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English-German translation for: [Pers.]
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Dictionary English German: [Pers]

Translation 1 - 65 of 65


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she {pron}
sie [3. Pers. Singular, Nominativ]
them {pron} [direct object]
sie [3. Pers. Plural, Akkusativ]
her {pron} [indirect object]
ihr [Personalpronomen: 3. Pers. Singular, Dativ]
they {pron}
sie [3. Pers. Plural, Nominativ]
themselves {pron}
selbst [3. Pers. pl.]
her {pron} [determiner] [e.g. her sister, her address, her parents]
ihre [3. Pers. Singular] [z. B. ihre Schwester, ihre Adresse, ihre Eltern]
her {pron} [direct object]
sie [3. Pers. Singular, Akkusativ]
ya {pron} [nonstandard] [you]
ihr [2. Pers. pl.]
you-all {pron} [Am.] [dialect]ihr [2. Pers. Plural]
because of them {adv}ihretwegen [3. Pers. Pl.]
for their sake {adv}ihretwegen [3. Pers. Pl.]
for their sakes {adv}ihretwegen [3. Pers. Pl.]
in their behalf {adv}ihretwegen [3. Pers. Pl.]
on their account {adv}ihretwegen [3. Pers. Pl.]
on their behalf {adv}ihretwegen [3. Pers. Pl.]
because of her {adv}ihretwegen [3. Pers. Sg. Fem.]
for her sake {adv}ihretwegen [3. Pers. Sg. Fem.]
in her behalf {adv}ihretwegen [3. Pers. Sg. Fem.]
on her account {adv}ihretwegen [3. Pers. Sg. Fem.]
on her behalf {adv}ihretwegen [3. Pers. Sg. Fem.]
2 Words: Others
Seize them!Ergreift sie! [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
you are [2. pers. pl.]ihr seid
2 Words: Verbs
to be on the mend [idiom]sich bessern [Gesundheitszustand] [kein pers. Subjekt]
2 Words: Nouns
her pain {sg}ihre Schmerzen {pl} [ihre: 3. Pers. Singular]
3 Words: Others
at the time they arrived {adv}bei ihrer Ankunft [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural]
with respect to their prerequisites {adv}hinsichtlich ihrer Voraussetzungen [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural]
I pity them.Ich bedauere sie. [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
in their entirety {adv}in ihrer Gesamtheit [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural]
since they (got) separatedseit ihrer Trennung [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural]
since they split up {adv}seit ihrer Trennung [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural]
throughout their history {adv}zeit ihrer Geschichte [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural]
in their (own) day {adv}zu ihrer Zeit [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural]
in her day {adv}zu ihrer Zeit [ihrer: 3. Pers. Singular]
3 Words: Nouns
her two (pet) dogsihre beiden Hunde {pl} [ihre: 3. Pers. Singular]
both (of) their childrenihre beiden Kinder {pl} [ihre: 3. Pers. Plural]
both (of) her childrenihre beiden Kinder {pl} [ihre: 3. Pers. Singular]
all their hopesihre ganzen Hoffnungen {pl} [ihre: 3. Pers. Plural]
all her garmentsihre ganzen Kleider {pl} [ihre: 3. Pers. Singular] [Kleidung]
4 Words: Others
at the end of her patience {adv}am Ende ihrer Geduld [ihrer: 3. Pers. Singular]
in their search for {adv}bei ihrer Suche nach [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural]
Ask them to show him in.Bitte sie, ihn hereinzuführen. [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
I don't need them.Ich bedarf ihrer nicht. [ihrer: 3. Pers. Gen. Plural] [geh.] [Ich brauche sie nicht]
in fulfilment of their tasks {adv} [Br.]in Erfüllung ihrer Aufgaben [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural]
They are to be found in ...Man findet sie in ... [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
with all of her belongings {adv}mit all ihrer Habe [ihrer: 3. Pers. Singular]
Fuck 'em! [vulg.]Scheiß (was) auf sie! [vulg.] [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
They would be well advised ...Sie wären gut beraten ... [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
as soon as he saw themsobald er sie sah [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
as soon as he sees themsobald er sie sieht [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
for their own sake {adv}um ihrer selbst willen [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural]
4 Words: Nouns
their ancestral landdas Land {n} ihrer Vorfahren [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural]
5+ Words: Others
To hell with them! [idiom]Der Teufel soll sie holen! [sie: 3. Pers. Plural] [Idiom]
They have the edge on us. [idiom]Der Vorteil liegt auf ihrer Seite. [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural]
They were devastated by the news.Die Nachricht hat sie tief erschüttert. [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
I find it moving the way they ...Es berührt mich, wie sie ... [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
They have nowhere (else) to go. [fig.]Es gibt für sie (sonst) keinen Ausweg. [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
It's going well for them.Es läuft gut für sie. [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
I'll get them away from here.Ich werde sie von hier wegbringen. [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
Their children are in foster care.Ihre Kinder sind in Pflege. [ihre: 3. Pers. Plural]
They are often referred to as ...Man bezeichnet sie auch oft als ... [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
Now they look sure to ...Nun scheint es sicher, dass sie ... [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
much as I love themso sehr ich sie auch liebe [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
We will remember them!Wir werden uns ihrer erinnern! [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural, Genitiv]
What did you catch them doing?Wobei hast du sie ertappt? [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
What did you catch her doing?Wobei hast du sie ertappt? [sie: 3. Pers. Singular]
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