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Partial Matches |
| astronau satellite bus [spacecraft bus] | Satellitenbus {m} [Satellitenplattform oder Service-Modul] | |
| archi. quadratic module | quadratischer Modul {m} [auch {n}: quadratisches Modul] | |
| tech. gripper arm module | Greifarmmodul {n} [auch: Greifarm-Modul] | |
| math. irreducible module [simple module] | irreduzibler Modul {m} [einfacher Modul] | |
| to plug in [e.g. module] | aufstecken [z. B. Modul, Karte, Steckanschluss] | |
| comp. to dispatch [SAP term] | einplanen [SAP-Terminus, Modul RM-PPS] | |
| comp. to schedule [SAP term] | einplanen [SAP-Terminus, Modul BS-DS] | |
| repeated sickness [SAP term] | Mehrfacherkrankung {f} [SAP-Terminus, Modul HR] | |
| comp. to dispatch [SAP term] | einlasten [SAP-Terminus, Modul PP] | |
| math. factor module [algebra] | Faktormodul {m} [auch: Faktor-Modul] [Algebra] | |
| comp. allocation table [SAP term] | Aufteiler {m} [SAP, Modul - IS-R-ONLINE] | |
| audio comp. Bluetooth® module | Bluetoothmodul {n} [auch: Bluetooth-Modul] [Bluetooth®] | |
| math. semisimple {adj} [module, ring] | halbeinfach [Modul, Ring] | |
| left {adj} [e.g. arrow, click, liberalism, module, rotation, turn] | Links- [z. B. Pfeil, Klick, Liberalismus, Modul, Rotation, Kurve] | |
| comp. fin. bank direct debiting procedure [also SAP, module FI] | Bankabbuchungsverfahren {n} [auch SAP, Modul FI] | |
| comp. fin. bank collection procedure [also SAP, module FI] | Bankeinzugsverfahren {n} [auch SAP, Modul FI] | |
| comp. defect origin [SAP, module QM] | Fehlerverursacher {m} [SAP, Modul QM] | |
| comp. failure origin [SAP, module RM-QSS] | Fehlerverursacher {m} [SAP, Modul RM-QSS] | |
| FoodInd. gastr. breakfast delivery service [home or office service, not room service] | Frühstücksservice {m} [geliefertes Frühstück] | |
| house-to-house {adj} [e.g. service] | Haus-zu-Haus- [z. B. Service] | |
| first call | Erstkontakt {m} [Ein Telefonanruf von einem Anwender am Service Desk. Ein Anruf kann zu einer Erfassung eines Incident oder eines Service Request führen] | |
| mil. battle star [Am.] [also service star, campaign star, or engagement star, issued for participation of US Navy vessels in military actions] | [auch service star, campaign star, oder engagement star, Kampfauszeichnung der US Navy für Marinefahrzeuge für deren Teilnahme an militärischen Kampagnen] | |
| mil. campaign star [Am.] [also battle star, service star, or engagement star, issued for participation of US Navy vessels in military actions] | [auch battle star, service star, oder engagement star, Kampfauszeichnung der US Navy für Marinefahrzeuge für deren Teilnahme an militärischen Kampagnen] | |
| mil. engagement star [Am.] [also battle star, service star, or campaign star, issued for participation of US Navy vessels in military actions] | [auch battle star, service star, oder campaign star, Kampfauszeichnung der US Navy für Marinefahrzeuge für deren Teilnahme an militärischen Kampagnen] | |
| jobs attendance [service] | Dienstleistung {f} | |
| relig. liturgy [service] | Gottesdienst {m} | |
| maintenance [service] | Wartung {f} | |
| [pertaining to service law] {adj} | dienstrechtlich | |
| to maintain [service] | betreuen [warten] | |
| relig. commemoration [church service] | Gedenkgottesdienst {m} | |
| garage [service station] | Autoreparaturwerkstatt {f} | |
| instructions {pl} [service instructions] | Dienstanweisung {f} | |
| jobs internship [civil service] | Referendariat {n} | |
| life [service life] | Betriebsdauer {f} | |
| admin. regulations {pl} [service instructions] | Dienstanweisung {f} | |
| gastr. service [table service] | Tafelservice {n} | |
| relig. service [worship service] | Gottesdienst {m} | |
| relig. worship [worship service] | Gottesdienst {m} | |
| accommodation service | Zimmernachweis {m} [Service] | |
| accommodation service | Zimmervermittlung {f} [Service] | |
| jobs employment service | Arbeitsvermittlung {f} [Service] | |
| relig. Morning Prayer [service] | Morgengottesdienst {m} | |
| jobs placing service | Arbeitsvermittlung {f} [Service] | |
| gastr. buffet {adj} [attr.] [self-service] | Selbstbedienungs- | |
| cancelable {adj} [Am.] [subscription, service] | abbestellbar | |
| mil. pol. intelligence {adj} [attr.] [service etc.] | nachrichtendienstlich | |
| contractor [service provider] | Dienstleister {m} [Auftragnehmer] | |
| customer [of a service] | Bezieher {m} | |
| operative [secret service] | Agent {m} [Geheimdienst] | |
| aviat. ramp [airplane service area] | Flugvorfeld {n} | |
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