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Dictionary English German: [SS supported]

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hist. [“wellspring of life” or “fountain of life”, SS-supported association during the Third Reich]Lebensborn {m} [von der SS getragener und staatlich geförderter Verein während des 3. Reiches]
backed {adj} {past-p} [supported]unterstützt
constr. strutted {adj} {past-p} [supported]verstrebt
undergirded {adj} {past-p} [supported]gestärkt
stood by {past-p} [supported]beigesprungen
sb. backed [supported]jd. unterstützte
archi. constr. corbeled {adj} {past-p} [Am.] [supported on corbels]auf Kragstücke gesetzt
constr. Langer's girder [arch-supported beam]langerscher Balken {m}
pol. multipartisan {adj} [relating to or supported by multiple political parties]parteiübergreifend
undertheorized {adj} [not adequately supported by theory]theoretisch unzureichend fundiert
to be vindicated [be supported, of a theory]sichAkk. bewahrheiten
pol. independent {adj} [not belonging to or supported by a political party]parteilos [Abgeordnete]
sports supported shoulder stand [also: supported shoulderstand; salamba sarvangasana]gestützter Schulterstand {m} [Yoga]
furn. sawbuck table [Am.] [table supported by X-shaped trestles]Tisch {m} mit Scherenbeinen
to be kept by sb. [financially supported]sichAkk. von jdm. aushalten lassen
to get kept by sb. [financially supported] [idiom]sichAkk. von jdm. aushalten lassen [Redewendung]
hist. mil. Special Action Commando [of the SS]Sondereinsatzkommando {n} [der SS]
hist. mil. Special Action Unit [of the SS]Sondereinsatzkommando {n} [der SS]
hist. Loyalty is my honour. [Br.] [slogan of the SS]Meine Ehre heißt Treue. [Wahlspruch der SS]
hist. My honor is called loyalty. [Am.] [slogan of the SS]Meine Ehre heißt Treue. [Wahlspruch der SS]
hist. mil. hunting unit [Nazi SS (fighter) team put together for special purposes]Jagdverband {m} <JV> [für bestimmte Zwecke zusammengestellte SS-(Kampf) Gruppe]
hist. British Free Corps <BFC> [unit of the Waffen-SS]Britisches Freikorps {n} [Einheit der Waffen-SS]
ling. sharp S [the letter ß in German]scharfes S {n} [ß] [Eszett]
hist. pol. Race and Settlement Main Office [department of the SS]Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt {n} <RuSHA> [eines der Hauptämter der SS]
hist. mil. 29th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Italian) [also known as Italian Legion or Italia, SS-formation of Italian volunteers]29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division {f} der SS (italienische Nr. 1) [auch bekannt als Italienische SS-Legion oder Division Italia, SS-Verband italienischer Freiwilliger]
hist. Reichsführer-SS [SS national leader, Himmler's title]Reichsführer SS {m} [auch: Reichsführer-SS] <RFSS, RfSS>
hist. mil. 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) [SS-formation of Muslim Bosnian volunteers]13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division {f} der SS „Handschar“ (kroatische Nr. 1) [SS-Verband aus muslimischen bosnischen Freiwilligen]
hist. mil. 21st Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Skanderbeg (1st Albanian) [SS-formation of Albanian volunteers]21. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division {f} der SS „Skanderbeg“ (albanische Nr. 1) [SS-Formation albanischer Freiwilliger]
hist. mil. 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne (1st French) [SS-formation of French volunteers]33. Waffen-Grenadier-Division {f} der SS „Charlemagne“ (französische Nr. 1) [SS-Formation französischer Freiwilliger]
hist. mil. 27th SS Volunteer Division Langemarck (1st Flemish) [SS-formation of volunteers of the Flemish ethnic group in Belgium]27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division {f} „Langemarck“ (flämische Nr. 1) [SS-Formation aus Freiwilligen der flämischen Volksgruppe in Belgien]
hist. mil. 29th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS RONA (1st Russian) [RONA stands for Russian National Army of Liberation, Russian volunteer formation of the SS]29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division {f} der SS „RONA“ (russische Nr. 1) [RONA steht für Russische Volksbefreiungsarmee, SS-Verband aus russischen Freiwilligen]
QM Swedish Standard <SS>Schwedische Norm {f} [Abk.: SS]
[the letter ß in German]Eszett {n} [scharfes s]
[the letter ß in German]scharfes s {n} [Eszett]
hist. pol. [contributing member of the SS]Förderndes Mitglied {n} der SS <FMdSS>
Julleuchter [Yule lantern or Nazi SS award]Julleuchter {m}
hist. Reich Leader (of the) SS [SS national leader, Himmler's title]Reichsführer SS {m}
hist. mil. SS men [SS privates]SS-Männer {pl}
hist. Supreme SS and Police Leader [WW II German police and SS commander for occupied territory]Höchster SS- und Polizeiführer {m} <HöSSPF>
hist. SS Main Economic and Administrative Office [also: SS Economic and Administrative Main Office]SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt {n} <SS-WVHA>
hist. mil. SS-Oberschütze [private first class of the Waffen-SS]SS-Oberschütze {m}
hist. mil. SS-Oberführer [rank of the SS between colonel and brigadier general, no english equivalent]SS-Oberführer {m}
hist. Higher SS and Police Leader [personal representative of the Reichsführer-SS in given territories]Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer {m} <HSSPF, HSS-PF, HSSuPF>
hist. mil. SS-Brigadeführer [brigadier general of the SS]SS-Brigadeführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Gruppenführer [major general of the SS]SS-Gruppenführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Hauptscharführer [master sergeant of the SS]SS-Hauptscharführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Mann [private of the Waffen-SS]SS-Mann {m}
hist. mil. SS-Obergruppenführer [lieutenant general of the SS]SS-Obergruppenführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Oberscharführer [technical sergeant of the SS]SS-Oberscharführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Obersturmbannführer [lieutenant colonel of the SS]SS-Obersturmbannführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Obersturmführer [first lieutenant of the SS]SS-Obersturmführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Rottenführer [corporal of the Waffen-SS]SS-Rottenführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Scharführer [staff sergeant of the SS]SS-Scharführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Schütze [private of the Waffen-SS]SS-Schütze {m}
hist. mil. SS-Sturmscharführer [sergeant major of the SS]SS-Sturmscharführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Untersturmführer [second lieutenant of the SS]SS-Untersturmführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Hauptsturmführer [captain of the SS]SS-Hauptsturmführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Oberstgruppenführer [general of the SS]SS-Oberstgruppenführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Standartenführer [colonel of the SS]SS-Standartenführer {m}
hist. SS-Sturmbannführer [Major of the SS]SS-Sturmbannführer {m}
hist. mil. SS-Unterscharführer [sergeant of the SS]SS-Unterscharführer {m}
hist. SS and Police Leader [commander of large units of the SS, Gestapo and of regular German police in a given territory during and prior to WW II]SS- und Polizeiführer {m} <SSPF>
hist. mil. Waffen-SS [the military part of the SS, an independent part of the military forces of the Third Reich]Waffen-SS {f}
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