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English-German translation for: [South]
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Dictionary English German: [South]

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theirselves {pron} [Chiefly Southern & South Midland U.S.]
theirselves {pron} [esp. Southern & South Midland U.S.]
selber [meist ugs.] [selbst]
[acronym for Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH) and South Tyrol (S)]DACHS [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und Südtirol]
ling. [German as spoken in Germany, not including South Germany] {adj}piefkinesisch [österr.] [ugs.] [pej.]
[German as spoken in Germany, not including South Germany] {adj}piefkonisch [österr.] [ugs.] [bundesdeutsch]
geogr. Capetonian {adj} [from Cape Town (South Africa)]aus Kapstadt [nachgestellt]
gastr. spaetzle [type of South German pasta dish]
Spätzle {pl}
urban township [in South Africa]
Township {f} [von Farbigen bewohnte städtische Siedlung]
gastr. coke [Am.] [esp. South] [any soft drink]
Limonade {f} [Softdrink]
hist. carpetbagger [pej.] [USA: term Southerners gave to Northerners who moved to the South during the Reconstruction era]
Carpetbagger {m} [pej.] [USA: Nordstaatler, der nach dem Sezessionskrieg in den unterlegenen Süden kam, Art "Glücksritter"]
pol. [recruitment agreements between Germany and Turkey and other South European countries during the Wirtschaftswunder (in force from 1955 to 1973)]
Anwerbeabkommen {n}
hist. [terrorists in Trentino-South Tyrol in 1961]
Bumser {pl} [österr.]
naut. proa [canoe-like boats used in the South Pacific, esp. one with an outrigger and sails]
Prau {f} [malayisches Segelboot]
gastr. [a type of bacon associated with south Tyrolean cuisine]Südtiroler Speck {m}
geogr. [Austrian region south-east of the Inn river]Innviertel {n}
zool. T
ling. [line formed by the River Main roughly dividing North and South Germany]Mainlinie {f}
myth. [South German and Austrian legendary creature, lit. Night Raven]Nachtkrabb {m}
myth. [South German and Austrian legendary creature, lit. Night Raven]Nachtkrapp {m}
meteo. [storm in the northern Alps arriving from the south]Föhnsturm {m}
for. jobs chicleros [South Americans who collect chicle]Chicleros {pl}
for. jobs chicleros [South Americans who collect chicle]Gummizapfer {pl} [auch: Gummi-Zapfer] [Chicleros]
zool. cria [South American camelid baby]Cria {n} [Junges von südamerikanischen Kamelen]
dothead [sl.] [pej.] [person from South Asia][wörtlich: Punktkopf, Schimpfwort gegen einen Südasiaten]
geogr. Edinburg [name of various places, e.g. in the U.S., South Africa]Edinburg {n} [Name verschiedener Orte, z. B. in den USA, Südafrika]
geogr. Gauteng [South African province]Gauteng {n} [südafrikanische Provinz]
geogr. Georgia <GA> [Peach State, Empire State of the South]Georgia {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
ethn. Guaraní [South American people]Guaraní {pl}
geogr. Gurten [small mountain just to the south of Bern]Gurten {m}
cloth. ethn. hanbok [traditional Korean dress, South Korea]Hanbok {n} {m} [traditionelle Tracht, Südkorea]
hijra [South Asian intersexual]Hijra {f} [auch {m}]
hijras [South Asian intersexuals]Hijra {pl}
ethn. hist. Hottentotten [name used from Europeans during the colonial time for some tribes in Namibia and South Africa]Hottentotten {pl} [Bezeichnung der Europäer für einige Stämme in Namibia und Südafrika während der Kolonialzeit]
ethn. Indian [Central or South American]Indio {m}
ethn. Indian [female Central or South American native]Indiofrau {f}
ethn. Indians [Central or South American]Indios {pl}
oenol. jerepigo [South African dessert wine]Jerepigo {m} [südafrikanischer Dessertwein]
geogr. karoo [also: Karoo] [semi-desert natural region of South Africa]Karoo {f} [Halbwüste]
geogr. karroo [also: Karroo] [semi-desert natural region of South Africa]Karroo {f} [Halbwüste]
geogr. KwaDukuza [official name since 2006] [also known as Stanger, South Africa]Stanger {n} [früherer, aber ugs. noch üblicher Name für KwaDukuza, Südafrika]
geogr. meteo. libeccio [westerly or south-westerly Mediterranean wind]Libeccio {m} [westlicher oder südwestlicher Wind im Mittelmeer]
cloth. ethn. moocha [loincloth (made of animals' tails or strips of animal skin) worn by native peoples of South Africa]Moocha {f} [Lendentuch]
RadioTV Ö2 [radio service for Austria and South Tyrol, Italy, aired by the ORF]Österreich 2 {m} <Ö2>
RadioTV Ö2 [radio service for Austria and South Tyrol, Italy, aired by the ORF]Österreich Regional {m} <ÖR> [veraltet] [Österreich 2]
geogr. pampa [South American plain]Pampa {f} [Grasland in Südamerika]
naut. prahu [canoe-like boats used in the South Pacific, esp. one with an outrigger and sails]Prau {f} [malayisches Segelboot]
naut. prahus [canoe-like boats used in the South Pacific, esp. one with an outrigger and sails]Praue {pl} [malayische Segelboote]
naut. praus [canoe-like boats used in the South Pacific, esp. one with an outrigger and sails]Praue {pl} [malayische Segelboote]
naut. proas [canoe-like boats used in the South Pacific, esp. one with an outrigger and sails]Praue {pl} [malayische Segelboote]
sandlappers [coll.] [sometimes pej.] [South Carolinians][Spitzname für Menschen aus South Carolina, USA]
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