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English-German translation for: [O-ring]
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Dictionary English German: [O ring]

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tech. O-ringRundring {m} [O-Ring]
tech. toric joint [O-ring]O-Ring {m}
tech. O-ringNullring / Null-Ring {m} [DDR-Begriff] [O-Ring]
Partial Matches
electr. O-ring circuitO-Ring-Schaltkreis {m} [auch: O-Ring-Schaltung]
Kisby ring [also: kisby ring, kisbie ring] [spv.] [Kisbee ring] [ring-shaped lifebuoy named after Thomas Kisbee]Rettungsring {m}
crime ring [ring of criminals]Verbrecherring {m} [Ring von Verbrechern]
mus. Ring Cycle [also: Ring cycle]Ringzyklus {m} [Ring des Nibelungen: Wagner]
band [esp. a gold wedding ring]Fingerreif {m} [geh.] [z. B. einfacher goldener Ring]
math. semisimple {adj} [module, ring]halbeinfach [Modul, Ring]
wedding {adj} [attr.] [bridal] [e.g. band or ring, vow]Ehe- [z. B. Ring, Gelübde]
tech. base ring [a ring at the base of something]Fußring {m} [Ring am Fuß etw.]
to wear sth. [e.g. ring, watch, necklace, neck pouch]etw. tragen [am Körper: z. B. Ring, Armbanduhr, Halskette, Brustbeutel]
Kisbee ring [also: kisbee ring] [ring-shaped lifebuoy named after Thomas Kisbee]Rettungsring {m}
spy {adj} [attr.] [e.g. film, novel, plane, ring, satellite]Spionage- [z. B. Film, Roman, Flugzeug, Ring, Satellit]
wedding {adj} [attr.] [e.g. altar, ceremony, liturgy, ring, speaker]Trau- [z. B. Altar, Zeremonie, Liturgie, Ring, Redner]
mus. theatre F The Ring [coll.] [short for: The Ring of the Nibelung]Der Ring [ugs.] [kurz für: Der Ring der Nibelungen] [Richard Wagner]
ringpipe system [spv.] [ring-pipe system, ring pipe system]Ringleitungssystem {n}
to tingle [ring]klingen
biol. bot. chem. annulation [ring formation]Ringbildung {f}
gastr. doughnut [ring-shaped]Bauernkrapfen {m} [österr.]
tech. snapring [spv.] [snap ring]Sicherungsring {m}
to put onanstecken [Ring, Hohlkörper]
to slip onanstecken [Hohlkörper, Ring]
anat. annular finger [ring finger]Ringfinger {m}
anat. fourth finger [ring finger]Ringfinger {m}
med. pharm. interlaboratory survey [ring trial]Ringversuch {m}
math. trivial ringNullring {m} [trivialer Ring]
to slip offabziehen [z. B. Ring]
math. Dedekind ringDedekindring {m} [auch: Dedekind-Ring]
biochem. furanose ringFuranosering {m} [auch: Furanose-Ring]
math. Krull ringKrullring {m} [auch: Krull-Ring]
math. near-ring [also: near ring]Fastring {m}
chem. phenyl ringPhenylring {m} [auch: Phenyl-Ring]
chem. pyrazol ringPyrazolring {m} [auch: Pyrazol-Ring]
wall {adj} [attr.] [e.g. coping, ring]Mauer-
to knoll [archaic] [knell] [to ring, of bells]läuten
urban [ring of wealthy suburbs / exurbs]Speckgürtel {m} [ugs.]
sports canvas [cover of a wrestling ring]Boden {m}
sports canvas [cover of a wrestling ring]Ringboden {m}
MedTech. cock ring [erection ring]Cockring {m} [mechanische Potenzhilfe]
tech. spacer bushing [sleeve or broad ring]Abstandshülse {f}
zool. T
anat. ciliary circle [obs.] [ciliary ring]Ciliarkreis {m} [veraltet] [Ziliarring]
tech. crescent ring [rare for: circlip, snap ring]Halbmondring {m}
electr. ring earther [Br.] [rare] [ring earthing electrode]Ringerder {m}
geogr. Amsterdam Canal District [Grachtengordel, canal ring]Grachtengürtel {m} [Amsterdam]
geol. circum-Pacific belt [Ring of Fire]zirkumpazifischer Feuergürtel {m}
tech. slip ring assembly [also: slip-ring assembly]Schleifringübertrager {m}
tech. slip ring unit [also: slip-ring unit]Schleifringeinheit {f}
tools flare nut crowfoot wrenchHahnenfuß-Ringschlüssel {m} [offener Ring]
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