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English-German translation for: [Note]
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Dictionary English German: [Note]

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added {adj} {past-p} [e.g. note]
ergänzt [hinzugefügt]
mus. flat {adj} [note]um einen Halbton erniedrigt [Note]
educ. inadequate {adj}nicht genügend [österr.] [Note, Zensur]
to note sth. [register, note down]
etw.Akk. vermerken
to register sth. [record, note]
etw. aufzeichnen [schriftlich festhalten]
to note sth. [make a note]
etw.Akk. aufzeichnen [notieren]
to give sb. sth. [inflict] [e.g. a box on the ear, a bad mark]
jdm. etw.Akk. verpassen [ugs.] [z. B. eine Ohrfeige, eine schlechte Note]
mus. to dwell
aushalten [Note]
to diarize sth. [note an appointment]
etw.Akk. terminieren [im Terminkalender eintragen]
audio mus. to flatten sth. [a musical note]etw.Akk. vertiefen [eine Musiknote um einen Halbton]
reference [note redirecting reader]
Verweis {m} [Referenz]
bill [Am.] [bank note]
Schein {m} [Geldschein]
bill [Am.] [bank note]
Banknote {f}
gloss [marginal note, passing comment]
Randbemerkung {f}
bill [written note]
Zettel {m} [Notizzettel]
curr. tenner [Br.] [coll.] [ten-pound note]
Zehner {m} [ugs.] [Zehneuroschein bzw. (in GB) Zehnpfundschein]
gloss [brief note on sth. in the margin or between lines in a text]
Glosse {f}
mus. velocity [of the note-producing attack]
Anschlagsstärke {f}
fin. stocks note [bond, loan note]
Schuldverschreibung {f}
educ. fail
Nichtgenügend {n} [österr.] [Note, Zensur]
billet [archaic] [rare] [note]
Notiz {f}
mus. stem [of a note]
Hals {m} [einer Note]
ling. mus. print c [letter, musical note]
c {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
mus. cipher [on the organ, a note that persists in sounding through some failure in the action]
Hänger {m} [hängenbleibender Ton, bes. Orgel]
six [the digit '6', etc.]
Sechser {m} [ugs.] [Sechs {f}] [Ziffer, Note usw.]
mus. [in lute tuning, to lower the pitch of the lowest note by a tone]Abzug {m} [Laute]
ling. mus. print a [letter, musical note]a {n} [Buchstabe, musikal. Ton]
ling. mus. print A [letter, musical note]A {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
mus. accidental [note foreign to the key indicated by the key signature]Akzidens {n} [fachspr.]
mus. attack [production of a note on an instrument]Anschlagen {n} [Tonproduktion auf einem Musikinstrument]
mus. b [musical note]h {n} [Ton]
comp. backtracing [note: not backtracking]Rückverfolgung {f}
mus. bending [slightly changing a note's pitch on a guitar]Saitenziehen {n}
curr. berry [1930's British slang for a one pound note]Ein-Pfund-Note {f}
ling. mus. print C [letter, musical note]C {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
mus. clang [fundamental note with its harmonics, from German "Klang"]Klang {m} [Helmholtz]
ling. mus. print d [letter, musical note]d {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
ling. mus. print D [letter, musical note]D {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
ling. mus. print e [letter, musical note]e {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
ling. mus. print E [letter, musical note]E {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
ling. mus. print f [letter, musical note]f {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
ling. mus. print F [letter, musical note]F {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
mus. flag [of a note]Fähnchen {n} [einer Note]
ling. mus. print g [letter, musical note]g {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
ling. mus. print G [letter, musical note]G {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
ling. lit. gloze [archaic] [explanatory note on page margin]Glosse {f} [kurze Erklärung am Rand einer Textseite]
ticket [obs.] [short note]Notiz {f} [schriftlich]
2 Words: Others
pretty good {adj} [note: connotations dependent on tone of voice and context]ziemlich gut
2 Words: Nouns
"will collect" [note on order forms]Selbstabholung {f}
a line {sg} [short note, letter]ein paar Zeilen {pl}
mus. anti-accent [ghost note]Geisternote {f}
mus. bent pitch[Intonationsschwankung eines Tons, Blue Note]
breakup note [also: break-up note]Abschiedsbrief {m} [Trennungsbrief]
breakup note [also: break-up note]Trennungsbrief {m}
mus. common note [note that remains the same between two or more consecutive chords]gemeinsame Note {f}
bot. dry fruit [note: 'dried fruit' is the correct term when referring to edible, processed fruit]Trockenfrucht {f}
mus. extension tubing [for a natural horn to change its fundamental note]Bogensatz {m} [Aufsatzbögen für Naturhorn]
mus. grace note [after another note]Nachschlag {m} [verzierender Ton]
biochem. Holliday junction [note: NOT 'Holiday' junction]Holliday-Kreuzung {f}
curr. Lady Godiva [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang: fiver] [five pound note][Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Fünfpfundnote]
mus. open shake [archaic] [semitone or whole note shake]Triller {m} [Halb- oder Ganzton]
registered form [Note issued in r.f.]Namensschuldverschreibung {f}
fin. law reverse charge [note on invoices where the customer is liable for the payment of the VAT]Steuerschuldnerschaft {f} des Leistungsempfängers [Angabe auf Rechnungen, wenn der Kunde die USt. schuldet]
stocks scrip dividend [note promising to pay dividend later at future date]Wahldividende {f} [Zusage, die Dividende zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt zu zahlen]
3 Words: Nouns
a mere scribble [a scribbled note]bloß eine Notiz {n}
deep sea diver [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang: fiver] [five pound note][Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Fünfpfundnote]
4 Words: Others
Internet Have a nice day. <HAND> [Note: only in texting]HAND [nur in Textnachrichten und dergleichen in der Bedeutung: Schönen Tag (noch)! / Viel Spaß!]
4 Words: Verbs
to keep a note going [hold a note]auf einem Ton aushalten
audio mus. to lower the pitch of sth. [e.g. a musical note]etw.Akk. vertiefen [z. B. eine Musiknote]
mus. to play the wrong notesich verspielen [falsche Note]
4 Words: Nouns
curr. EU one hundred-euro note [also: one hundred euro note]Einhundert-Euro-Schein {m} [ugs.] [Hundert-Euro-Schein]
5+ Words: Others
mus. not belonging to the scale {adj} [chromatic note]leiterfremd
5+ Words: Verbs
to break a ten pound note [Br.] [also: to break a ten-pound note]einen Zehnpfundschein kleinmachen [ugs.]
5+ Words: Nouns
spec. guidance note for technical due diligence <guidance note for TDD>Leitfaden {m} zur Technical Due Diligence [zur technischen Sorgfaltspflicht]
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