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| |
| impossible {adj} [standard, etc.] | 356 unerreichbar | |
| vanilla {adj} [fig.] [plain, conventional] | 144 durchschnittlich [Standard-, konventionell] | |
| somewhen {adv} [some time] [rare, perceived as archaic or non-standard unless used as a stylistic device, esp. in combination with "somewhere" etc.] | 109 irgendwann | |
| unequivocably {adv} [non-standard spv.] [unequivocally] | 106 eindeutig | |
| comm. straight {adj} | 66 gewöhnlich [Standard, ohne Extras] | |
| received {adj} [accepted, standard] | 57 anerkannt | |
| unequivocably {adv} [non-standard spv.] [unequivocally] | 52 unmissverständlich | |
| normalized {adj} [conforming to a social norm or standard] | 43 standesgemäß | |
| standardized {adj} [brought into conformity with a social standard] | 18 standesgemäß | |
| yer {pron} [non-standard: for you] | 14 du | |
| [late (deceased)] {adj} [attr.] [may in German be used colloquially hum. for things that do not exist any longer, besides the standard meaning for persons which is becoming old-fashioned] | seligen Angedenkens [nachgestellt] [ugs. hum.] [einstig, früher] [nicht Personen betreffend] | |
| competent {adj} [of a good standard but not very good] | ganz passabel | |
| irregardless {adv} [non-standard for: regardless] | [wie auch immer] | |
| living {adj} [attr.] [e.g. conditions, environment, processes, situation, standard] | Lebens- [z. B. Umstände, Umfeld, Prozesse, Situation, Standard] | |
| received {adj} [accepted, standard] | allgemein akzeptiert | |
Verbs |
| to square sth. [regulate, adjust] | 64 etw. ausrichten [an Standard anpassen] | |
| to undermine sth. | 34 etw.Akk. aufweichen [Standard etc.] | |
| to survive [pattern, standard etc.] | erhalten bleiben [Vorbild, Verhaltensmuster etc.] | |
Nouns |
| danger [signal word, ANSI standard] | 1257 Gefahr {f} [Signalwort, z. B. verbindlich in techn. Dokumentationen] | |
| QM caution [signal word, ANSI standard] | 1024 Vorsicht {f} [Signalwort, z. B. verbindlich in techn. Dokumentationen] | |
| warning [signal word, ANSI standard] | 560 Warnung {f} [Signalwort, z. B. verbindlich in techn. Dokumentationen] | |
| requirement | 90 Anspruch {m} [Voraussetzung, Standard] | |
| rule [principle, standard] | 89 Richtlinie {f} | |
| condolescence [non-standard] | 58 Anteilnahme {f} | |
| metric [esp. Am.] [standard of measurement] | 47 Kennzahl {f} [Messgröße] | |
| notice [signal word, ANSI standard] | 33 Hinweis {m} [hinweisendes Signalwort, z. B. in techn. Dokumentationen] | |
| anat. med. bicep [non-standard] | 26 Bizeps {m} | |
| knowledge [standard, state of knowledge] | 26 Wissensstand {m} | |
| noncompliance [to a standard] | 19 Nichteinhaltung {f} [einer Norm] | |
| unit radian <rad> [standard unit of angular measure] | 16 Radiant {m} <rad> | |
| quality [high standard] | 13 Format {n} [hohes Niveau] | |
| mil. bannerman [standard-bearer] | 12 Fahnenträger {m} | |
| Bluetooth® [standard for wireless data transmission] | 9 Bluetooth® {m} {n} [Standard zur kabellosen Datenübertragung] | |
| constr. [pre-engineered home, standard design, relatively cheap] | 6 Typenhaus {n} [vorgeplant, standardisiert und preiswert] | |
| noncompliance [to a standard] | 5 Nichterfüllung {f} [einer Norm] | |
| mus. [a standard reference to determine the chronology of J. S. Bach's vocal works composed in Leipzig produced by the musicologist Alfred Dürr (1976)] | Chronologie {f} der Leipziger Vokalwerke | |
| gastr. [standard fresh herbs and roots for soup] | Suppengrün {n} | |
| [standard] | Standart {m} [FALSCH für: Standard] | |
| rail [train of narrow-gauge wagon carrier trucks hauling standard-gauge wagons] | Rollbockzug {m} | |
| philos. pol. biopower [standard transl. of Michel Foucault's term 'biopouvoir'] | Bio-Macht {f} [auch: Biomacht] [nach Michel Foucault] | |
| ling. Bokmål [standard Norwegian] [also spelt Bokmaal] | Bokmål {n} | |
| engin. phys. tech. etalon [fundamental measurement standard] | Maßverkörperung {f} | |
| phys. unit etalon [metrological standard] | Normal {n} [metrologischer Vergleichsgegenstand] | |
| publ. Krünitz [standard 18th/19th-century German encyclopedia] | Krünitz {m} [ugs.] [Oekonomische Encyklopädie] | |
| hist. Oriflamme [battle standard of the King of France] [also: oriflamme] | Oriflamme {f} | |
| square [archaic] [pattern, standard] | Muster {n} [fig.] [Vorbild] | |
| zool. walri [usually hum.] [non-standard] [rare for: walruses] | [humoristische Pluralbildung für: Walrosse] | |
| weight [standard mass] | Gewichtstück {n} | |
| zool. T | | |
| publ. Zedler [standard 18th-century German encyclopedia] | Zedler {m} [ugs.] [Großes Universal-Lexicon] | |
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