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| |
| asocial {adj} [anti-social] | 43 asozial | |
| normalized {adj} [conforming to a social norm or standard] | 43 standesgemäß | |
| econ. jobs sociol. [of or relating to the social partnership] {adj} | 21 sozialpartnerschaftlich | |
| standardized {adj} [brought into conformity with a social standard] | 18 standesgemäß | |
| déclassée {adj} [rare.: of a woman, having lost social standing] | 5 heruntergekommen [ugs.] | |
| damaged {adj} [by social factors] [people] | milieugeschädigt | |
| déclassée {adj} [rare.: of a woman who has lost social status] | sozial abgesunken | |
Verbs |
| pol. sociol. to overthrow sth. [e.g. the social order] | 320 etw.Akk. umstürzen [gewaltsam ändern oder beseitigen, z. B. die Gesellschaftsordnung] | |
| Internet to friend sb. [on a social networking site] | 31 jdn. adden [Jargon] [dem Verzeichnis der Freunde hinzufügen] | |
| to deplatform sb. | jdn. von einer Plattform ausschließen [bes. Social Media] | |
| to obtain sth. [esp. knowledge, social standing etc.] | sichDat. etw.Akk. erwerben [Wissen, Reputation etc.] | |
| Internet to trend [attract interest] | auf Interesse stoßen [bes. in Social Media] | |
Nouns |
| welfare [esp. Am.] [social security] | 1341 Sozialhilfe {f} | |
| fin. benefits {pl} [social benefits] | 761 Unterstützung {f} [Sozialleistung] | |
| party [social gathering] | 472 Party {f} | |
| rung [of a ladder] [also fig.: of the social ladder, of the career ladder] | 455 Sprosse {f} [einer Leiter] [auch fig.: der sozialen Leiter, der Karriereleiter] | |
| party [social gathering] | 350 Feier {f} [Party, Fest] | |
| drinks {pl} [social gathering] | 201 Umtrunk {m} | |
| benefit [social etc.] | 161 Leistung {f} [einer Versicherung, sozial] | |
| isolation [social, political] | 137 Ausgrenzung {f} | |
| sociol. degree [archaic] [social rank] | 129 Stand {m} [Gesellschaftsstand] | |
| benefit [Br.] [social security b.] | 128 Sozialhilfe {f} | |
| commerce [dated] [social dealings] | 128 Umgang {m} [gesellschaftlich] | |
| admin. fin. benefits {pl} [social benefits etc.] | 96 Beihilfe {f} | |
| party [social event] | 94 Gesellschaft {f} | |
| conditions [social, economic] | 85 Gegebenheiten {pl} | |
| pretensions [social, cultural, etc.] | 74 Ambitionen {pl} | |
| fin. entitlement [for social benefits etc.] | 68 Bezugsrecht {n} | |
| restraints [economic, social, etc.] | 65 Zwänge {pl} [ökonomische, gesellschaftliche etc.] | |
| escort [at social event] | 61 Begleitung {f} | |
| mixer [Am.] [social event] | 54 Kennenlernparty {f} | |
| parties [social gatherings] | 54 Partys {pl} | |
| pol. sociol. participation [of any social group] | 43 Mitbestimmung {f} [dieser oder jener gesellschaftlichen Gruppe] | |
| [geography, geology, biology, social science and history of a province] | 42 Landeskunde {f} | |
| bee [social gathering for a specific purpose] [chiefly Am.] | 34 Arbeitskreis {m} | |
| sphere [field of activity, social world] | 34 Lebensbereich {m} | |
| sociol. class [social class] | 33 Gesellschaftsschicht {f} | |
| provider [of a social service, institution] | 33 Träger {m} [einer sozialen Einrichtung] | |
| welfare [esp. Am.] [social welfare] | 29 Stütze {f} [ugs.] [Sozialhilfe] | |
| sociol. station [dated] [social rank or position] | 26 Stand {m} [soziale Stellung] | |
| law [German social welfare Law for asylum seekers] | 25 Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz {n} | |
| econ. [competition between countries in a globalised world to reduce wages, company taxes and social security payments] | 24 Dumpingwettlauf {m} [ugs.] | |
| hist. jobs almoner [Br.] [today: medical social worker] | 24 Fürsorger {m} [im Krankenhaus] | |
| admin. sociol. beneficiary [social help] | 23 Hilfsempfänger {m} | |
| pol. distemper [esp. political or social] | 22 Unruhe {f} [politisch oder sozial] | |
| hist. pol. [ceremony in which teenagers are given adult social status, esp. in the former GDR] | 18 Jugendweihe {f} | |
| escort [at social event, on a journey etc.] | 17 Begleitperson {f} | |
| debutante [girl or young woman regarded as being upper-class and of a frivolous social set] | 12 [leichtlebige junge Frau der Oberklasse, vermögendes Partygirl] | |
| nobility [as a social class] | 12 Adelsschicht {f} | |
| pol. [German Social Democratic Party youth organisation members] | 10 Jusos {pl} [Jungsozialistinnen und Jungsozialisten der SPD] | |
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