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English-German translation for: [Switzerland]
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Dictionary English German: [Switzerland]

Translation 1 - 50 of 181  >>

English German
[acronym for Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH) and South Tyrol (S)]DACHS [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und Südtirol]
[Acronym used to represent the dominant states of the German speaking area: Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH)]DACH [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz]
[Acronym used to represent the dominant states of the German speaking area: Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH)]D-A-CH [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz]
[from or concerning Canton Solothurn in Switzerland] {adj}Solothurner
geogr. [pertaining to City of Bern, Switzerland] {adj}Stadtberner [indekl.]
nationwide {adj} {adv} [in Switzerland]schweizweit
[to press one's thumbs / thumb (for sb.)] [literally] [hand gesture in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, etc., meaning to keep one's fingers crossed (for sb.)](jdm.) die / den Daumen halten [ugs.] [Redensart]
gastr. [type of meat loaf found in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland]
Leberkäse {m}
gastr. Bündnerfleisch [air-dried meat produced in the Grisons canton of Switzerland]
Bündnerfleisch {n} [schweiz.]
pol. Bundesrat [upper house of the German or Austrian legislative or the chief executive authority of Switzerland]
Bundesrat {m}
gastr. [bell-shaped culinary apple, grown in Germany and Switzerland]
Glockenapfel {m} [Apfelsorte]
pol. sociol. [diversity in perception between the conservative German-speaking and the liberal French-speaking parts of Switzerland, especially regarding political and social issues]
Röstigraben {m} [schweiz.] [fig.]
[a special type of sledge from Küttigen, Switzerland]Küttiger Frosch {m} [Schlittentyp]
[a Swiss female hailing from one of the founding cantons of Switzerland]Urschweizerin {f}
[a Swiss person hailing from one of the founding cantons of Switzerland]Urschweizer {m}
[a type of traditional love ballad in rural Switzerland and adjacent areas]Kiltlied {n} [schweiz.] [alemannisch]
[administration for vulnerable children and adults in Switzerland]Kindes- und Erwachsenenschutzbehörde {f} <KESB> [Schweiz]
agr. [agricultural cooperative in alpine Switzerland]Alpgenossenschaft {f} [schweiz.]
agr. geogr. [an area of open and sparsely wooded countryside in Germany and Switzerland]Gäulandschaft {f} [südd.] [schweiz.]
ecol. [bag / sack for the collection of recyclable packaging material, e.g. yoghurt pots, tetrapacks, PET bottles in Switzerland]Sammelsack {m} [schweiz.] [Gelber Sack]
admin. [branch of local police department responsible for food safety in Austria, Switzerland]Lebensmittelpolizei {f} [(amtliche) Lebensmittelüberwachung in Österreich und der Schweiz]
[children of immigrant families in Switzerland, originally those of Latin background]Secondos {pl} [schweiz.]
geogr. hist. pol. [collection of persons with citizenship linked to a particular community in Switzerland]Bürgergemeinde {f} [schweiz.]
[daughter of an immigrant family in Switzerland]Seconda {f} [schweiz.] [Einwanderertochter]
electr. Unverified [decree about electric power generation in Switzerland]Mantelerlass {m} [Schweiz]
ethn. geogr. [female citizen of Canton Vaud, Switzerland]Waadtländerin {f}
pol. [female member of cantonal parliament in Switzerland]Großrätin {f} [schweiz.] [weibliches Mitglied des Großrates]
geogr. [female native of Canton Solothurn in Switzerland]Solothurnerin {f}
geogr. [female resident of Canton Obwalden in Switzerland]Obwaldnerin {f}
[German living in Switzerland, considered opportunistic]Gummihals {m} [schweiz.] [pej.]
gastr. unit [half a litre / liter of beer in Switzerland]Chübel {m} [schweiz.] [halber Liter Bier]
gastr. unit [half a litre / liter of beer in Switzerland]Kübel {m} [schweiz.] [halber Liter Bier]
relig. [hymn and prayer book for the German-speaking Catholic dioceses (exc. Switzerland) since 1975]Gotteslob {n} <GL>
admin. Unverified [immigration into Switzerland from EU permitted by a recent treaty guaranteeing freedom of movement]Freizügigkeitszuwanderung {f}
ethn. geogr. [inhabitants of Bellinzona, Switzerland]Bellenzer {pl} [Einwohner von Bellinzona]
law [initiative of the SVP to tighten border controls between Switzerland and the EU]Begrenzungsinitiative {f} [Schweiz] [offizieller Titel: Volksinitiative «Für eine massvolle Zuwanderung»]
[inofficial hyphenated double name used of old by married couples in Switzerland]Allianzname {m}
cloth. [knee-high stockings, worn with the national / traditional costume, e.g. in Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland]Trachtenstrümpfe {pl}
law Unverified [law in Switzerland concerning naturalization procedures]Bürgerrechtsgesetz {n} [Schweiz]
[male citizen of Canton Vaud, Switzerland]Waadtländer {m}
[male member of a folklore club of cowbell ringers in Switzerland]Trychler {m} [schweiz.]
ethn. [male native or inhabitant of Zug, Switzerland]Zuger {m}
pol. [member of a cantonal council in Switzerland] [female]Kantonsrätin {f} [Schweiz]
jobs [members of the civil assistance force which is an alternative to military service in Switzerland]Zivilschützer {pl} [schweiz.]
[native of Canton Solothurn in Switzerland]Solothurner {m}
pol. Unverified [organizing committee of a citizen's referendum in Switzerland]Referendumskomitee {n} [Schweiz]
educ. [professional maturity certificate] [Switzerland]Berufsmaturität {f} <BM> [schweiz.]
admin. law pol. [prudential regulation of the migration movements of people between the EU and Switzerland in accordance with the bilateral accords]Ventilklausel {f} [schweiz.] [Regulierung der Ein- und Rückwanderung von Personen aus dem EU-Raum in die Schweiz]
law med. [public health law in Switzerland concerning epidemic control]Epidemiengesetz {n} [Schweiz]
pol. [socialist youth organisation in Austria and Switzerland]Rote Falken {pl}
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