| English | German | |
| formal {adj} [official] | 495 offiziell | |
| authoritative {adj} [official] | 281 amtlich | |
| functional {adj} [obs.] [official] | 33 amtlich | |
| law [before or after the official termination of a contract] {adj} | außerterminlich | |
| law apostilled {adj} {past-p} [official document] | mit der Apostille versehen | |
Verbs |
| admin. law to handle sth. [legal or official matters] | 1151 etw.Akk. erledigen [Angelegenheit] | |
| Internet to leak [to publish software, music etc. on the internet before the official release date] | 32 leaken [Software, Musik etc. über das Internet verbreiten vor der offiziellen Veröffentlichung] | |
| to unelect sb. [to recall an official] | 16 jdn. abwählen | |
| law to leapfrog [bypass official channnels] | Instanzen überspringen | |
Nouns |
| pol. accord [official agreement or treaty] | 771 Abkommen {n} | |
| designation [official name] | 569 Benennung {f} [Bezeichnung, (offizieller) Name] | |
| record [official document] | 414 Akte {f} | |
| med. commitment [official consignment to a mental hospital] | 250 Unterbringung {f} [Zwangseinweisung] | |
| letter [esp. official letter] | 154 Schreiben {n} [(bes. offizieller) Brief] | |
| cloth. livery [of an official, a member of a guild etc.] | 131 Tracht {f} [Amtstracht, berufsspezifische Kleidung] | |
| admin. visit [in person, on official business] | 87 Vorsprache {f} | |
| certificate [official document] | 79 Zeugnis {n} | |
| badge [official] | 66 Vignette {f} [österr.] [südd.] | |
| relig. Pope [in official function] | 66 Pontifex {m} [Papst] | |
| letter [esp. official communication, reply, comment on a subject, fan mail etc.] | 63 Zuschrift {f} | |
| function [official ceremony] | 55 Feierlichkeit {f} | |
| mandarin [official] [pej.] | 36 Bürokrat {m} [pej.] | |
| stamp [official mark] | 30 Kennzeichen {n} | |
| function [official ceremony] | 27 Feier {f} | |
| jobs marshal [official at events] | 27 Ordner {m} [z. B. bei Demonstrationen] | |
| admin. pol. relig. office [official residence, seat] | 26 Amtssitz {m} | |
| mandarin [high-ranking official with extensive powers] [pej.] | 16 Apparatschik {m} [pej.] | |
| cloth. vestment [ceremonial, official] | 14 Ornat {m} {n} [Amtstracht, Messgewand] | |
| princeling [son of high-ranking Chinese official] | 11 Prinzling {m} [Sohn eines hohen chines. Parteikaders] | |
| cloth. vestment [ceremonial, official] | 11 Amtstracht {f} | |
| cloth. vestment [ceremonial, official] | 10 Amtskleidung {f} | |
| admin. [official notice of child endangerment] | 9 Gefährdungsmeldung {f} [an die Vomundschaftsbehörde] [schweiz.] | |
| jobs reporter [preparing official reports] | 7 Referent {m} | |
| admin. [female high government official responsible for family affairs] | 6 Familienministerin {f} | |
| stocks [newspaper designated by a stock exchange, in which issuers of stocks are obliged to publish official notifications] | 6 Pflichtblatt {n} [Börse] | |
| convenor [Br.] [union official] | 6 [höchster Gewerkschaftsfunktionär in einem Betrieb] | |
| Internet leaking [to publish software, music etc. on the internet before the official release date] | 6 Leaken {n} [Verbreiten von Software, Musik etc. über Internet vor der offiziellen Veröffentlichung] | |
| admin. fish law [an official term in Germany for license to fish in specific locations there] | Gewässerschein {m} [Fischereierlaubnisschein] | |
| pol. [high government official responsible for family matters] | Familienminister {m} | |
| hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters] | Rügegericht {n} | |
| hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters] | Ruggericht {n} | |
| [obligation to carry an official document (identity card, driving license, work permit, etc.)] | Mitführpflicht {f} | |
| mus. pol. [official anthem of the German federal state of Hesse] | Hessenlied {n} | |
| ling. [official dictionary of the German language in Austria] | Österreichisches Wörterbuch {n} <ÖWB> [amtlich] | |
| hist. philat. [official mail in the GDR between government agencies and industries] | Zentraler Kurierdienst {m} <ZKD> [in der DDR] | |
| relig. [official name of Jewish religious communities in Austria] | Israelitische Kultusgemeinde {f} <IKG> [österr.] | |
| hist. journ. [official organ of the Austrian Socialist / Social Democratic Party] | Arbeiterzeitung {f} | |
| [official representation of employees] | Arbeiterkammer {f} <AK> [österr.] | |
| [official representation of university students] | Hochschülerschaft {f} [österr.] <ÖH> | |
| educ. law Unverified [official representation of university students] | Hochschülerinnenschaft und Hochschülerschaft {f} [österr.] | |
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