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English-German translation for: [Park]
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Dictionary English German: [Park]

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scruffy {adj} [park, city]
scruffy {adj} [park, city]
verlottert [ugs.]
archaeo. archaeological {adj} [e.g. award, office, museum, park]Archäologie- [z. B. Preis, Büro, Museum, Park]
nature {adj} [attr.] [e.g. deity, film, lover, mysticism, park, photographer, poetry]Natur- [z. B. Gottheit, Film, Freund, Mystik, Park, Fotograf, Dichtung]
provincial {adj} [e.g. park, elections, city]Provinz- [z. B. Park, Wahlen, Stadt]
to landscape [garden, park]landschaftsgärtnerisch gestalten
hort. alley [rare] [allée]
Allee {f} [in Park etc.]
jobs attendant [park, museum etc.]
Aufseher {m} [in Park, Museum etc.]
hort. park {sg} [public]
Anlagen {pl} [(öffentlicher) Park]
automot. park [park position]
Parkposition {f} [beim Automatikgetriebe]
spaciousness [of a park, building]
Weitläufigkeit {f} [von Park, Gebäude]
hort. allée [alley in a formal garden or park, bordered by trees or bushes]
Allee {f} [französischer Garten]
creation [of a library, state, park, etc.]
Errichtung {f} [Gründung]
[conversion to a pseudo-Disneyland theme park]Disneylandisierung {f} [ugs.]
Niederwalddenkmal [also Germania] [monument located in the Niederwald Landscape park, Rüdesheim / Rhine, Germany]Niederwalddenkmal {n}
walkway [in a park or garden]Spazierweg {m} [in Park]
2 Words: Verbs
to become neglectedverwahrlosen [Gegend, Park etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
entertainment area [e.g. in a park]Unterhaltungsbereich {m} [eines Parks etc.]
hunting orn. TrVocab. falconry parkFalknerei {f} [Falknerei-Park]
aviat. flight line[Park- und Servicebereich für Flugzeuge]
archi. hort. ha-haHa-Ha {m} [Graben als Park- oder Gartenbegrenzung]
geogr. High Line [Manhattan park]High Line {f} [Parkanlage]
hort. laying out [of a park / grounds]Anlage {f} [Anlegen, eines Parks / Gartens]
ind. transp. logistics parkLogistikpark {m} [auch: Logistik-Park]
comm. traffic TrVocab. pay machine [esp. at car park]Kassenautomat {m} [bes. bei Parkplätzen, Parkhäusern]
travel Speakers' Corner [Br.]Speakers' Corner {f} [bes. im Hyde Park, London]
3 Words: Nouns
installation of furniture [e.g. picnic tables in a park]Möblierung {f}
International Peace Garden [Peace Park, Canada-USA]International Peace Garden {m} [Internationaler Friedensgarten]
geogr. UWH Maloti-Drakensberg Park [wildlife sanctuary and national park]Maloti-Drakensberg-Park {m} [Naturpark]
white-water ride [in an amusement park]Wildwasserbahn {f}
4 Words: Nouns
geogr. Amber Mountain National Park [Montagne d'Ambre National Park]Nationalpark {m} Montagne d'Ambre
geogr. Mount Bulusan Natural ParkBulusan-Vulkan-Nationalpark {m} [ugs.] [Mount Bulusan Natural Park]
UWH Muskauer Park / Park MuzakowskiMuskauer Park {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F A Close Shave [Nick Park]Wallace & GromitUnter Schafen
film F A Grand Day Out (with Wallace and Gromit) [Nick Park]Wallace & GromitAlles Käse
film F A Matter of Loaf and Death [Nick Park]Wallace & GromitAuf Leben und Brot
RadioTV F Chef [South Park]Chefkoch
film F Chicken Run [Peter Lord, Nick Park]Chicken RunHennen Rennen
film F The Wrong Trousers [Nick Park]Wallace & GromitDie Techno-Hose
film F Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit [Nick Park]Wallace & GromitAuf der Jagd nach dem Riesenkaninchen
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