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English-German translation for: [Northern]
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Dictionary English German: [Northern]

Translation 1 - 50 of 123  >>

English German
boreal {adj} [northern]
nowt {adv} {pron} [Br.] [northern dialect]
nix [ugs.]
fooked {adj} {past-p} [vulg.] [fucked] [only used in Northern England]aufgeschmissen [ugs.]
nowt {adv} {pron} [Br.] [northern dialect]nischt [ugs.]
tha {pron} [Br.] [dialect] [Northern England] [from: thou]du
uptown {adv} [Am.] [in northern part of Manhattan Island, New York] [place]im Norden von Manhattan Island [des New Yorker Stadtteils Manhattan Island]
uptown {adv} [Am.] [to northern part of Manhattan Island, New York] [direction]in den Norden von Manhattan Island [des New Yorker Stadtteils Manhattan Island]
to boak [Scot.] [Northern English] [to vomit]
[to pronounce sp and st like the English would; esp. Northern German]über den spitzen Stein stolpern [Redewendung]
dub [Scot.] [Northern England] [puddle]
Pfütze {f}
geogr. vastnesses [of Northern Canada, Russia, etc.]
Weiten {pl} [eines Landes, etwa Russlands, Sibiriens etc.]
geogr. fell [Br.] [rocky ridge, esp. in northern England and Scotland]
Bergrücken {m} [baumlos, bes. im Hochland]
besom [Scot.] [Northern English] [pej.] [woman, girl]
Besen {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [kratzbürstige, ruppige weibliche Person]
acad. educ. commercium [traditional academic feast of student fraternities at universities in Central and Northern Europe]
Kommers {m}
gastr. bannock [a round, flat loaf, typically unleavened, associated with Scotland and northern England]
Bannockbrot {n} [Fladenbrot, ursprüngl. aus Schottland]
geol. conglomerate [in the northern Alpine foothills]
Nagelfluh {f} [im nördlichen Alpenvorland]
jobs peeler [sl.] [Northern Irish] [police officer]
Bulle {m} [ugs.] [Polizist]
[person from Northern Germany, especially Hamburg]
Fischkopp {m} [ugs.]
gastr. franzbrötchen [sweet cinnamon-flavoured Northern German pastry]
Franzbrötchen {n}
fin. hist. relig. teind [Scot.] [northern Br.] [tithe]
Zehnt {m}
[a traditional sledge with poles, usually made from metal; Northern Germany]Peekschlitten {m} [Norddeutschland]
[person from northern Germany]Nordlicht {n} [ugs.]
meteo. [storm in the northern Alps arriving from the south]Föhnsturm {m}
geogr. Antrim [town and county in Northern Ireland]Antrim {n}
geogr. Armagh [Irish: Ard Mhacha] [town and county in Northern Ireland]Armagh {n}
gastr. ashet [northern dialect]Servierteller {m}
geogr. pol. Azawad [territory situated in northern Mali]Azawad {m} [nördlicher Teil des Staates Mali]
geogr. Ballycastle [Northern Ireland]Ballycastle {n}
geogr. Bangor [Northern Ireland]Bangor {n}
fish T
constr. bigging [Scot.] [Irish] [Northern England] [house, cottage]Gebäude {n}
furn. buffet [Scot.] [Northern English] [footstool, pouffe]Fußhocker {m} [gepolstert]
geogr. Chalkidiki [peninsula in northern Greece]Chalkidiki {f} [Halbinsel]
geogr. Chernigov [also: Chernihiv] [city in northern Ukraine]Tschernigow {n} [auch: Thernigau] [veraltet] [Tschernihiw]
geogr. Chernihiv [also: Chernigov] [city in northern Ukraine]Tschernihiw {n}
bibl. Chorazin [village in northern Galilee, also known as Kh. Karraza, Kh. Karazeh, Chorizim, Kerazeh, Korazim, Korazin]Chorazin {n} [Dorf bzw. Stadt in Nordgaliläa]
orn. T
astron. Draco <Dra> [northern sky constellation]Drache {m} [lat. Draco] <Dra> [Sternbild]
geogr. Duemmer [lake in Northern Germany]Dümmer {m} [Dümmersee]
fonduk [also: fondouk, funduck] [a business establishment, commercial warehouse, an inn or hotel in northern Africa]Fonduk {n} [Warenniederlassung, Sammelplatz, Herberge in Nordafrika]
ethn. Ifugao {pl} [a people inhabiting northern Luzon, Philippines]Ifugao {pl}
fish T
archaeo. hist. relig. Megiddo [ancient city state in northern Palestine]Megiddo {n} [antiker Stadtstaat im nördl. Palestina]
geogr. Moy [village in Northern Ireland]Moy {n}
geogr. Newcastle [Irish: An Caisleán Nua] [Northern Ireland]Newcastle {n}
geogr. Newry [town in Northern Ireland]Newry {n}
geogr. Norrland [northern region of Sweden]Norrland {n}
fish T
ethn. Prussian [as Bavarian colloquial nickname for all northern German people]Preiß {m} [bayer.] [ugs.] [Preuße]
zool. ratton [Northern England] [Scot.] [Northern Ireland]Ratte {f}
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