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English-German translation for: [RAM-Disk]
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Dictionary English German: [RAM Disk]

Translation 1 - 31 of 31


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comp. electronic diskelektronischer Plattenspeicher {m} [RAM-Disk]
Partial Matches
comp. platter [hard disk; magnetic disk of a hard disk drive]Platte {f} [Festplatte; Magnetplatte eines Festplattenlaufwerks]
media [disk]Diskette {f}
comp. corrupt {adj} [e.g. disk]nicht lesbar
comp. disk full [hard disk]Festplatte voll
tools disk mill [Am.] [disk grinder]Mahlscheibenmühle {f}
comp. drive path [short for: disk drive path]Laufwerkspfad {m}
electr. RadioTV scanning disk [Nipkow disk]Nipkow-Scheibe {f} [auch: Nipkowscheibe]
comp. compact disk <CD>Kompakt-Diskette {f} [veraltend] [selten] [Compact Disk]
electr. RadioTV Nipkov disk [spv.] [Nipkow (scanning) disk]Nipkow-Scheibe {f} [auch: Nipkowscheibe]
comp. spin-down [hard disk drive shutdown]Drehzahlverringerung {f} [Abschaltung der Festplatte]
comp. sleeve [e.g. of a phonograph record or floppy disk]Schutztasche {f}
MedTech. stress-relieved {adj} [e.g. anode, anode disk]entspannt
astron. proplyd [short for: protoplanetary disk]Proplyd {n} [kurz für: protoplanetare Scheibe]
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
anat. Z-line [Z-disk, Z-band] [sarcomere]Z-Linie {f} [Sarkomer, Muskulatur]
anat. Z-line [Z-disk, Z-band] [sarcomere]Z-Streifen {m} [Sarkomer, Muskulatur]
gastr. pastry disk [disk made of pastry, used as a base for various baked goods]Oblate {f} [Scheibe aus Teig, die als Unterlage für verschiedenes Gebäck verwendet wird]
corrupt {adj} [text, computer program, disk, CD, etc.]fehlerhaft [Text, Computerprogramm, Diskette, CD etc.]
hist. mil. ram [battering ram]Sturmbock {m}
zool. tup [esp. Br.] [ram]Widder {m} [Schafbock]
agr. zool. wether [castrated ram]Schöps {m} [ostd.] [österr.] [kastrierter Schafsbock]
hunting curling horn [of a mouflon ram]Schnecke {f} [Jägerspr.: Horn eines männl. Mufflons]
curling horns [of a mouflon ram]Schnecken {pl} [Jägerspr.: Hörner eines männl. Mufflons]
VetMed. raddle [also ruddle or reddle] [coloured pigment strapped to the chest of a ram]Deckanzeiger {m}
zool. to tup sth. [esp. Br.] [ram: copulate with a ewe]etw. bespringen [Widder: ein weibliches Schaf]
zool. to tup sth. [esp. Br.] [ram: copulate with a ewe]etw. decken [Widder: ein weibliches Schaf]
zool. T
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