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| |
| ambulatory {adj} [Am.] | 45 gehfähig [Patient] | |
| untended {adj} [e.g. a patient] | 16 unbewacht | |
| med. customized {adj} [patient-customized] | 11 patientenspezifisch | |
| med. ventilated {adj} {past-p} [e.g. intensive care patient] | 7 beatmet [z. B. Intensivpatient] | |
| med. pharm. cave [Latin: caution] [commonly used to denote important information in patient's charts] | cave / Cave [Beispiel: Kontraindikation - Cave Nierensteine] | |
Verbs |
| to deteriorate [patient etc.] | 142 abbauen [körperlich und / oder geistig schwächer werden] | |
| to shift sb./sth. [a patient; the focus, one's residence, etc.] | 90 jdn./etw. verlegen [einen Patienten; den Fokus, seinen Wohnsitz etc.] | |
| to move sb. [transfer (a patient) to another ward, etc.] | 22 jdn. umlegen [(einen Patienten) auf eine andere Station etc. verlegen] | |
| tech. to tilt sth. [e.g. patient table] | 19 etw. abneigen [seltener] [(nach unten) kippen] | |
| to quarantine sb. [infectious patient] | 13 jdn. internieren [Kranke] | |
| med. to flatline [Am.] | Herzstillstand erleiden [Patient am Monitor] | |
| med. to isolate sb. [infectious patient] | jdn. internieren [Kranke] | |
| to unswathe sth. | etw. auswickeln [Bänder oder Bandagen entfernen, z. B. Mumie, Patient] | |
Nouns |
| med. patient | 22 Kranker {m} [Patient] | |
| sufferance [toleration; also archaic: patient endurance] | 19 Dulden {n} [Zulassen; auch geh.: Ertragen (von Schmerzen etc.)] | |
| med. position [patient] | 16 Lagerung {f} [Patient] | |
| med. flatliner [coll.] | 14 [Person / Patient mit Herzstillstand] | |
| med. presentation [of a patient] | 14 Vorstellung {f} [fachspr.] | |
| med. ambulant [dated] [walking patient] | 5 Gehfähiger {m} | |
| med. aborter [abortion patient] | Abtreibungspatientin {f} | |
| med. Aspergian [patient] | Patient {m} mit Asperger-Syndrom | |
| med. chronic [Am.] [chronic patient] | Chroniker {m} [Medizinjargon] [chronisch Kranker] | |
| med. chronic [female] [Am.] [chronic female patient] | Chronikerin {f} [Medizinjargon] [chronisch Kranke] | |
| hectic [archaic] [tuberculosis patient] | Schwindsüchtiger {m} | |
| med. inhaler [person] | Inhalierender {m} [bes. ein Patient] | |
| med. phonet. pseudoaccent [an acquired speech disorder] | Pseudoakzent {m} [Person / Patient spricht, als ob sie / er einen ausländischen Akzent hätte] | |
| med. terminal [Br.] [short] [terminal patient, terminally ill patient] | präfinaler Patient {m} | |
2 Words: Others |
| med. at presentation {adv} [of a patient] | bei der Vorstellung [eines Patienten] | |
| being patient [She likes being patient.] | sich zu gedulden [Sie mag es, sich zu gedulden.] | |
| QM spec. extreme-risk {adj} [attr.] [e.g. patient, sport] | Extremrisiko- [z. B. Patient, Sport] | |
| med. MedTech. feet first {adv} <FF> | Beine voran [Der Patient wird mit den Füßen / Beinen voran im Scanner positioniert.] | |
| med. MedTech. head first {adv} <HF> | Kopf voran [Der Patient wird mit dem Kopf voran im Scanner positioniert.] | |
| med. intensive care {adj} [attr.] [patient] | intensivpflichtig [Patient] | |
| med. QM low-risk {adj} <LR> [attr.] [e.g. patient] | Niedrigrisiko- <NR> [z. B. Patient] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| med. to fine-tune [fig.] [a patient] | einstellen [fig.] [einen Patienten] | |
| med. to present with sth. [e.g. a patient presents with chest pain] | mit etw. vorstellig werden | |
| med. to present with sth. [patient with a disease] | sich mit etw. vorstellen [Patient mit einer Krankheit] | |
| med. to present with sth. [patient with a symptom] | sich mit etw. zeigen [Patient mit Krankheitssymptom] | |
| to prop sb./sth. up [e.g. patient, head] | jdn./etw. aufstützen [einen Kranken, den Kopf usw.] | |
| to refer sb. to sb. [a patient to another doctor] | jdn. an jdn. überweisen [Patient] | |
