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English-German translation for: [Sandwich]
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Dictionary English German: [Sandwich]

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gastr. sub [Am.] [coll.] [sandwich]
Jumbosandwich {n} {m}
gastr. ploughman [Br.]
[Sandwich mit Pickle, Käse und Salat]
gastr. sub [Am.] [coll.] [submarine sandwich]
[längliches Sandwich]
gastr. submarine [Am.] [coll.] [sandwich]
Jumbosandwich {n} {m}
gastr. slider [small sandwich]
Slider {m}
gastr. footlong [coll.]
[Sandwich oder Hot Dog, ca. 30 cm lang]
gastr. [leftover sandwich brought home from an outing or from work]Hasenbrot {n} [ugs.] [veraltend]
math. [two carabinieri theorem, two militsioner theorem, two gendarmes theorem, double-sided theorem, two policemen and a drunk theorem; regional expressions for the squeeze / sandwich theorem]Sandwich-Satz {m} [Satz von den zwei Polizisten]
gastr. doubles {sg}[Sandwich an Imbiss-Ständen in Trinidad und Tobago]
gastr. hero [Am.] [regional] [sandwich]belegtes Baguette {n}
gastr. piece [Scot.: sandwich]Sandwich {n} {m}
gastr. toastie [Br.]getoastetes Sandwich {n} [auch {m}: getoasteter Sandwich]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. BELT sandwich [Am.] [B.E.L.T. sandwich] [bacon, lettuce, tomato, scrambled eggs][Sandwich mit Streifen von gegrilltem Speck, Salat, Tomate, Rührei]
gastr. BLAT sandwich [Am.] [B.L.A.T. sandwich] [bacon, lettuce, avocado, tomato][Sandwich mit Streifen von gegrilltem Speck, Salat, Avocado, Tomate]
hist. Cinque Ports {pl}Cinque Ports {pl} [südengl. Städtebund: Hastings, Romney, Hythe, Dover und Sandwich]
gastr. club sandwichClub-Sandwich {n} [auch Club Sandwich, Clubsandwich]
gastr. deli knife [sandwich knife]Sandwichmesser {n}
tech. layered structure [sandwich structure]Mehrschichtenaufbau {m}
gastr. lox sandwich [Am.] [smoked salmon sandwich]Sandwich {n} {m} mit Räucherlachs
Lucky Pierre [sex practice]Lucky Pierre {m} [Sexpraktik "French Sandwich"]
gastr. muffaletta sandwich [muffuletta sandwich]Muffuletta-Sandwich {n} {m}
gastr. Nutter Butter [Nabisco brand peanut-shaped sandwich cookie][Erdnussbutterkeks der Marke Nabisco]
math. pinching theorem [sandwich theorem]Quetschkriterium {n} [Einschnürungssatz]
gastr. poor boy [Am.] [less frequent than: po'boy]Poor-boy-Sandwich {m} {n} [Po'boy-Sandwich]
tech. sandwich plateZwischenplatte {f} [Sandwich-Platte]
math. sandwich rule [squeeze theorem]Sandwichregel {f} [auch: Sandwich-Regel]
tech. sandwich structureSandwichstruktur {f} [auch: Sandwich-Struktur]
math. sandwich theorem [sandwich lemma]Satz {m} von den zwei Polizisten [auch: Satz der Polizisten] [selten]
constr. sandwich wallSandwichwand {f} [auch: Sandwich-Wand]
gastr. sausage sandwich [Br.] [grilled / fried sausage between two slices of bread][mit Bratwurst gefüllte Sandwich-Schnitten]
math. squeeze lemmaEinschnürungslemma {n} [selten] [Sandwich-Lemma]
gastr. sub shop [coll.] [Am.] [sandwich shop]Sandwichladen {m}
4 Words: Nouns
gastr. sliced (German) sausage sandwich [German-style bologna sandwich]zusammengeklapptes Wurstbrot {n} [z. B. als Pausenbrot]
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