strahlenvergiftung der «Radium Girls»] | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| acad. hist. terminus ante quem | terminus / Terminus {m} ante quem | |
| hist. coordination [cf. forcible-coordination] [Nazi Germany] | Gleichschaltung {f} [Nazi-Terminologie] | |
| poisoning of the people [Nazi terminology] | Volksvergiftung {f} [Nazi-Begriff] | |
| hist. German Blood Certificate [Nazi term] | Deutschblütigkeitserklärung {f} [Nazi-Begriff] | |
| hist. pol. three-quarter Jew [Nazi term] | Dreivierteljude {m} [Nazi-Begriff] | |
| [married to a Jew in Nazi terminology] {adj} | jüdisch versippt [Nazi-Terminologie] | |
| hist. Daily Watchword [daily press briefing of Nazi government] | Tagesparole {f} [Nazi-Terminologie] | |
| hist. Nazi state [also: Nazi State] [Nazi Germany] | NS-Staat {m} [Drittes Reich] | |
| hist. forcible-coordination [Nazi term] | Gleichschaltung {f} [Nazi-Terminologie] | |
| hist. coördination [spv.] [rare or dated] [cf. forcible-coordination] [Nazi Germany] | Gleichschaltung {f} [Nazi-Terminologie] | |
| hist. final solution of the Jewish question [Nazi expression] | Endlösung {f} der Judenfrage [Nazi-Begriff] | |
| hist. [a category of half-Jew acc. to the Nuremberg Laws] [Nazi term] | jüdischer Mischling {m} ersten Grades [Nazi-Terminologie, sogenannter Halbjude] | |
| hist. to be half Jewish [Nazi jargon] [also: to be half-Jewish] | Halbjude sein [Nazi-Jargon] | |
| hist. to be classified as a half-Jew [Nazi jargon] | als Halbjude gelten [Nazi-Jargon] | |
| hist. to be half Jewish [female] [Nazi jargon] [also: to be half-Jewish] | Halbjüdin sein [Nazi-Jargon] | |
| hist. to be classified as a half-Jew [female] [Nazi jargon] | als Halbjüdin gelten [Nazi-Jargon] | |
| hist. to be classified as half-Jewish [Nazi jargon] | als halbjüdisch gelten [Nazi-Jargon] | |
| hist. pol. battle for production [1934 Nazi campaign to boost production] | Erzeugungsschlacht {f} [Nazi-Kampagne 1934 zur Produktionsankurbelung und -steigerung] | |
| hist. mil. combating of bandits [also: combating banditry] [WWII, Nazi term for combating of partisans] | Bandenbekämpfung {f} [2. WK, Nazi-Begriff für Partisanenbekämpfung] | |
| hist. Rhineland bastards [pej.] [term used in Nazi Germany] [esp. children of German mothers and French-African soldiers] | Rheinlandbastarde {pl} [pej.] [Nazi-Terminologie] | |
| hist. prisoner functionary [also: kapo] [in a Nazi concentration camp] | Funktionshäftling {m} [auch Kapo] [in einem Nazi-KZ: Häftling, der als Aufsicht über andere Häftlinge eingesetzt ist] | |
| lit. F The Nazi and the Barber [earlier titles: The Nazi and the Barber, a Tale of Vengeance / The Nazi Who Lived As a Jew] | Der Nazi & der Friseur [Edgar Hilsenrath] | |
| mil. [derogatory acronym for "Greatest Field Commander of all Time", a title initially publicized by Nazi propaganda to refer to Adolf Hitler during the early years of WWII] | GröFaZ {m} [ugs.] [auch: Gröfaz] [abfälliges Kürzel für "Größter Feldherr aller Zeiten", Nazi-Propaganda-Bezeichnung für Adolf Hitler aus den Anfangsjahren des 2. WK] | |
| hist. Brownshirt | Braunhemd {n} [Nazi] | |
| hist. ethnology | Volkslehre {f} [Nazi-Terminologie] | |
| hist. [Nazi term for Austrian] {adj} | ostmärkisch | |
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