| to roll sb. over [e.g. a patient] | jdn. auf die andere Seite legen [z. B. einen Patienten] | |
| to sit sb. up [e.g. patient] | jdn. aufsetzen [z. B. Kranken] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| med. bedside testing [near-patient testing, point-of-care testing] | patientennahe Labordiagnostik {f} [Point-of-Care-Testing] | |
| med. blue bloater [patient with chronic bronchitis] | Blue Bloater {m} | |
| care recipient [client, e.g. patient, elderly or disabled people in nursing homes] | Pflegeempfänger {m} [Patient, Klient, Heimbewohner] | |
| med. medical findings {pl} [collective physical and psychological occurrences of a patient] | Befund {m} | |
| MedTech. movement range [e.g. patient tabletop] | Verfahrbereich {m} | |
| med. out-patient | Tagespatient {m} [Patient, der sich tagsüber zur Behandlung ins Krankenhaus begibt, ansonsten aber zu Hause wohnt und schläft] | |
| MedTech. patient bench [examination table, patient couch] | Patientenliege {f} | |
| dent. med. patient questionnaire [patient history form] | Patientenfragebogen {m} [Anamneseblatt] | |
| med. patient welfare [e.g. financial issues over patient welfare] | Patientenwohl {n} [z. B. Kostenüberlegungen gegenüber dem Patientenwohl] | |
| med. performance status <PS> [measure of a patient's well-being] | Performance-Status {m} <PS> [Patientenstatus] | |
| med. pink puffer [patient with COPD or an emphysema] | Pink Puffer {m} | |
| med. secondary survey [a head-to-toe examination of the trauma patient, following the ABCDE survey] | Zweituntersuchung {f} [Kopf-bis-Fuß-Untersuchung nach der initialen Beurteilung (Primary Survey)] | |
| med. stone carrier [patient] | Steinträger {m} [Patient] | |
| med. stone patient [male patient suffering from calculi] | Steinkranker {m} | |
| med. treatment refusal | Behandlungsverweigerung {f} [Patient] | |
| med. walk-in [patient] | Spontanpatient {m} [selten] [Patient ohne Terminanmeldung] | |
3 Words: Others |
| med. QM very high-risk {adj} <VHR> [attr.] [e.g. patient] | Höchstrisiko- [z. B. Patient] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| idiom to be a goner [patient] [coll.] | es nicht mehr lange machen [ugs.] | |
| med. to be in surgery [as a patient: to undergo surgery] | operiert werden | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| COVID-19 patient [also: Covid-19 patient, covid-19 patient] | COVID-19-Patient {m} [fachspr. für: Covid-19-Patient] | |
| med. long-stay patient [in-patient] | Langzeitpatient {m} [stationär] | |
| med. multiple-injured patient | Multitraumatisierter {m} [Patient] | |
| dent. med. patient history form [patient questionnaire] | Anamneseblatt {n} | |
| med. pharm. screen failure rate <SFR> | Screen-Failure-Rate {f} [Ausschlussrate wegen nicht erfüllter Kriterien zur Teilnahme an einer klinischen Studie (Proband, Patient)] | |
| med. pharm. termination of subject [premature withdrawal of a patient from the study] | vorzeitiger Ausschluss {m} des Patienten [aus der klinischen Studie] | |
4 Words: Others |
| med. MedTech. close to the patient {adj} [patient-friendly] | patientennah | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to cover sb. with a blanket [e.g. the patient] | jdn. mit einer Decke zudecken [z. B. den Patienten] | |
| med. to go to / into hospital [Br.] | ins Krankenhaus gehen [als Patient] | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| med. to be in a cold sweat [patient] | kaltschweißig sein [Patient] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| med. (cardiac) pacemaker patient identification card <pacemaker patient ID card> | Herzschrittmacherausweis {m} | |
| med. (cardiac) pacemaker patient identification card <pacemaker patient ID card> | Herzschrittmacherkarte {f} | |
| MedTech. latching and non-latching visual alarms [e.g. patient monitoring] | löschender Alarm und bleibender Alarm {m} [z. B. Patientenüberwachungssystem] | |
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