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| boreal {adj} [relating to the north] | 10 Nord- | |
| geet {adj} [Br.: esp. North East] [sl.] | 5 voll [ugs.] [sehr] | |
| geogr. [concerning the town of Jülich in North Rhine-Westphalia] {adj} | jülichsch [veraltet] | |
| wor {pron} [coll.] [North East England] [our] | unser | |
Verbs |
| to clam [Br.] [North England] [famish] | 98 hungern | |
| to moil [North Am.] [dialect] [archaic] [to toil] | 20 malochen [ugs.] | |
| to moil [North Am.] [dialect] [archaic] [to toil] | sichAkk. abrackern [ugs.] | |
Nouns |
| rail caboose [Am.] [North America] | 68 Güterzugbegleitwagen {m} | |
| geogr. Sylt [biggest of the North Frisian Islands] | 36 Sylt {n} [Insel Sylt] | |
| ethn. Germans [usually North Germans] | 8 Piefke {pl} [österr.] [pej.] [Deutsche, öfter Norddeutsche] | |
| ginnel [North England] [alley] | 7 Gässchen {n} [schmaler Durchgang zwischen Häusern] | |
| urban chare [Br. esp. North East] | 6 Gasse {f} | |
| mon [Scot.] [North Eng.] [Jamaica] [man] | 5 Mann {m} | |
| gastr. [(boned) chuck in North American meat cutting] | Fehlrippe {f} | |
| brew [beer glass, 0,1 l; esp. North Rhine-Westphalia] | Stößchen {n} [regional, z. B. ein Stössje Kölsch; 0,1 l] | |
| gastr. [black licorice from the north of Germany, shaped like sheep droppings] | Schafskötel {pl} [nordd.] [Lakritzkugeln] | |
| geogr. [coastal sandy heathland in north Germany] | Geest {f} | |
| [fierce North Sea] | Blanker Hans {m} [nordd.] [Redewendung] | |
| educ. jobs Unverified [lateral entry employee of North Rhine-Westphalian school system] | Mikätzchen {n} [hum.] [männliche Form: Mikater] | |
| ling. [line formed by the River Main roughly dividing North and South Germany] | Mainlinie {f} | |
| [North German] [in names of narrow streets, between hedges] | Redder {m} | |
| [politically incorrect term for North Africans in Germany] | Nafri {m} [pej.] [politisch unkorrekter Begriff für Nordafrikaner] | |
| [traditional Schnapps drinking and cabbage eating tour of North Germany] | Kohltour {f} [nordd.] | |
| [wretched North German] | Preuße {m} [bayer.] [pej.] [Norddeutscher, "Nichtbayer"] | |
| hist. relig. Abelites [North African Christian sect, 4th/5th c.] | Abeliten {pl} [kleine christl. Sekte in Nordafrika, 4./5. Jh.] | |
| geogr. Afsluitdijk [name of the dam between Ijsselmeer and North Sea, Netherlands] | Abschlussdeich {m} [Damm zw. Ijsselmeer und Nordsee, Niederlande] | |
| geogr. hist. Albany [also Albania] [cf. Scot. Gaelic: Alba] [territorial term representing the parts of Scotland north of the River Forth] | Alban {n} [histor. Bezeichnung für den nördlichen Teil Schottlands] | |
| Babbitry [North Am.] | [Charaktereigenschaften von George Babbitt; z. B. Selbstgefälligkeit] | |
| meteo. blizzards [esp. in North America] | Blizzards {pl} | |
| geogr. Bochum [North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany] | Baukem {n} [westfälisch] | |
| geogr. Bochum [North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany] | Bochum {n} | |
| admin. charrette [North Am.] | Charrette-Verfahren {n} | |
| clachan [Scot.] [North Irish] | kleines Dorf {n} | |
| ling. Fering [North Frisian language still spoken on the Island of Föhr] | Fering {n} [nordfriesische Sprache, heute noch auf Föhr gesprochen] | |
| geogr. Finnmark [county in North Norway] | Finnmark {f} [Provinz in Nordnorwegen] | |
| flickertails [also capitalized] [nickname for North Dakotans] | Prärieziesel {pl} [selten] [Spitzname für Menschen aus North Dakota (USA)] | |
| Germans [esp. from the North] | Marmeladebrüder {pl} [österr.] [ugs.] [Spottname für Norddeutsche] | |
| Germans [esp. from the North] | Marmeladinger {pl} [österr.] [ugs.] [Spottname für Norddeutsche] | |
| hist. mil. Goum [French North African colonial soldier] | Goum {m} [französischer Kolonialsoldat nordafrikanischer Herkunft] | |
| games sports klootschieten [standing-style ball shooting, played along the coast and borders of North Germany] | Klootschießen {n} [nordd.] [eine Art Eisschießen] | |
| geogr. Minnesota <MN> [North Star State, Gopher State] | Minnesota {n} [US-Bundesstaat] | |
| mil. pol. NATO [also: Nato] [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] | NATO {f} [auch: Nato] [Kurzwort] | |
| meteo. norther [north wind] | Nordwind {m} | |
| ling. Öömrang [North Frisian language still spoken on the Island of Amrum] | Öömrang {n} | |
| ling. Öömrang [North Frisian language still spoken on the Island of Amrum] | Amrumer Friesisch {n} | |
| ling. Sölring [North Frisian language still spoken on the Island of Sylt] | Sölring {n} [nordfriesische Sprache, heute noch auf Sylt gesprochen] | |
| geogr. the Carolinas | [North und South Carolina (USA)] | |
| geogr. the Dakotas [North and South Dakota] | die Dakotas {pl} [Nord- und Süddakota] | |
| geogr. the Plains [of North America] | die Prärie {f} | |
| geogr. Wurm [river in North Rhine-Westphalia] | Wurm {f} [Fluss in Nordrhein-Westfalen] | |
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