| English | German | |
| ambagious {adj} | 908 gewunden [Sprache] | |
| trenchant {adj} | 515 treffend [Sprache] | |
| purple {adj} [language] | 314 schockierend [Sprache] | |
| sophisticated {adj} [refined, ingenious] | 251 raffiniert [Sprache, Produkt, Technik etc.] | |
| drawling {adj} | 181 affektiert [Sprache] | |
| ling. inflated {adj} [e.g. speech] | 147 geschraubt [fig.] [z. B. Sprache] | |
| halting {adj} [language] | 133 holprig [Sprache] | |
| vivid {adj} | 101 bildhaft [Vorstellung, Beschreibung, Sprache] | |
| scatological {adj} [obscene] [language, humor, joke] [Br. also scatalogical] | 100 obszön [geh.] [unflätig] [Sprache, Humor, Witze] | |
| sign {adj} [attr.] [e.g. language, system] | 81 Zeichen- [z. B. Sprache, System] | |
| solecistic {adj} | 40 fehlerhaft [Sprache, Benehmen] | |
| ling. slangy {adj} | 34 salopp [Ausdruck, Sprache] | |
| honeyed {adj} [fig.] [e.g. speech, voice] | 30 honigsüß [fig.] [z. B. Sprache, Stimme] | |
| refined {adj} [e.g. language] | 27 gewählt [z. B. Sprache] | |
| graphic {adj} [account, description] | 23 plastisch [Schilderung, Sprache] | |
| scatological {adj} [obscene] [language, humor, joke] [Br. also scatalogical] | 19 fäkal [geh.] [obszön] [Sprache, Humor, Witze] | |
| scatological {adj} [obscene] [language, humor, joke] [Br. also scatalogical] | 17 unflätig [geh.] [obszön] [Sprache, Humor, Witze] | |
| ling. monoglot {adj} | 15 einsprachig [nur eine Sprache sprechend] | |
| flatulent {adj} [inflated or pretentious in speech or writing] | 12 aufgebläht [pej.] [Rhetorik, Sprache] | |
| third {adj} [attr.] [e.g. brood, car, copy, country, language] | 12 Dritt- [z. B. Brut, Wagen, Ausfertigung, Staat, Sprache] | |
| biol. ethn. ling. allochthonous {adj} [population, language] | 10 allochthon [Bevölkerungsgruppe, Sprache] | |
| hifalutin {adj} [Am.] [e.g. language] [spv.: highfalutin] | 9 geschwollen [z. B. Sprache] | |
| singsong {adj} [monotonous, of speech] | 7 eintönig [Sprache, Sprechen] | |
| ling. monoglot {adj} | 5 monoglott [nur eine Sprache sprechend] | |
| powerfully pictorial {adj} | bildmächtig [Sprache, Text] | |
| stereotyped {adj} | formelhaft [Sprache, Stil] | |
| well-spoken {adj} | höflich [in Sprache, Wortwahl] | |
| ethn. Comanche {adj} [attr.] | Komantschen- [Sprache, Häuptling, Nation usw.] | |
| most popular {adj} [e.g. most in-demand language] | meistgefragt [z. B. Sprache] | |
| ethn. ling. Shastan {adj} [of or relating to the Shasta people or their language] | Shasta- [bezogen auf den Stamm der Shasta bzw. deren Sprache] | |
| audio ling. mus. tone {adj} [attr.] [e.g. arm, interval, language, poem, syllable] | Ton- [z. B. Arm, Intervall, Sprache, Dichtung, Silbe] | |
| ling. mus. photo. tonal {adj} [e.g. language, quality, separation, value] | Ton- [z. B. Sprache, Qualität, Trennung, Wert] | |
| confident in business discussions {adj} | verhandlungssicher [Sprache] | |
| vernacular {adj} | volksnah [Sprache, Architektur, Musik] | |
| colourful {adj} [Br.] [euphem.] [vulgar or rude (language)] | vulgär [Sprache] | |
Verbs |
| to broach sth. [a subject] | 886 etw. ansprechen [zur Sprache bringen] | |
| to moderate sth. [appetite, anger, language] | 696 etw.Akk. mäßigen [geh.] [Appetit, Zorn, Sprache] | |
| to murder sth. [coll.] [pej.] [spoil: music, a play, a language, etc.] | 327 etw.Akk. verhunzen [ugs.] [pej.] [Musik, ein Theaterstück, eine Sprache etc.] | |
| to translate sth. [into a different language] | 19 etw.Akk. übertragen [geh.] [in eine andere Sprache] | |
| to speak sth. [to be able to speak a language] [e.g. I speak German.] | 6 etw. können [eine Sprache können] [z. B. Ich kann Englisch.] | |
| to let sb./sth. be | jdn./etw. ruhenlassen [auch fig.: etw. nicht zur Sprache bringen] | |
| to let sb./sth. rest | jdn./etw. ruhenlassen [auch fig.: etw. nicht zur Sprache bringen] | |
Nouns |
| ling. Australian | 202 Australisch {n} [Sprache] | |
| ling. pidgin | 163 Kauderwelsch {n} [aus mehreren Sprachen gemischte Sprache] | |
| mutilation [fig.] [e.g. of language] | 134 Vergewaltigung {f} [fig.] [z. B. der Sprache] | |
| scrambling [speech by means of a scrambler] | 90 Verschlüsselung {f} [von Sprache durch Zerhacker] | |
| ... 101 [spoken as "one-oh-one", introductory level, e.g. finance 101] | 49 Einmaleins {n} [+Gen.] ... [fig.] [Grundkenntniskurs, z. B. Einmaleins der deutschen Sprache] | |
| command [fig.] [mastery of sth.] | 24 Beherrschung {f} [einer Sprache, eines Instruments etc.] | |
| ling. pidgin | 23 Pidgin {n} [aus mehreren Sprachen gemischte Sprache] | |
| element [of character, language] | 22 Einschlag {m} [bei Person, Sprache] | |
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