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English-German translation for: [Stress]
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Dictionary English German: [Stress]

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engin. tech. multiaxial {adj} [stress]
mehrachsig [Spannung]
ling. spec. oxytone {adj} [with stress on the last syllable]oxytonisch
ling. spec. paroxytone {adj} [with stress on the penultimate syllable]paroxytonisch
ling. spec. proparoxytone {adj} [with stress on the antepenultimate syllable]proparoxytonisch
secondary {adj} [e.g. aim, aspect, character, effect, finding, income, stress]Neben- [z. B. Zweck, Aspekt, Figur, Wirkung, Befund, Verdienst, Akzent]
stressless {adj} [causing no stress]ohne Anstrengung [nachgestellt]
to strain sth. [cause stress to]
etw. strapazieren
to relieve sth. [e.g. stress, tension, anxieties, etc.]
etw. abbauen [z. B. Stress, Spannungen, Ängste usw.]
to stress sb. [put stress on sb.]
jdn. stressen [ugs.]
to tax [stress, strain]
to defuse sth. [fig.] [stress, tension]
etw.Akk. lösen [fig.] [Stress, Anspannung]
strain [force, pressure, also mentally]
Druck {m} [auch im Sinn von Stress]
med. spec. eustress [positive or healthful stress]
Eustress {m}
psych. debriefing [critical incident stress debriefing]
Debriefing {n}
observer [formal role with stress on neutrality]
Beisitzer {m}
ling. accent [stress]Ton {m} [Akzent, Betonung]
psych. spec. adjustment [stress management of organism]Anpassungsleistung {f} [Reaktion des Körpers auf Mangel und Stress]
2 Words: Others
tech. multi-axial {adj} [stress]mehrachsig [Spannung]
remedy for ... [e.g. stress]Rezept gegen / für ... [z. B. Stress, Angst] [fig.]
under stress {adv}unter Druck [auch fig.: unter Stress]
2 Words: Verbs
Unverified to breathe sth. away [stress, fear etc.]etw.Akk. wegatmen [Stress, Angst usw.]
to go crazy [coll.]am Zeiger drehen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [verrückt werden (vor Stress etc.)]
2 Words: Nouns
sports background stress [UEFA term] [psychological stress]Begleitstress {m} [psychische Belastung]
constr. phys. tech. internal stress [residual stress]Eigenspannung {f} [mechanische Spannung]
constr. phys. tech. internal tension [residual stress]Eigenspannung {f} [mechanische Spannung]
psych. primary appraisal <PA> [stress model by Lazarus]Primärbewertung {f} [Stressmodell von Lazarus]
psych. primary appraisal <PA> [stress model by Lazarus]primäre Bewertung {f} [Stressmodell von Lazarus]
ling. secondary accent [less frequent, esp. in modern texts] [secondary stress]Nebenakzent {m}
psych. secondary appraisal <SA> [stress model by Lazarus]Sekundärbewertung {f} [Stressmodell von Lazarus]
psych. secondary appraisal <SA> [stress model by Lazarus]sekundäre Bewertung {f} [Stressmodell von Lazarus]
stress ball [also:anti-stress ball]Stressball {m} [auch: Antistressball]
comp. torture testing [CPU stress testing]Stresstest {m} [Torture-Test]
3 Words: Others
on the rack {adv} [esp. Br.] [suffering from intense stress because of being kept guessing] [idiom](wie) auf die Folter gespannt [Redewendung]
3 Words: Nouns
psych. bomb shell disease [dated] [posttraumatic stress disorder]posttraumatische Belastungsstörung {f} <PTBS>
engin. creep (rupture) behaviour [Br.] [stress-rupture behaviour]Dauerstandverhalten {n}
phys. equivalent tensile stress [von Mises stress]Mises-Vergleichsspannung {f}
psych. re-appraisal / reappraisal [stress model by Lazarus]Neubewertung {f} [Stressmodell von Lazarus]
5+ Words: Verbs
to be all of a doodah [coll.] [excited, nervous, in a state of confusion]völlig durcheinander sein [vor Aufregung, Stress]
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