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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: [Professional]
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Dictionary English German: [Professional]

Translation 1 - 49 of 49

English German
jobs to unfrock sb. [fig.] [to deprive sb. of professional status or membership of a prestigious group]jdn. seines Status berauben [geh.]
cloth. garb [esp. traditional costumes, professional uniforms]
Tracht {f}
fin. fee [payment to professional people, e.g. doctors]
Honorar {n}
acc. jobs [German professional providing auditing services]
Wirtschaftsprüfer {m}
fin. fee [professional fee, compensation]
Vergütung {f}
jobs profession [professional field]
Berufszweig {m}
cloth. habit [religious, professional]
Gewand {n} [religiös, Amtstracht]
pro [coll.] [professional]
Profi {m}
opinion [professional finding]
Befund {m} [Gutachten]
acad. educ. discipline [area of study or professional activity]
Fachrichtung {f}
confraternity [professional society]
Berufsgenossenschaft {f} [schweiz.]
ling. jargon [professional]
Berufssprache {f}
cloth. vestments [professional, ceremonial]
Amtstrachten {pl}
jobs sociol. expatriate [professional abroad for a limited time]
Expatriate {m} [Anglizismus für vorübergehend im Ausland beschäftigte Person]
cloth. vestments {pl} [professional, ceremonial]
Ornat {m} {n} [Amtstracht, Messgewand]
econ. panel [professional group]
Fachgruppe {f}
theatre [honorary or professional title for actors in Austria]Kammerschauspieler {m} <Ksch.>
[licensed / professional broker in the fields such as finance and real estate]Berufsmakler {m}
[professional association of dispensing chemists]Apothekerkammer {f}
educ. [professional maturity certificate] [Switzerland]Berufsmaturität {f} <BM> [schweiz.]
[trade union representing a specific professional branch]Spartengewerkschaft {f}
fartist [coll.] [professional farter]Kunstfurzer {m} [ugs.]
med. feldsher [health care professional in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union]Feldscher {m} [medizinische Hilfskraft in der Sowjetunion und im heutigen Russland]
gastr. griller [person, non-professional]Griller {m} [ugs.] [jd., der grillt]
prozine [professional magazine / publication][Magazin / Veröffentlichung professioneller Art; das Gegenteil von Fanzine]
games sharper [professional gambler, esp. in playing cards]Berufsspieler {m} [Kartenspiele]
jobs med. sonographer [diagnostic medical professional]Sonographer {m} [ugs.] [Arzt/Spezialist, der Ultraschall-Untersuchungen durchführt]
hist. jobs weeper [female] [professional mourner]Klageweib {n}
2 Words: Others
pro bono {adj} {adv} [relating to professional work: without asking for payment]pro bono [professionelle Arbeit betreffend: ohne ein Honorar zu verlangen]
jobs white-collar {adj} [fig.] [office and professional workers]Geistes- [z. B. Kopfarbeiter]
2 Words: Nouns
boundary violations [professional ethics]Grenzverletzungen {pl} [Berufsethik]
mus. cathedral choir [professional]Domchor {m}
jobs mountain cleaner [professional working around Salzburg to prevent rock fall]Bergputzer {m}
Internet market. online marketer [online marketing professional]Online-Marketer {m} [Online-Marketier]
Internet market. online marketer [online marketing professional]Online-Marketier {m}
sports Players' Union <VDV®> [for professional football players, Germany]Spielergewerkschaft {f} [ugs.] [Vereinigung Vertragsfußballspieler]
sports Players' Union <VDV®> [for professional football players, Germany]Vereinigung {f} der Vertragsfußballspieler e. V. - Die Spielergewerkschaft <VDV®>
private society [small group with, often, common professional interests]Privatgesellschaft {f}
sports pro circuit [short for: professional circuit]Profitour {f}
sports pro tour [short for: professional tour]Profitour {f}
professional skill [also: professional skills]Fachkompetenz {f}
professional skill [also: professional skills]Sachkompetenz {f}
hist. mil. standing armies [professional bodies of soldiers]Kriegsvölker {pl} [veraltet] [stehende Heere]
educ. jobs vocational diploma [admission requirement for higher professional exams]Fachausweis {m} [schweiz.]
3 Words: Others
in my field {adv} [professional field or field of expertise]in meinem Fach
3 Words: Nouns
med. pharm. Dear Doctor letter <DDL> [coll.] [direct healthcare professional communication]Rote-Hand-Brief {m} <RHB> [Risikoinformation für Arzneimittel, die direkt vom pharmazeutischen Unternehmen verbreitet wird]
hist. Reich Literature Chamber [professional organisation of writers in Nazi-Germany]Reichsschrifttumskammer {f} <RSK>
rules of art [technical or professional rules]Kunstregeln {pl}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F The Mercenary [Sergio Corbucci] [UK title: A Professional Gun]Die gefürchteten Zwei [Alternativtitel: Mercenario - Der Gefürchtete]
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