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| miniature {adj} [attr.] [e.g. fruit, pinscher, rose, schnauzer, state] | 7 Zwerg- [z. B. Obst, Pinscher, Rose, Schnauzer, Staat] | |
| pink {adj} [colour of a rosé-like wine] | schillerfarben [bes. Wein] | |
| pink {adj} [literally the color of an Austrian rose wine] | schilcherfarben [österr.] | |
Verbs |
| to rose sth. [literary] [make rose coloured, esp. cheeks] | etw.Akk. rosig überhauchen [poet.] [bes. Wangen] | |
| to rose sth. [literary] [make rose-coloured, esp. cheeks] | etw.Akk. rosig färben [bes. Wangen] | |
Nouns |
| Rosenmontag [Rose Monday] [Shrove Monday] [highlight of German carnival] | 13 Rosenmontag {m} | |
| oenol. Schilcher [Austrian rose wine] | 5 Schilcher {m} [österr.] | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. hort. T | | |
| cloth. selburose [Norwegian-style knitted rose pattern] | Selburose {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| rose-cheeked {adj} [Am.] [attr.] [rose-colored cheeks] | mit rosenroten Wangen [nachgestellt] | |
| bot. single-stemmed {adj} | einstielig [z. B. Rose] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| bot. bedeguar gall [rose gall] | Bedeguargalle {f} [Rosengalle] | |
| archi. Catherine window [also: rose window] | Fensterrose {f} | |
| archi. Catherine window [also: rose window] | Rosette {f} | |
| bot. Robin's pincushion [rose (bedeguar) gall] | Rosengalle {f} | |
| hort. jobs rose grower [also: rose-grower] | Rosenzüchter {m} | |
| hort. rose growing [also: rose-growing] | Rosenzucht {f} [das Züchten von Rosen] | |
| mineral. sand rose [desert rose] | Sandrose {f} | |
| oenol. Schiller wine [rosé-like wine] | Schillerwein {m} | |
| gastr. oenol. vin gris [rosé wine] | Weißherbst {m} [Roséwein] | |
| bot. World Rose [coll.] [Hall-of-Fame rose] | Weltrose {f} [höchste Auszeichnung für eine Rose] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hort. rose blooming season [also: rose-blooming season] | Rosenblüte {f} [Zeit der Rosenblüte] | |
| gastr. oenol. rosé wine glass [also: rose wine glass] | Rosé-Glas {n} [Roséweinglas] | |
| math. three-leaved rose <3-leaved rose> [also: three-leaf rose] | Rosenkurve {f} | |
| math. three-leaved rose <3-leaved rose> [also: three-leaf rose] | (gleichseitiges) Kleeblatt {n} [selten] [Rosenkurve] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| gastr. round of thick flank | Blume {f} [Rose, Stück vom Rind] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| quote A rose is a rose is a rose. [commonly known form of a quotation from several works by Gertrude Stein] | Eine Rose ist eine Rose ist eine Rose. | |
| quote Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose. [from the 1913 poem Sacred Emily by Gertrude Stein, first published 1922] | Rose ist eine Rose ist eine Rose ist eine Rose. | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| gastr. pink chaudfroid / chaud-froid sauce | rosa Chaudfroidsauce {f} [Chaud-froid rosé / Sauce chaud-froid rosée] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film lit. F Anna Karenina [novel: Leo Tolstoi, film (1997) Bernard Rose, film (1948) Julien Duvivier] | Anna Karenina | |
| film F Candyman [Bernard Rose] | Candyman's Fluch | |
| mus. F Der Rosenkavalier [also: The Knight of the Rose, The Rose-Bearer] | Der Rosenkavalier [Richard Strauss] | |
| lit. F I Can See You [Karen Rose] | Todesstoß | |
| lit. F Kill For Me [Karen Rose] | Todesspiele | |
| mus. lit. F Little Rose of the Field [also: Rose on the Heath] | Heideröslein [Text: Goethe, Musik: Schubert] | |
| lit. F Merivel: A Man of His Time [Rose Tremain] | Adieu, Sir Merivel | |
| lit. F Music and Silence [Rose Tremain] | Melodie der Stille | |
| film F Paganini: The Devil's Violinist [Bernard Rose] | Der Teufelsgeiger | |
| lit. F Restoration [Rose Tremain] | Des Königs Narr | |
| lit. F Sacred Country [Rose Tremain] | Die Umwandlung | |
| lit. F The Colour [Rose Tremain] | Die Farbe der Träume | |
| lit. F The Gustav Sonata [Rose Tremain] | Und damit fing es an | |
| lit. F The Road Home [Rose Tremain] | Der weite Weg nach Hause | |
| lit. F The Way I Found Her [Rose Tremain] | Wie ich sie fand: Roman aus dem England des siebzehnten Jahrhunderts | |
| lit. F Trespass [Rose Tremain] | Der unausweichliche Tag | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
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