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English-German translation for: [Roman]
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Dictionary English German: [Roman]

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relig. observant {adj} [practising, obedient] [Jew, Roman Catholic etc.]
praktizierend [Jude, Katholik etc.]
film lit. theatre cardboard {adj} [attr.] [of a fictional character: lacking depth]
flach [pej.] [Roman- oder Filmfigur: oberflächlich (gezeichnet)]
espionage {adj} [attr.] [e.g. activities, mission, network, novel]
Spionage- [z. B. Aktivitäten, Mission, Netzwerk, Roman]
epistolary {adj} [e.g. form, correspondence, style, novel]
Brief- [z. B. Form, Wechsel, Stil, Roman]
hist. plebeian {adj} [of the Roman plebs]
spy {adj} [attr.] [e.g. film, novel, plane, ring, satellite]
Spionage- [z. B. Film, Roman, Flugzeug, Ring, Satellit]
novelistic {adj} [like a novel]romanhaft [wie in einem Roman]
occidental {adj} [of or relating to Greco-Roman culture]okzidental [geh.] [abendländisch]
to revise sth. [e.g. a manuscript, an article, a novel]
etw.Akk. überarbeiten [und verbessern] [z. B. ein Manuskript, einen Artikel, einen Roman]
lit. to adapt sth. [e.g. a novel for the stage or screen]
etw.Akk. bearbeiten [z. B. einen Roman für die Bühne oder den Film]
to pummel sth. [fig.] [novel, film etc.]
etw.Akk. vernichten [fig.] [Roman, Film etc.] [durch Kritiken verreißen]
lit. to novelize sth.das Buch zu etw. schreiben [z. B. einen Roman zu einer Filmvorlage]
film lit. figure [personality, character in a novel etc.]
Gestalt {f} [Person, Persönlichkeit, Figur in einem Roman etc.]
film [film based on a novel]
Literaturverfilmung {f} [Film, der auf einem Roman basiert]
hist. pol. electorate [territory of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire]
Kurfürstentum {n}
lit. novel
Prosawerk {n} [Roman]
comics film lit. fantasy
Fantasy {f} [Comic-, Roman-, Filmgattung]
relig. Mick [esp. Aus.] [pej.] [Roman Catholic]
Katholik {m}
archi. pediment [in Roman or Renaissance style]
Ziergiebel {m}
lit. personage [character in a play, novel]
Figur {f} [in einem Roman, Stück]
hist. mil. century [in the ancient Roman army]
Zenturie {f}
hist. publican [Roman history]
Steuereinnehmer {m}
geogr. Asia [Roman province]
Asia {n} [römische Provinz]
hist. mil. cohort [division of Roman army]
Kohorte {f}
relig. dignitary [of the Roman Catholic Church]
Dignitar {m}
ethn. hist. Frisii [Roman period ancestors of the modern-day ethnic Frisians]
Friesen {pl} [in römischer Zeit]
hist. archchancellor [of the Holy Roman Empire]
Erzkanzler {m} [des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
lit. theatre structure [drama, novel]
Anlage {f} [Drama, Roman]
century [a company of a hundred men of the ancient Roman army]
Hundertschaft {f} [100 Mann starke Truppe des römischen Reiches]
hist. publican [Roman history]
Steuerpächter {m}
admin. hist. [constitution of the (late) Holy Roman Empire]Reichskonstitution {f} [Verfassungsordnung des (späten) Heiligen Römischen Reichs]
quote [pensioner democracy, political slogan (2008) by Roman Herzog, former president of Germany]Rentnerdemokratie {f} [Roman Herzog]
hist. pol. [political representatives of the estates of the realm in the Roman-German Empire]Landstände {pl}
admin. hist. [prince with the authority to convene the states in his circle] [Holy Roman Empire]kreisausschreibender Fürst {m} [Heiliges Römisches Reich]
hist. [principality within the Holy Roman Empire with an elected rather than hereditary prince]Wahlstaat {m}
relig. [Title of honour in the Roman Catholic Church and other churches]Geistlicher Rat {m}
hist. Africa [Roman province]Africa {n} [Römische Provinz]
hist. Alb [part of the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire]Alba {f} [Teil der Reichskleinodien des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
lit. arsis [Roman and modern]betonte Silbe {f}
curr. as [Roman coin]As {m} [römische Münze]
myth. relig. Aurora [Roman goddess of the dawn]Aurora {f} [römische Göttin der Morgenröte]
hist. mil. Bonifatius [Roman general] [also: Bonifacius, Boniface]Bonifatius {m} [Römischer Feldherr]
hist. mil. century [in the ancient Roman army]Centurie {f} [Rsv.]
hist. name cognomen [third name under Roman naming conventions]Cognomen {n} [Rsv.] [dritter Namensbestandteil der regulären römischen Namensgebung]
hist. name cognomen [third name under Roman naming conventions]Kognomen {n} [dritter Namensbestandteil der regulären römischen Namensgebung]
constr. hist. theatre cunei {pl} [wedge-shaped blocks of seats in ancient Roman theaters]Zuschauerblöcke {pl} [in antiken römischen Theatern] [Cunei]
constr. hist. theatre cuneus [in ancient Roman theaters]Cuneus {m} [Zuschauerblock, antikes Theater]
hist. curia [Roman]Kurie / Curia {f} [Rom]
hist. spec. Dominate [period of Roman history]Dominat {m} {n}
hist. pol. election [in Holy Roman Empire]Kur {f} [Wahl] [im Heiligen Römischen Reich]
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