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| relig. Saint {adj} <St., St, S., S> [attr.] [abbr. St. or S. = Am.; abbr. St or S = Br.] | 75 Sankt <St.> [Beispiele: der Sankt / St. Peter, die Sankt / St. Elisabeth, das Sankt / St. Gallen] | |
| [Pilots' cry of victory. St. Horridus was patron saint of fighter pilots.] | 7 Horrido! [Luftwaffe] | |
| [in Hamburg's St. Pauli red-light district ] {adv} | auf dem Kiez [Hamburger Amüsierviertel St. Pauli] | |
| geogr. [pertaining to the Swiss Canton of St. Gallen] {adj} | sankt-gallisch | |
| relig. Bernardine {adj} [pertaining to St. Bernard and Cisterianism] | bernhardinisch | |
Verbs |
| [to pronounce sp and st like the English would; esp. Northern German] | über den spitzen Stein stolpern [Redewendung] | |
Nouns |
| art Hermitage [St. Peterburg] | 23 Eremitage {f} | |
| gastr. [traditional German sweet pastry similar to a gingerbread man, often with a clay pipe, baked for St. Nicholas' Day or St. Martin's Day; literally "bread roll man"] | 10 Weckmann {m} [bes. südd.] | |
| [a type of sausage similar to American hot dogs in flavor but thicker] | Stumpen {m} [schweiz., bes. St. Gallen] [schweizer Brühwurst (Cervelat), ähnlich der Bockwurst] | |
| [companion / helper of St. Nicholas] | Schmutzli {m} [schweiz.] [Krampus, Knecht Ruprecht] | |
| hist. [constitution of St. Pauls Church, Frankfurt] | Paulskirchenverfassung {f} | |
| [female native of the city of St. Gallen / St Gall or of the Swiss canton of St. Gallen / St Gall] | Sankt Gallenerin {f} <St. Gallenerin> [auch: Sankt-Gallenerin] | |
| [female native of the city of St. Gallen / St Gall or of the Swiss canton of St. Gallen / St Gall] | Sankt Gallerin {f} <St. Gallerin> [auch: Sankt-Gallerin] | |
| [January 25, Conversion of St. Paul] | Halbwintertag {m} | |
| FireResc [St. John Accident Assistance, St. John Ambulance Brigade; commonly referred to as "Die Johanniter" in Germany] | Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe {f} e. V. <JUH> [Die Johanniter] | |
| gastr. [traditional German sweet pastry similar to a gingerbread man, often with a clay pipe, baked for St. Nicholas' Day or St. Martin's Day; literally "bread roll man"] | Stutenkerl {m} [Weckmann, Hefemann, Klausenmann, Grättimaa, Grittibänz, Dambedei, Weckbobbe, Krampus] | |
| relig. Borromeans [Sisters of Mercy of St. Borromeo] | Borromäerinnen {pl} | |
| archaeo. cleit [Scot.] [stone storage hut on islands of the St. Kilda archipelago] | Cleit {m} [Steinbau als Speicher auf den Inseln des St.-Kilda-Archipels] | |
| relig. Hospitalers [esp. Am.] [Knights of Malta / Rhodes, Knights of St. John of Jerusalem] | Malteser {pl} | |
| relig. Hospitallers [Knights of Malta / Rhodes, Knights of St. John of Jerusalem] | Malteser {pl} | |
| relig. Martlemass [Br.] [less often] [St. Martin's Day, Martinmas] | Martini {n} [Martinstag] | |
| myth. relig. Rupert [unpleasant sidekick / servant of St. Nicholas] | Rupperich {m} [regional] [Knecht Ruprecht] | |
| urban Stephansplatz [St. Stephen's Square] | Stephansplatz {m} [in Wien, Hamburg etc.] | |
