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English-German translation for: [Rich]
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Dictionary English German: [Rich]

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loaded {adj} [pred.] [coll.] [wealthy, rich]
stinkreich [ugs.]
snowy {adj} {adv} [rich in snow]
diverse {adj} [rich in variety]
poorly {adv} [not rich]
mucous {adj} [rich in mucus]
memorable {adj} [literally: rich in experiences]
filling {adj} [e.g. rich food]wehrsam [regional] [sehr selten] [stark sättigend]
storyful {adj} [rich in anecdotes]anekdotenreich
hist. Croesus [also fig.: rich person]
Krösus {m} [auch fig., oft hum.: reiche Person]
jobs [social worker specialized in helping disabled persons live rich and fulfilling lives]Heilerziehungspfleger {m}
jobs [social worker specialized in helping disabled persons live rich and fulfilling lives] [female]Heilerziehungspflegerin {f}
mineral. blanfordite [iron-rich aegirine-augite variety]Blanfordit {m} [eisenreiche Aegirin-Augit-Varietät]
mineral. grothite [titanite rich in aluminium and iron]Grothit {m} [Al- und Fe-reiche Varietät von Titanit]
mineral. hyalosiderite [olivine rich in iron]Hyalosiderit {m} [ein eisenreicher Olivin]
mineral. phengite [muscovite, rich in Si]Phengit {m} [Si-reicher Muskovit]
mineral. pistomesite [siderite rich in magnesium]Pistomesit {m} [magnesiumreicher Siderit]
2 Words: Others
bot. for. bilberry-rich {adj} [also: blueberry-rich]blaubeerreich
fauna-rich {adj} [rare] [rich in animals]tierreich
filthy rich {adj} [coll.] [exceedingly rich, very rich]unverschämt reich [ugs.] [überaus reich, sehr reich]
electr. tech. gold-rich {adj} [rich in gold]goldreich
2 Words: Nouns
mining (ore) shoot [rich ore body]Erzfall {m} [Erzgangveredelung]
gastr. cream pie [Am.] [type of pie filled with a rich custard or pudding]Sahne-Creme-Torte {f}
sociol. jeunesse dorée [rich and fashionable young people]Jeunesse dorée {f} [geh.]
3 Words: Others
flush (with cash) {adj} [coll.] [rich]gestopft [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [pej.] [wohlhabend]
idiom Stick with him. [e.g. His uncle is stinking rich. Stick with him.]Halt dich an ihn. [z. B. Sein Onkel ist steinreich. Halt dich an ihn.]
3 Words: Nouns
med. Hamman-Rich syndrome <HRS>akute interstitielle Pneumonie {f} <AIP> [Hamman-Rich-Syndrom]
well-heeled people [coll.] [the rich]Betuchte {pl} [ugs.]
4 Words: Verbs
to make a packet (on sth.) [get rich] [Br.] [idiom]sichAkk. (an / mit etw.Dat.) gesundstoßen [ugs.] [oft pej.]
5+ Words: Others
proverb It's better to live rich, than to die rich.Es ist besser, reich zu leben, als reich zu sterben.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F A Lovely Way to Die [David Lowell Rich]Der schnellste Weg zum Jenseits
film F The Black Cauldron [Ted Berman, Richard Rich]Taran und der Zauberkessel
film F Wives and Lovers [John Rich]Ach Liebling ... nicht hier!
film F Zootopia [original title, used in the US] [Byron Howard, Rich Moore]Zoomania
film F Zootropolis [renamed title, used in the UK, some other European countries and the Middle East, original title: Zootopia] [Byron Howard, Rich Moore]Zoomania
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