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English-German translation for: [Soviet]
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Dictionary English German: [Soviet]

Translation 1 - 26 of 26

English German
admin. oblast [administrative area in Russia and the former Soviet Union]
Oblast {f} [auch {m}]
hist. pol. KGB [Committee for State Security; former Soviet secret service]
KGB {n} {m} [Komitee für Staatssicherheit beim Ministerrat der UdSSR; ehem. sowjetischer Geheimdienst]
geogr. hist. pol. [coll. , often pej., West German term for Germany's Soviet Occupation Zone, and then the GDR]Zone {f} [ugs.] [bundesd.] [kurz für: Sowjetische Besatzungszone (SBZ), später auch pej. für: DDR]
geogr. hist. pol. [coll. , often pej.: West German term for Germany's Soviet Occupation Zone, and then the GDR]Ostzone {f} [ugs.] [bundesd.] [kurz für: Sowjetische Besatzungszone (SBZ), später auch pej. für: DDR]
hist. [German prisoner of war in Soviet Union]Plenni {m} [ugs.]
weapons [NPA of the former GDR, man-portable soviet-built recoilless antitank rocket launcher]Panzerbüchse {f} <RPG>
hist. [pejorative nickname for a Russian or Soviet soldier and the Red Army]Iwan {m} [veraltet] [pej.]
[Soviet prisoner-of-war camp not allowing contact with home]Schweigelager {n}
mil. [WWII, German nickname of the Soviet submachine gun PPSh 41]Balalaika {f} [ugs.] [2. WK, Spitzname der sowjetischen MPi PPSh 41]
astron. astronau cosmodrome [spaceport, esp. in Russia or former Soviet Union]Raumflughafen {m} [Weltraumbahnhof]
med. feldsher [health care professional in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union]Feldscher {m} [medizinische Hilfskraft in der Sowjetunion und im heutigen Russland]
hist. kolkhoznik [worker on a Soviet collective farm]Kolchosbauer {m}
hist. kolkhozniki [workers on a Soviet collective farm]Kolchosbauern {pl}
hist. kolkhozniks [workers on a Soviet collective farm]Kolchosbauern {pl}
militsiya [Soviet police]Miliz {f}
hist. pol. Orgburo [Organizational Bureau, Soviet Union]Orgbüro {n} [Organisationsbüro, Sowjetunion]
hist. refusenik [Soviet Jew who was denied permission to emigrate]Refusenik {m} [sowjetischer Jude, dem die Ausreise verweigert wurde]
admin. hist. USIA [Administration for Soviet Property in Austria]USIA {f} [Verwaltung des sowjetischen Eigentums in Österreich]
2 Words
hist. mil. Dead Hand [also: perimeter; a Cold-War-era nuclear-control system used by the Soviet Union]Tote Hand {f} [Nuklearwaffenpolitik]
hist. pol. eastern policy [toward the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe]Ostpolitik {f}
geogr. hist. Volga Republic [Volga German Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic]Wolgarepublik {f} [Autonome Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik der Wolgadeutschen]
3 Words
hist. mil. Day of Liberation [end of World War II on 8 May, or 9 May (the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries only)]Tag {m} der Befreiung [8. Mai 1945]
hist. mil. weapons Stalin's organ pipes [Soviet rocket launcher]Stalinorgel {f} [sowjetischer Raketenwerfer]
geogr. hist. Volga German Republic [Volga German Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic]Wolgadeutsche Republik {f} [Autonome Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik der Wolgadeutschen]
4 Words
hist. mil. pol. League of German Officers [association of German officers in Soviet war captivity]Bund {m} Deutscher Offiziere <BDO>
5+ Words
hist. pol. State Committee on the State of Emergency [Soviet Union] <SCSE>Staatskomitee {n} für den Ausnahmezustand [Sowjetunion]
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