| hist. philos. relig. Victorines [school of St. Victor] | Viktoriner {pl} | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| myth. Black Pete [Dutch: Zwarte Piet] [companion of St. Nicholas] | Zwarte Piet {m} [Niederländisch für: "Schwarzer Peter"] [Helfer des Hl. Nikolaus in den Niederlanden und Belgien] | |
| meteo. cold Sophia [St. Sophia] | kalte Sophie {f} [Wetterheilige, 15. Mai] | |
| bibl. Damascus experience [St. Paul's] | Damaskuserlebnis {n} | |
| archi. relig. spec. Herder Church | Herderkirche {f} [Stadtkirche St. Peter und Paul, Weimar] | |
| meteo. ice saints [usually May 11 to May 13; St. Mamertus, St. Pancras, St. Servatius] | Eisheilige {pl} [11. bis 13. Mai bzw. 15. Mai (kalte Sophie eingeschlossen)] | |
| meteo. relig. Ice Saints [without St. Sophia] | Eismänner {pl} [Eisheilige ohne 'kalte Sophie'] | |
| geogr. Louwala-Clough [Mount St. Helens ] | Mount St. Helens {m} | |
| hist. Milky Way [Way of St. James] | Jakobsstraße {f} | |
| bibl. hist. relig. missionary journey [esp. of St. Paul] | Missionsreise {f} [bes. des hl. Paulus] | |
| archaeo. archi. relig. Pallia Niche [St. Peter's Basilica] | Palliennische {f} | |
| relig. Paulist Fathers <CSP> [Missionary Society of St. Paul] | Paulisten {pl} [Missionspriester vom hl. Paulus] | |
| anat. biol. red fibres [Br.] [type I fibres] | langsame Muskelfasern {pl} [ST- / Typ-I-Fasern] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| relig. (St.) Ambrose's Day [Feast of St. Ambrose] [7 December] | Ambrosiustag {m} [auch: Ambrosius-Tag] [7. Dezember] | |
| med. Barmherzigen Brüder Hospital [Hospital of St. John of God] | Krankenhaus {n} der Barmherzigen Brüder | |
| UWH Cathedral of Trier [Cathedral of St. Peter] | Trierer Dom {m} [Hohe Domkirche St. Peter zu Trier] | |
| mus. Director of Music [St Paul's Cathedral] | Domkapellmeister {m} | |
| relig. Equal-to-apostles [honorific title, e.g. St. Cosmas] | Apostelgleicher {m} | |
| Green Beer Day <GBD> | [St. Patrick's Day: auch Bier wird häufig grün eingefärbt] | |
| hist. mining Holy Ghost Shaft [St. Johann, Austria] | Heilig-Geist-Schacht {m} [St. Johann in Tirol, Österreich] | |
| educ. law Imperial Law School [St. Petersburg] | Kaiserliche Rechtsschule {f} | |
| hist. relig. Nikolaos the Wonderworker [coll.] [Nicholas of Bari, Nicholas of Myra, Santa Claus, St. Nicholas the Wonder-Worker] | (Sankt) Nikolaus {m} [kurz für: Nikolaus von Myra] | |
| Saint Lucia's night [also: St. Lucia's night, St Lucia's night] | Luziennacht {f} [auch: Luciennacht] [Nacht des 13. Dezembers] | |
| meteo. Saint Martin's summer [Br.] [dated] [also: St Martin's summer] | Martinssommer {m} [ugs.] [Nachsommer im November] | |
| meteo. Saint Martin's summer [Br.] [dated] [also: St Martin's summer] | (später) Nachsommer {m} [im November (Martini-Sommer)] | |
| meteo. Saint Martin's summer [Br.] [dated] [also: St Martin's summer] | Martini-Sommer {m} [ugs.] [auch: Martinisommer] [Nachsommer im November] | |
| Saint Valentine's Day [February 14] | St. Valentinstag {m} [14. Februar] [übliche Form; die korrekten Formen „St.-Valentins-Tag“ oder „St.-Valentinstag“ sind nicht üblich] | |
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