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English-German translation for: [Skala]
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Dictionary English German: [Skala]

Translation 1 - 27 of 27

self-rating {adj}Selbstbeurteilungs- [z. B. Prozess, Vorgang, Skala]
self-rating {adj}Selbsteinschätzungs- [z. B. Prozess, Skala]
gamut [fig.] [range]
Bandbreite {f} [fig.] [Skala]
nucl. incident [INES]
Störfall {m} [INES-Skala]
anomaly [INES]
Störung {f} [INES-Skala]
psych. self-assessment scaleSelbstbeurteilungsskala {f} [Selbstbeurteilungs-Skala]
tech. dialSkalenblatt {n} [Skala]
tech. (graduated) dialSkalenscheibe {f} [Skala]
scale markTeilstrich {m} [einer Skala]
audio pitch [mel scale]Tonheit {f} [Mel-Skala]
accident with local consequences [INES]Unfall {m} [INES-Skala]
2 Words
serious incident [INES]ernster Störfall {m} [INES-Skala]
accident with wider consequences [INES]ernster Unfall {m} [INES-Skala]
major accident [INES]katastrophaler Unfall {m} [INES-Skala]
med. expanded disability status scale <EDSS>Kurtzke-Skala {f} [EDSS-Skala]
med. numeric rating scale <NRS> [also: numerical rating scale]numerische Ratingskala {f} <NRS> [auch: numerische Rating-Skala]
serious accident [INES]schwerer Unfall {m} [INES-Skala]
med. psych. [rating scale with smiley faces as symbolic labels]symbolische Ratingskala {f} [auch: symbolische Rating-Skala]
3 Words
California F-scaleCalifornia-F-Skala {f} [Faschismus-Skala]
4 Words
med. Type 2: Sausage-shaped but lumpy [Bristol Stool Chart / Scale]Typ 2: Wurstartig, klumpig [Bristol-Stuhlformen-Skala]
5+ Words
med. Type 1: Separate hard lumps, like nuts (hard to pass) [Bristol Stool Chart / Scale]Typ 1: Einzelne, feste Kügelchen, schwer auszuscheiden [Bristol-Stuhlformen-Skala]
med. Type 3: Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface [Bristol Stool Chart / Scale]Typ 3: Wurstartig mit rissiger Oberfläche [Bristol-Stuhlformen-Skala]
med. Type 4: Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft [Bristol Stool Chart / Scale]Typ 4: Wurstartig mit glatter Oberfläche [Bristol-Stuhlformen-Skala]
med. Type 5: Soft blobs with clear-cut edges (passed easily) [Bristol Stool Chart / Scale]Typ 5: Einzelne weiche, glattrandige Klümpchen, leicht auszuscheiden [Bristol-Stuhlformen-Skala]
med. Type 6: Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stool [Bristol Stool Chart / Scale]Typ 6: Einzelne weiche Klümpchen mit unregelmäßigem Rand [Bristol-Stuhlformen-Skala]
med. Type 7: Watery, no solid pieces; entirely liquid [Bristol Stool Chart / Scale]Typ 7: Flüssig, ohne feste Bestandteile [Bristol-Stuhlformen-Skala]
deviation (no safety significance) [INES]Ereignis {n} ohne oder mit geringer sicherheitstechnischer Bedeutung [INES-Skala]
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